Chapter 19

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I open my eyes and look up at him and smile until the smell of the cheese buns becomes too overwhelming. I slip out of his arms and grab a cheese bun and sink my teeth into it. “Mmm.” I say as I finish my first bite. Peeta just laughs at me. I give him a look and that just makes him laugh even more. I roll my eyes and head for the couch in the living room. Peeta follows me with a cheese bun of his own. We turn on the TV and find out that nothing exciting has happened anywhere. Since the war ended everything has been calm. After about half an hour of watching TV we head upstairs for bed. I go into the bathroom and slip into my pajamas and brush my teeth. I finish in the bathroom and walk out into our room. Peeta smiles at me as he walks past me into the bathroom. I sit on the bed and wait for Peeta. Peeta comes back and joins me in bed.

Once we are comfortable, he asks, “Do you want to go on a picnic with me tomorrow?”

“I’d love to!” I reply with pure excitement. He just smiles and nods. I smile back and my eyes become heavy and eventually find sleep.

When I wake up the other side of the bed is cold. I stretch my arm out in search of Peeta but he’s not there. I start to panic and call for him. Much to my relief I here footsteps coming up the stairs. He pops his head in and smiles.

“You’re finally up.” Peeta teases. 

“Yes, I am up,” I say. “And now that I’m up you have to make me breakfast.” Peeta stumbles over and falls on the bed.

“Ugh,” he fake complains. “Do I have to?” I laugh and reply with a yes. “Fine.” He says. He then scoops me up off the bed and throws me over his shoulder.

“Hey! Put me down!” I yell in the middle of a laugh.

“I don’t think so!” He yells back and starts running down the stairs with me bobbing up and down on his shoulder. Once we get to the bottom he starts running all over the living room. I start flailing my arms and legs everywhere doing everything I can to break his grip on me. He finally puts me down when I almost kick him in the head with my foot. “Okay, okay easy. You don’t have to kick me in the head.”

“But I didn’t.” I protest. “I almost did.” I say with a giggle. Peeta rolls his eyes and heads to the kitchen to make me breakfast.

After we eat, wash the dishes and watch some TV Peeta asks, “What about that picnic?” 

"Okay. Just let me get something really quick." I say running upstairs to our bedroom. I look on my dresser and find what I'm looking for. The pearl necklace Peeta gave me a few weeks ago. I put it on and ajust it the way I like it and head back down the steps. "Okay I'm ready." I announce. Peeta's eyes instantly find my necklace and smiles. I smile back and join him at the door.

"Shall we?" He says holding the door open for me like a gentleman. I kiss his cheeck and walk out with Peeta joining me at my side. He grabs my hand and we walk to find the perfect spot in the meadow.

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