•Chapter 9/I'm In Love?/Who and How?/Task Buddies?•

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A/N: Okay, before we start I just wanna say that.. You guys are insane, why is my book getting recognition this much?- I mean, it's lowly made compared to others- Idk, but thank you! :) Anyways..

Summary: Player questioning life, love life (No not the anime xD) ehe, Sad Detective Bro—

Player's POV

[Current Time: 3:02AM]

After the whole fiasco of that.. Bro and Ninja break up thing.. I decided to get my mind off of it and talk to Veteran instead. Sometimes, he makes me forget problems I even had.. I wonder how he even does that but.. I'm happy about that. He never fails to make me happy, I love that about him. I thought. Wait.. Love?.. I thought again.

"Oh! I hear it cookin', See ya Player!" Veteran says. "See you.." I said. He stands up from his sitting position and goes to the kitchen. Once he left I sighed. Love?.. that's impossible. I thought.

Once those thoughts kept appearing I just made a conclusion that I'm just having platonic feelings for him, that's it.

I did not expect to think those so suddenly so it kinda confused me?.. but alright.

Veteran came back with two bowls of.. what's it called again? Ramen? Yeah, Ramen.

He places both of them at the table and sits next to me. Instead of a spoon and fork that was given to me I was given chopsticks? "Soo, do you know how to use chopsticks?" Veteran asks. I didn't know how to use chopsticks.

"Uhh.. no?.." I said. "Alright.. guess I gotta teach ya!" Veteran says. As I said before, I don't like being a bother to someone, it's.. embarrassing and makes me feel extremely shy.. "No! I-I'll just.. get the spoon and forks from the kitchen.." I said.

Veteran didn't seem to like that..

"Are you sure?" Veteran asks. "Yes.. I'm sure.." I said while getting ready to stand up. Veteran sighs and grabs my hand. "Is.. something wrong?" Veteran asks. I kinda.. blushed from that? Just a bit.. "U-UH- no?" I said, although it didn't sound like I was.. it sounded more of a lie.

"I may be an idiot but not that idiotic. I can tell somethin's up, you can tell me." Veteran says. You're.. not an idiot.. maybe loveable but- wait what.. I thought. "It's just- I- I'll.." I stuttered out, It was hard to explain. Veteran once again sighs. "It's alright, if you're uncomfortable it's fine.. I get it." Veteran says.

I completely forgot to even get the cutlery's I need to eat the ramen.

Veteran let go of my hand and started eating his using his chopsticks and I? I went to the kitchen to get my spoon and fork/cutlery.

I headed there, I still had those thoughts in my head.. it's annoying.

I quickly went to the dishwasher and grabbed the cutlery's as fast as I can so I can stop thinking about- whatever the hell I'm thinking about anymore..

I headed back to the Cafeteria and sat next to Veteran. We kinda had an awkward silent for a few minutes.. As those minutes went by I haven't planned on eating the ramen.. I completely forgot it's existence until Veteran reminded me about it.

"So.. are you gonna try it now or?.." Veteran asks. That got me out of thought and I quickly sat up straight. "O-oh! Yeah sorry.." I said. "Mhm, go try it already! I made one for you for a reason y'know!" Veteran says. "Yeah yeah hold on!" I said.

I grabbed my spoon and fork and started eating it.

As I was eating I was debating to myself whether I liked it or not..

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