•Chapter 5/Heated Arguments/Wonder•

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A/N: Before we start I just wanna say thank you for 300+ reads/views on this book!  I appreciate it a lot. Now for the second thing.. Half of you whom follows me really wanted CheeseEgg/Mr. Egg X Mr. Cheese as the ship here.. so in this fanfic, CheeseEgg will become canon at some point. If you do not like this ship and despise it please leave. Now.. Without further a do.. let's go!

Summary: Veteran being mad af and some.. omelette content.

Player's POV

[Current Time: 6:47AM]

After.. I guess a few hours of sleep I wake up in the Cafeteria. I was a little confused for a few seconds until I remembered that I slept there. I was also convered with a yellow blanket. Probably the reason why I didn't freeze to death yesterday- Wait.. I don't remember getting this.. I thought. I was so confused how I got it but.. okay.

I sat up straight and well.. usually you would see the morning light in the morning right? No, In the Skeld.. If it is morning the Cafeteria lights open so it simulates the morning.

I got up and folded the blanket, and placed it on the table. I didn't know whom it was from so I guess I'll ask who owns it later.

As I stood up from my sitting position, I turn around and see.. oh great, Greaser.

Greaser looks at me, annoyed. "Why are you here so early?" Greaser asks. "I slept here.." I said to him. Greaser gives me a confused look. "Why didn't you sleep in your own room?" Greaser asks. I didn't know how to respond.. I can't just say
"Because of the view.".. So.. I lied. "Cause.. I was too tired to go back to my room at the time." I said to him.

"Well great, this morning is already getting ruined thanks to you." Greaser says. I didn't even do anything- "Uhh.. sorry?" I said. He rolled his eyes and walked away from me. Geez.. I thought I broke up with Madison. I jokingly thought.

At some point some of us also woke up and said "Good Morning!" to each other. Some of those who weren't awake yet were Stoner, Bro, Dum and Mr. Cheese. Captain said he'll wake up Stoner, Mr. Egg said he'll wake up Mr. Cheese and Bro and I said I'll wake up Dum.

We all headed to their rooms. Since- well- I'm Dum's older brother I'm able to use my keycard to get in her room. I slowly unlocked her room and she.. was awake, getting ready. "Oh, Hey Player! Somethin' wronggg?" Dum says. "No I just wanted to see if you were awake yet." I said. "Obviously, I usually wake up more early then you so- this is weird." Dum says.

I chuckled a bit from that. "Alright, be quick!" I said to her. She looked at me, confused. "Brother, you're still in casual clothing." Dum says. Oh Shoot! I forgot.. I thought. "O-OH! OKAY UHH.. THANKS FOR REMINDING ME, BYE!" I said to her, quickly closing her door and heading to my room.

Even if there is no mission you still have to use your space suits if it's not freetime, unless there is a day off then you can do that.

I quickly unlocked my door and searched for my space suit.

7 Minutes later..*+

After 5 minutes or so I finally found it! Damn it why was it at the far deeper end of my cabinet anyway? Anywho.. time to wear it.

As I wore my space suit, Captain made an announcement.

(The Italicized Texts are what he says through the speakers, yes, each room has a speaker for announcements.)

"Good morning crew! This is Captain. Please head to the Cafeteria for breakfast at 8AM! And remember to wear your space suits during 8AM to 4PM, Thank you!"

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