Chapter 59- Through It All

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The early Coronian morning brings an overcast sky, a rare sight in the kingdom of sunlight. The ominous gray clouds block the sun, and I notice my stomach churn at the sight. It feels like a bad omen.

The citizens of Corona who managed to escape the island during Cassandra's takeover are all gathered in the Snuggly Duckling, feeling rather dejected. It's been almost two weeks since Cassandra took over, and we still don't have a plan of how to take our home back or stop Cass. Everyone is losing hope, as it seems like we're about to fight a losing battle.

While the queen and Rapunzel are gone and discussing our options, Eugene desperately tries to lift everyone's spirits. "Come on, there's gotta be a way out of this!" He exclaims. 

As if on cue, Rapunzel enters the pub. "There is! But there's only one way. And that's through it." She marches over to the stage and climbs atop it. Clearing her throat she says, "I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. This is the biggest challenge this kingdom has ever faced." 

"No offense, Varian." Eugene chuckles, gently nudging Varian.

He shrugs, a smile on his face. "Nah."

Something about the exchange makes my heart full. A year ago, that comment would have left Varian in a state of disarray. Now, the alchemist can laugh it off with Eugene, the man who is practically his idol. Varian has not only accepted the forgiveness of others, but he's also finally forgiven himself. Seeing him like this makes me so proud and happy for him.

We all crowd around the stage as my sister sits at the piano and begins playing. 

Rapunzel: "Time now to fight, let's turn our losing streak around~

Rise and unite, let's do what we must do!"

Varian and I glance at one another and nod, and we quickly join my sister at the piano and play with her.

Rapunzel: "If we're to win, we can't turn back or sneak around~

Once we begin, the only way is through~"

She stands and walks to the front of the stage, while Varian and I smile and continue playing. I grin, as a wave of nostalgia from when we would play the piano together as children washed over me.

Rapunzel: "Through the fire, through the rain~

We'll face whatever the fates may bring and tear through every wall!

Through the fear, through the pain~"

She hops onto a table, grabs a sword, and raises it into the air.

Rapunzel: "And, as one, we will rise...

Marching tall!

Through it all!

It's not gonna be easy, but it's our only option. Who's with me?"

Eugene grins at his girlfriend and hops onto the bar's countertop.

Eugene: "Time now to stand~"

King Fredrick: "Let's save our home and take it back!"

Lance jumps onto the stage, pushes me and Varian off the piano bench, and begins playing. Angry and Catalina catch the two of us before we fall, and we laugh together.

Lance: "At your command!"

Attila: "I'm in —"

Vladimir: "And me —"

Shorty: "Me too!"

Varian takes my hand and leads us to Fidella, and we mount the chestnut-colored horse. Fidella parades through the pub as we sing.

Varian: "Onward we ride,

who knows if we will make it back?"

As my (ec) eyes meet with my sister's emerald ones, I smile at her.

(Yn): "We're at your side~

Together we'll come through!"

She beams at me, a grateful look on her face.

All: "Through the strife, through the fray~"

Rapunzel: "We can't hold back in this time of need~"

Eugene: "We all must heed the call!"

Varian and I hop off Fidella and begin dancing with the other Coronians. He twirls me in a circle and then pulls me back toward him, close enough for our noses to touch. I quickly peck him on the lips, and his freckled cheeks flush red. I giggle and we continue dancing.

Varian: "Through the dark~"

(Yn): "To the day~"

Both: "And, as one, we will rise~

Marching tall!"

All: "Through it all!"

Everyone begins dancing, singing, and cheering together, all of us in a sense of perfect unity.

All: "Time now to fight, to face whatever fate may bring~

(Through it all)

Right over might, till victory and freedom ring~

(Through it all)

Stand and unite, for home and heart, for land and king~

For love and life and everything~"

Rapunzel: "Through it all~"

Eugene: "Through it all~"

(Yn): "Through it all~"

Varian: "Through it all~"

All: "Through it all!"

Eager from Princess Rapunzel's pep rally, everyone charges out of The Snuggly Ducking, ready for war. Before I run out the door with the crowd, I notice Varian sitting at the bar with a mug of warm milk in hand. Pascal and Dandelion sit on the countertop watching the boy as he flips through the book, he's been reading all morning. I hop up on the counter beside Pascal and Dandelion and let my legs dangle off the side. "Still looking for a way to stop Zhan Tiri?" I ask.

Varian takes a long gulp of milk. "Yuuup~" he hums.

I suddenly notice Rapunzel and Eugene lingering in the doorway, discussing something. "I mean, I don't think any of us are up to fighting an ancient demon creature."

"Neither was Lord Demanitus," I comment, swinging my legs back and forth.

The couple turns their attention to Varian and I. "When I was researching the scroll, I found out Demanitus banished Zhan Tiri to some kind of netherworld," Varian says. "But the machine he used to do it was dismantled centuries ago."

Rapunzel approaches us. "Can you build it again?"

"Of course, he can." I grin at the alchemist.

"--If I had the plans." Varian finishes for me. "But Demanitus took his only blueprints to his tomb."

Eugene laughs. "Let me guess, the tomb is thousands of years old, and no one knows where it is."

"I know where it is," I announce, raising my hand a little.

Rolling his eyes from being proven wrong, Eugene sighs. "Of course, you do."

"How do you know that (Yn)?" Rapunzel asks.

"I think you've forgotten I was trapped in the castle for fourteen years." I giggle. "I've read and reread every book in the castle library."

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Eugene mutters.  

 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽-𝓜𝓮-𝓝𝓸𝓽 (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now