•Chapter 10/Task of Jealousy/Swiping Issues/Strum The Memories•

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A/N: Alright, this book just reached 1K reads.. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCHH AAA!- I did not expect that- Anyways.. for that I made a new twist.. ;))

Also, the story starts after 2 hours because of them getting ready for the day and stuff from the previous chapter, as well as trying to know how to use their tablets.

Summary: Veteran being jelly all over again- some.. new things starting.. and.. flashbacks?

Warning: Cringiness might be experienced cause, this whole book probably is cringy at it's finest anyway-

(Also, one of the scenes are inspired by some aul books as well!)

Veteran's POV

[Current Time: 7:09AM]

"So, what tasks do you have?" I asked Player. Player takes out his tablet and checks. "Oh, my first one is in Medbay, Inspect samples?" Player says. "Alright, let's head there first then let's go to Admin, I have swipe card there." I said. Player nods in agreement. "Okay! Let's go!" Player says.

We both went to MedBay and Player started inspecting each bottle sample to see which one was poisonous for the crew or which one isn't.

As Player was inspecting the samples Captain came in, from what I remembered.. he doesn't have a task in here.. Why would he be here?...

Captain walks over to us or.. to Player specifically..

"Hey Player! What're ya doin?" Captain asks Player. Ugh, can't he just leave us alone for 1 second? God he's annoying.. wait.. what the hell.. I thought. Player looks over to Captain. "Oh, hey Captain! Just uhh.. inspecting these bottle samples." Player says.

I have no idea why but I really don't like Captain, he's just- annoying for me.. especially when I just wanna be alone with Player he just randomly comes out of nowhere like some type of NPC in a game.

"Ooh~ need some help?" Captain asks. "Oh! No I'm-" But before Player finishes his sentence, I interject. "He doesn't need help from you." I said. I quickly realized what I said and apologized.. what's wrong with me today what the heck- I thought.

Captain didn't seem offended tho.. he seemed to enjoy it? Man, people here sure are weird- not that I'm not..
Player sure was confused tho.. great- way to go Veteran.

"O-kay.. anyways.. I don't really think I have a task in here so.. I think I'll go BUT! I have a question for Player before I go." Captain says. "What is it?" Player asks. Captain was for some reason smirking?.. Uhh..

"Wanna hang out later, Player?" Captain asks. For some reason I really did not like the sound of that.. "Well.. I was suppose to hang out with Veteran today.." Player says. "Yeah, so you can't hang out with him." I said, a little bit defensively.

"That's alright, I do still have to do other uhh.. Captain-ny stuff anyway." Captain says. "Alright so uhh.. can ya go now?" I said. I once again, quickly realized what I said and apologized. I need to get a mental help check, or probably a therapist now.. I thought.

"Okay- Well then, See ya Player!" Captain says while walking away. "Bye Captain!" Player says while waving. "Mhm, bye." I said, plainly.

When Captain left, Player went back to do his task.

• Player's POV

Okay.. that entire scenario was- definitely weird..

I got a little bit confused? It seems like they were both fighting in some way?? Okay..

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