Chapter 29

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My mouth drops. Blood poisoning? Again? What will Katniss say? 

"There is a hospital in 13 and in the Capitol. You can decide where you want to be treated." Ms. Everdeen tells me. I reply by telling her I'll discuss it with Katniss. She nods and goes to make some phone calls.

About an hour later Katniss comes back from our room and looks groggy. 

"Hey." I greet her. 

"You're still on the table?" She asks. I nod. I've been thinking about where I want to be treated and I'm thinking the Capitol because they have more technology and more medicine. I decide to talk to Katniss about it now. 

"I have something I need to tell you." I begin getting her attention. 

"Okay. I'm listening." She says rubbing her eyes. 

I don't know how to say it so I just blurt it out..

"I have blood poisoning again..." I pause to let it sink in. My words just hang in the air. I can see her eyes tear up. "But I'll be okay. I just need to get treated. Your mom said that I can either go to the Capitol or to District 13." I tell her not wanting her tears spill over her eyelids. Just then Ms. Everdeen comes into the room.

"They normally now just have you take two pills twice a day for about a month and a half." She says leaning against the kitchen sink. "Its up to you two to decide where to get him treated." She adds to Katniss. 

"13." She says immediatly. I knew she would say that. She hates going to the Capitol. 

"But the Capitol is our best bet. They have advanced technology and more medicines." I say trying to persuade her. 

"Once you've made your decision, let me know because we have to go as soon as possible before it turns into something worse." Katniss's mom informs us then walks away.

"Katniss the Capitol has treated me with this before remember? From the first games."

"They also took you away from me and made you want to kill me." She says not budging. "Plus 13 is closer." 

"I understand but would you rather go to a place that's far and that you don't like and have me recover fast or go to a place that's close and that you like and have me maybe not recover?" I ask making her make a decision.


My shoulders slump knowing he's right. 

"Fine." I say giving in. 

"Thank you." He says 

"Looks like we're going to the Capitol." My mother says satnding in the door frame. I nod and shaikly sigh.

Peeta grips my hand, "I'll be okay." He assures me. "I promise." I nod at him and kiss his forehead. 

"I should probably go pack our stuff for the Capitol." I say blinking back tears. I get to our room and put stuff into a bag. They have no idea how scared I am. The last time I was in the Capitol was when the war ended. I don't want to go back and risk losing Peeta again.

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