Chapter 30

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After boarding the train to the Capitol my mother says Peeta can't lay on his back so he has to lay on a table again. 

"Why don't you go to your room and get some rest?" My mother suggests to me.

"No that's okay." I answer. 

"But Katniss you need sleep. You've haven't slept for more than an hour since Peeta got whipped." 

"I'm going to sleep. Right here. With Peeta." I say wanting her to leave us alone. She nods her head and finally leaves. 

"What's going on? I can tell something is bothering you." 

"I don't want to lose you again." I say like a little kid. I grab his hand and hold it tight not wanting to let go. Laying my head down on his strong protective arm I start to cry. "Why has everything happened to you. You don't deserve any of this. I'm the one who should've gotten hijacked. I'm the one who should've gotten whipped. Not you. I'm the onw who upset Snow. Not you. The berries were my idea. Not yours. You didn't do anything wrong." I cry. He takes his hand out of mine and caresses my head. 

"Shhh." He soothes. He takes his hand and lifts my face up off his arm to look at him. "I did do something wrong. I fell in love with you and it was the best mistake of my life. I knew you didn't like me back at first but I still loved you and I knew I should've moved on. But I wanted you to love me so bad and..."

I cut him off, "You succeeded." I say with a small smile.

"Yes and I'm so happy I did." He kisses this tip of my nose and puts my head back down on his arm. "Get some sleep Katniss. You need it." I nod and close my eyes immediatly sinking into sleep.

We get to the Capitol just as I'm waking up. My mother comes in and says that Peeta needs to get into the hospital. Some doctors and nurses come out put him on a stretcher and rush him in. I run after them not wanting to let Peeta out of my sight. I soon reach them and grab Peeta's hand. One of the nurses holds me back and says I can't go in with him yet. I satrt to fight agaisnt her resistance but then more nurses come and I can't get through them.

"Peeta! " I yell as he comes to a corner. They turn him around the corner and I freak out. "Peeta! Peeta! No let me go! I need to stay with him! Peeta! " The nurses are too strongand they continue to hold me back untill I black out.

I wake up with a start and one thing on my mind; Peeta. I look around and see that I'm in the hospital lobby sitting in a chair. A nurse sees me awake and comes out from behind her desk. 

"Everything is okay Ms. Everdeen. " She says. She can probably see the scared expression on my face. "Peeta is okay and the medicine seems to be working. We are going to keep him for two or three nights to make sure nothing happens." I nod taking everything in. "Would you like to come see him?" My eyes get big with excitement and I nod. "Then follow me." She says with a smile. 

About halfway down the hall she looks over her should and says, "My name is Molly by the way." I smile and nod. We get to a room and she goes in but tells me to wait in the hall for a moment. Since my experience in District 8 I've hated hospitals. She comes back out and tells me that he's a little weak and that he will be tired.

"Will he remember me?" I ask scared he won't. 

"Yes," She says kindly, " The medicine we gave him has no effect on his memory." I nod relieved. "You can go in now." She says opening the door and closing it behind me. 

I walk in and see Peeta lying on a hospital bed. His face is toward me and he's asleep. He looks fine. The medicine must numb his back because he's laying on it. The door squeaks and I guess he hears it when Molly shuts it becuase his eyes open to reveal the beautiful eyes I fell in love with. They look normal; not disoriented. I walk over slowly. Peeta knows I'm scared. He understands that last time I saw him in a hospital bed he almost killed me.

"It's okay Katniss. I'm not going to hurt you." He says weakily. I reach him and touch his arm carefully. watching his eyes. I inch closer untill I can't go any further. He reaches his hand up and I flinch scared of what could happen. Instead he cups my face with his hand and opulls me down to rest on his strong chest. 

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you." He says gently. He pulls me up into the bed with him making room for me. I put my head on his shoulder and he rests his hean on top of mine and we sit there holding each other close not daring to let go.

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