Chapter 24

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I wake up in the arms of my new fiance. I look up at him and find him smiling down at me. I feel something on my left hand and look down to see my ring. Smiling, I look up at Peeta and see him smiling even bigger than before.

"I'm so happy I'm going to be your wife." I say still smiling. Scince I woke up I've found it impossible to stop. 

"Me too." He says kissing my forehead. We stay quiet for a while untill we both realize we have a lot of planning to do. We decide first to tell Haymitch and call Effie. I still have to talk to Peeta about Johanna. I have to call my mom and Annie in District 4. After the war my mom went back to 4 with her to help her out with her baby she named after her husband. We get up and eat breakfast then go over to Haymitch's house to deliver the news.

We walk into his almost clean house and spot him on the couch asleep. Peeta and I both look at each other because we both see the same thing. Liquor bottles all over the floor. It's strange because he's been good about being sober for the past month or so. Peeta trys to shake him awake while I go into the kitchen to get a pitcher and fill it with cold water. I walk back into the living room where Peeta has had no luck in waking Haymitch. I move Peeta back noticing the knife Haymitch usually sleeps with. I count to three in my head and splash the water on him. He wakes up with a yell and thrashes the knife into empty air. He's no longer groggy or thrashing around. He's just galring at us. At me.

"This better be worth my time." He snarles. He's not really a morning person I now find.

"It is. Trust me." Peeta assures him. We sit down across from Haymitch and I lace my fingers through Peeta's.

"Well?" Haymitch asks getting impatient. I look at  Peeta and he smiles with his eyes nodding his head slightly.

I take a deep breath and say, "We're getting married." I smile and look at him. He's still taking it in so  I show him my ring. He examines it and nods aprovingly.

"Nice pick," He says to Peeta. Peeta blushes and looks down at our entwined hands. "Who else have you told?"

"Um, no one yet you're the first one." Peeta answers.

I nod, "We're going to tell my mom, Annie, Effie and um maybe..." I trail off not knowing wether I should say her name out loud. I decide to talk to Peeta about it later tonight. Haymitch looks at me expectantly. 

I lean over and whisper, "Johanna." He nods.

"I think you should." He says. I nod back at him knowing he is right. We can't leave Johanna out. We've been through so much together. Espesially her and Peeta. "What about that other guy?" Haymitch asks and I look at him not having any idea what he's talking about. "Oh I forget his name...Gale. What about Gale? He was your best friend." I can tell Peeta gives him a look because he immediatly shuts up. 

I blink tears back and say, "Yeah um I'm still thinking about that." Peeta's grip on my hand tighens as he gives it a reassuring squeeze. 

We talk for a few more hours about other things trying to stay away from dangerous topics. Eventually the light gets dark and Peeta and I decide its time to leave.

Once we're out the door, Peeta asks a question, "Are you really thinking about inviting Gale?"

I tense up at the sound of his name in Peeta's mouth. I clear my throat, "I think so becuase without him you wouldn't have made it back. He volunteered to go to the Capitol and save you. But what's steering me away from the idea is what happened..." I say letting myself trail off. 

"Yeah," he says sadly, "I understand."

With that we walk inside.

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