Chapter 1- Rapunzel's Return

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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓞𝓷𝓮: 𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼


I sat on a plush red sofa in the study, reading a book about the birds of the Seven Kingdoms when a maid rushed into the room.

"Your majesty," She said with a curtsy. "Your sister...she has returned."

I instantly jump up from my seat and lift my long (fc) gown, and dart past the maid. I try my hardest not to trip over my lengthy, poufy, dress, but it takes quite a bit of effort. When I reach the throne room I stand outside of its great wooden door for a moment, just staring at the golden doorknobs.

Alright (yn), this is it. You're about to meet your long-lost sister for the first time. First impressions are everything. No pressure. I nervously think. After smoothing out my dress and fixing my hair, I slowly open the doors to the throne room and gracefully walk in, just as I was taught by my etiquette tutor. I tried to make my strong dislike of princess etiquette unknown, and it took every fiber of my being to not break character. I finally reach my parents and curtsy. I then turn to my sister and give her a curtsy as well. "It's a pleasure to meet—YOU!!" I let out a small yelp when Rapunzel engulfs me in a bear hug.

"My name's Rapunzel! I'm so happy to meet you! I've always wanted a sister!!" She exclaims.

I hug her back. "It's great to meet you Rapunzel. I'm so glad that you're finally home."

When we part, I take a long look at the princess. Rapunzel had my mother's face and emerald green eyes. Her brown hair was cut in a short bob, and she wasn't wearing shoes? To her side is a man, who had brown hair and brown eyes."Who's this?" I ask, gesturing to the man.

"This is Eugene. He helped me escape the tower I was trapped in."

"You were trapped in a tower?!" I ask in awe."Yeah, for eighteen years."

"No way..." I gasp. "What did you do the whole time? Why did you leave? Who kidnapped you?"

"Now, Now (Yn). Let's let Rapunzel get settled. I'm sure she's very overwhelmed by all of this. Ethel, could you show Rapunzel to her room and send Eugene to one of the spare rooms?" King Fredrick asks.

Rapunzel waves goodbye to me before being led out of the throne room, Eugene close behind."(Yn), today I want to allow Rapunzel to adjust to the palace, but tomorrow I would like you to aid Cassandra in teaching Rapunzel how to be a proper princess," Dad says, turning to me.

"Cassandra?" I ask.

"I'm appointing Cassandra to be Rapunzel's handmaiden."

"Oh." I felt a bit sorry for Cass. She had always been like a sister to me, so I knew how badly she wanted to be on the royal guard, not cleaning as a maid. "Of course dad," I say, before leaving the room.


I collapse on my bed with a groan. Rapunzel had only been in the castle for a week, and to put it bluntly, she was horrible at the whole princess gig. Cassandra and I tried to teach her what she needed to know, but she wasn't picking any of it up. She couldn't curtsy without tripping over her gown, there was always something painted on the castle walls, she didn't understand the concept of "personal space" around nobles, and she could never stay in a pair of shoes for more than five minutes.

It was an absolute disaster.

Rapunzel and I were slowly becoming friends, but I found her nonstop enthusiasm stressful. I had been in the palace for thirteen years, so I was raised around people who always acted properly.

Cassandra was a whole other matter. She hated being Rapunzel's handmaiden. Cass and Rapunzel were polar opposites. Rapunzel was extroverted and imaginative, and Cass was introverted and practical. As hard as she tried, Rapunzel couldn't get Cassandra to be her friend. I did feel kind of bad when I saw how hard Rapunzel tried only to be ignored.

I look over at my pet rabbit, Dandelion. "What am I supposed to do?" I ask, staring into her little black eyes. The red lopped bunny stares at me and tilts her head, and I pet her noggin. "You're no help," I tell her with a little smile. I suddenly hear a small knock, I quickly sit up, and Dandelion hops into my lap. "Come in!"

I'm surprised to see Rapunzel peek her head into the room and step inside. She walks over to my bed. "Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead."

Rapunzel sits down, and crosses her legs. "I didn't know you had a bunny." She says with a small grin.

"Heh, this is Dandelion," I say with a smile. "A close friend gave her to me so I could have a friend when he wasn't around." I stroke the rabbit's fur. "I've never been able to leave the palace, so Dandelion is the only real woodland creature I've seen."

"You've never been able to leave the palace? Why?"

"Mom and dad say that after you were taken they didn't want to risk losing me too. They never told the kingdom about my birth and locked me away in the palace. They figured that nothing could happen to me if I didn't exist in the eyes of the world." I say with a frown. I always knew there was so much more I could do for my people, but I was never even given a chance. I look down at my rabbit who was staring at me with sad eyes.

"That's horrible. Y'know, my 'mother' never let me leave the tower either. I had seventy feet of magic, golden hair, that had healing powers. Gothel locked me away so she could keep my hair and stay young. She told me the world was dangerous and evil and that I was only safe with her, and the worst part is...I believed her. I was trapped for so long, well, until Eugene showed up and I hit him in the head with a frying pan."

Dandelion hops out of my lap and approaches Rapunzel, who pats the little orange bunny's head.

"You hit him with a frying pan?"

"It's a long story. The point is, I know what you're going through." She softly smiles at me. "Also, I'm sorry it's taking me such a long time to figure out this whole 'being a princess' thing. I know it must be hard and frustrating for you and Cassandra to deal with. You don't have to keep training me if you don't want to."

I smile at Rapunzel. "Thanks, but I think I'll keep helping you. It gives me more of a chance to hang out with you. I've missed out on fourteen years of sister time, and I'm not about to miss even more." I hug Rapunzel, and she hugs me back. "Besides," I say. "I'm pretty sure Cassandra would murder me if I left her to train you alone." I giggle.

"Thanks, (yn)."

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