Chapter 36

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I lay awake staring at the ceiling. The thought that Katniss still misses (or even loves) Gale makes me a little uneasy. Katniss rolls over so that she's facing me. I look at her and smile. I love this girl so much. I brush a piece of hair away from her face and stroke her cheek with my thumb lightly so she doesn't wake up.

However that fails. Her eyes flutter open to reveal her beautiful gray eyes.

"Hey." She whispers groggily. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Go back to sleep. I love you." I reassure softly.

"I love you too." She says moving closer to me. I put my arm around her and kiss the top of her head and finally fall asleep.

I wake up in the bright morning without Katniss beside me. I start to worry until I see a note she left on her pillow for me. "I know you're worrying about where I am but you don't need to. I'm safe. Take your time waking up. Get breakfast and drink your cup of tea. Then follow the arrows I've left you and see where they lead you." I give a breathy laugh and sit up rubbing my sleep filled eyes. I get out of bed and pull on a shirt and walk down stairs.

On the table I see two envelopes. One has a 1 on it and the other has a 2. Curiosity getting the best of me I go ahead and open the first one now. Inside is a half sheet of paper that reads "Eager aren't we? Eat breakfast first then open the second envelope."
I roll my eyes and chuckle getting breakfast ready. I eat a bowl of cereal and drink a cup of tea before opening the second envelope. Inside is another half sheet of paper that says "Go outside and look on the first step. You'll know what to do." I smirk at how though out this is and how mysterious my wife is. I open the door and step out hearing something crinkle underneath me. Looking down I smile finding an orange paper arrow under my foot. I pick it up and keep walking foragers to find the next arrow that will lead my closet to Katniss.

About 7 arrows later I come to the edge of the woods. I hesitate for a moment wondering if I should go in until I spot another arrow up ahead. I know I should go in the woods to find her.

I walk in silence listening to the nature around me. I get deeper into the woods until I hear something familiar. Mockingjays. I try and piece together the tune they are playing and at first I think I'm going to have a flashback here in the woods but I fight it trying to figure out the song. It hits me all of a sudden. They're singing Rue's four note tune. I know Katniss can't be too far away now. I see another arrow up ahead and run to it eager to find Katniss. That's when I hear a human whistle. I turn to the sound and find Katniss standing on my right. I run to her and she opens her arms greeting me. I kiss her lips and smile at her. She doesn't return my smile and I get worried.

"What is it?" I ask her growing concerned. She looks down and doesn't answer me. I tilt hr chin up so she has to look at me and has her again.

"I...I'm...I...I..." She stutters.

"It's okay baby. What is it? You can tell me." I say reassuring her, wanting to know what she's so scared to tell me.

"I'm pregnant."

*Hey guys!!! What do you think of this news?! This is so exciting! What do you think will happen next? Let me know in the comments! Don't forget about my Joshifer story and don't forget to keep voting and commenting! ilyasm!!!❤️❤️❤️*

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