•Chapter 1/Where it starts•

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•Player's POV

"You should go!" "You should accept this opportunity!" "Yeah you should go!" This is all I hear from my family.

You see, I was picked to be one of the space astronauts on a mission to go to different planets. Of course anyone would accept that in a heartbeat but.. to be fair it's a bit nerve wrecking for me.. I was told that my sister Dum will also join me.

"U-uhh.. isn't it more convenient if I stay here?.. and Dum can go! I mean.. You guys might still need help of some so-" Before I can finish my sentence my father interrupted me. "Player, even if we do need help we can do it ourselves. Why are you so nervous about going anyway?" My father asked. "W-well.." I couldn't construct a sentence.

"Brother Come On! Don't you wanna go to space with me? Hasn't this all been your dream before??" Dum says, tying to convince me. It was my dream, to go to space but.. im afraid.. I've always been bullied and.. being around other people kinda scares me.

"Hun, are you scared you might get bullied again?.." My mom asks. "I- kinda.." I answered. She looked concerned for me. "Player, this is why we enrolled you for Karate Classes remember?" My dad says. "Y-yes but.. I don't wanna hurt anyone either way you know.." I say to him, a bit annoyed. I am pretty good at Karate but.. even then.. I still feel weak.

"Brother, if anyone hurts you I will strangle them for you." Dum says with an ominous aura surrounding her. "N-NO! THATS JUST WRONG..." I exclaimed, clearly concerned why she would do such an extreme act. She giggles. "Hehe, sorry I was just joking!" Dum says. "You better be." I say to her.

After that just happened.. my family kept convincing me to go to that mission for atleast 2 days now.. and it's been getting annoying for me, especially since Dum was an annoying younger sister this was pain already. So I decided to give up and accept my faith.

"Ugh, fine I'll go.." I say, not really in a happy state. "YESSS! THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!" Dum says. "Proud of ya son!" My dad says. I didn't really wanna go but at this point they completely destroyed my breaking point to its limit. "You better get ready soon then! You guys will go in about 1 more day." My mom says optimistically. Dum started getting really excited and hugged me tightly. "EEEEEK! IM SO HAPPY YOU WILL COME WITH ME, BROTHER!" Dum says, happy to know i'll come.

"Y-yes but can you- Uh- Please let go?? Im su-suffocating!" I say, trying to get out of her grasp. "Oops! Sorry.." Dum apologizes. After I let go of her I decided to head to my room. I laid there, thinking what might happen if I join the mission.

What if I get bullied? What if someone hurts or threatens me? What if someone whom I knew before joined and bullied me? What if something bad happens to the ship itself?... These thoughts were whirling around my head as if it's a tornado of thoughts. At some point I started crying.. I was scared. All my life I have been bullied because im smart.. I sometimes wished I wasn't to be honest..

20 minutes later*+

I was crying loudly for at least 20 minutes until I heard someone knocking on my door.. "Brother.. can you please let me in?" Dum says on the other side of the door. "Coming.." I say to her. I wiped my tears using my hands and unlocked my door. Once I unlocked it she was concerned.. She was able to hear me?.. I thought. "Player, I heard you crying.." Dum says. I was kinda shocked she was able to hear from there.. I mean.. I guess I was loud but not that loud that someone can hear me from outside.

"W-wait.. how did you- how did you hear me?.." I asked her, curious how she even heard me cry. "Player, our rooms are kinda right next to each other and your window was open.. I can hear through the window." Dum answered. Alright, self note, lock the window when you cry. I thought. "Oh.." I say, disappointed about myself. "Come on, let's watch some movies to make you feel better.." Dum says, wanting to cheer me up. "A-alright.." I nod in agreement.

We both went to her room. Her room was a bit bigger than mine so it was able to fit a larger TV and more bean bags to sit at so we usually watch movies at her room. "Okay, I'll get us some snacks while ya pick some good movies, remember, GOOD." Dum says. "A-Alright! I will sheesh.." I say to her.

As she left the room I took her remote and opened the TV to find a movie.. eventually I just decided to check what is the most trending since I got tired of finding a movie for us.

10 minutes later*+

She came back with a bunch of snacks in her hands. She brought in got chocolates, chips, popcorn and basically food that I absolutely loved. "O-kay! Now that we got these yummy snacks let's goo!" Dum says, excited on what I picked. "Alright." I say.

The movie was horror which is not my sister's favorite but I kinda like it?.. I guess.. It was about a zombie apocalypse and there were only 3 survivors left of humanity.. One was a doctor, one was a scientist and one was just a regular school boy. It's funny how the regular school boy was the cause of the entire apocalypse.. he didn't mean it apparently. They managed to survive by making a cure in the end.. (I made all of these up- surprised I got a decent end-)

"T-that- I did not like this movie!" Dum whined. "Too bad, you told me to pick for movie night!" I say, proud of myself. She whines to me about how scary it was and that she'll probably get nightmares for weeks thanks to me. I chuckled. "Okay, Okay- Im sorry-" I say while laughing a bit. "Hmp! You better be.." Dum says, ominously looking at me. Silence filled the room for some seconds. We started talking about stuff we liked about the movie afterwards.

That was fun.. I thought. "Sooo.. Did ya have fun?" Dum says. "Nope." I say, sarcastically. "I hate you." Dum says jokingly. We both started laughing for a few minutes until our mom decided it was time for bed.

"Welp, see ya brother!" Dum says, leaving to go to her bathroom. "See ya.." I answered back.

As I got ready for bed I felt a lot better about everything.. maybe this won't be so bad? I thought. After a few minutes of getting ready I jumped on my bed feeling very exhausted. As usual.. the same depressing thoughts came back but.. I didn't lose hope. I will and I mean will be alright.

The next day..*+

As I woke up I already saw Dum packing some of my stuff in a luggage without me even knowing or giving her permission to do so. "Dum what are you doing?.." I asked while rubbing my eyes. "Obviously packing your stuff since you haven't silly!" Dum says. I stood up and told her that I will pack it, she nods in agreement and goes to her own room. This is gonna be a long day.. I thought.

Half of my stuff were already in the luggage apparently so the only things I needed to pack were my clothes. I walked over to my closet and took some of my clothes to pack. The clothes I had mostly were red, black or white. Once I was done packing those I also packed other stuff like my gadgets.

"Time for breakfast!" My mom yells from downstairs. I quickly closed my luggage and headed downstairs to the dining room, my sister was there first apparently since she was done an hour ago. "Player, you're so slow!" Dum says, trying to tease me for being slow at packing. "Hey, it's not my fault that I have so many stuff." I say. "Okay you two, you better eat." My mom says. She hands me a plate with 2 pancakes. "Ooh~ looks good mom!" Dum says, complementing our mom. "Thank you sweetie." My mom says.

While eating our dad was already at work so we don't usually see him until it's nighttime, it's a shame he won't see me anymore after his job since I gotta head over to that mission.

Once we were done eating we had to get ready.. to get ready to go to the Skeld..

•To Be Continued...*+

Okay.. for now this is how it will go.. But don't worry.. next chapter will definitely get more.. PlaTeran vibes.. For now you guys will have Player's start.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this fanfic! If theres any critism or feedbacks you have comment it here:

See you all later and byee!

"Smiling is contagious so smile at someone today!"

•1546 words
- Raven

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