Chapter 7

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Catherina's POV

I snuggled closer to the source of warmth. Hmmm, this pillow was so comfortable and smelt like Abercrombie and Fitch. The pillow gently squeezed me tighter to it... Wait... What? Pillows don't have arms! My eyes flew open to meet chocolate brown eyes.

"Morning kitten" Nick smiled, kissing my forehead. Hmmm, that feels amazing. Why was I in bed with Nick? Oh crap, did we... Then the night's events came crashing back to me. We danced, got lost in the music, then we... Oh my holy cheese balls!! I kissed Nicolai, Nicolai kissed me. We kissed! My face gradually heated up, I swear I must look like tomato.

He chuckles, "Getting shy on me kitten?" Mmmmm, his morning husky voice is so... wait. Did he just call me kitten?

"Kitten? Don't call me that!" I glare at him, Kitten? Ugh! Do I look like an animal to this Greek Adonis moron lying next to me.

"Aww, don't pout, you look cute when you glare." He says giving me that lazy smile of his.

"Wake up my new love birds!!" We turn to see Lyca grinning at us. "Breakfast time lovelies and we wouldn't want Antoine to mess up Nick's pretty face now, would we?"

"Why would he do that?" I asked confused

"I don't think he'd appreciate one of his best mates in bed with his baby sister." She explained.

"Ahhh, noted, we'll be down in five." I said smiling at her. She gave me a mischievous look and then left.

We got off the bed and Nick pulled me into his chest. He gave me a lingering kiss and then we went  to breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the mouth watering smell of bacon and scrambled eggs and pancakes.  I got two separate plates one for my stack of pancakes, at least six with honey and the other for my eggs and bacon. I got my peppermint flavored tea and sat at the table with everyone else. I dug into my food only to realize five pairs of eyes were on me.

"What?" I said swallowing my eggs.

"Seriously you eat the same amount as a full grown guy!" Lyca exclaimed.

"So? I'm a growing teen, sue me." I said sticking out my tongue at her. Yeah it was childish of me, but who cares. The guys laugh and get back to their food.

" So, we have to get start cleaning." Max said, while we were finishing up our breakfast. We all groaned and started on the cleaning.


Genesis Organization, Elders Council.

James Reed POV

I walk into the hall of the council to see my fellow council members. I sit at the council table. There are five of us in all.

Levi Egorian: 45 years old, jet black hair with some grey at the temples. He's built like a tank, hence his codename: the Tank. Blue piercing eyes. He controls Earth.

Maria Michelson: 35 years old, long flowing blonde hair. Slim, petite but dangerous. She's a healer and psychic. Codename: Fae. Steely Grey eyes.

Tanechka Kosovo: 30 years old. The youngest, white, short cropped hair. Toned  and petite.  She's necromancer and Shadow Chaser. Codename: Freyja. Silver eyes.

Ricardo Knight: 42 years old, jet black short cropped hair. Muscled, toned and towering at 6 ft 6". He controls water. Codename: Poseidon. He's blind, lost his eyesight on a mission about 10 years ago.

James Reed: 43 years old, dirty blonde spiked hair. Toned, military body. I control Air. Codename:Vayu. Blue eyes with green flecks.

The only ones allowed to sit on the council are those that have mastered their talents and are the highest level supernaturals. The strongest and best elementals make up the council.

"Why have we been summoned here?" Levi asks in a low baritone.

"There has been news of another death, one of our best." Maria says, her voice soft and melodic.

"Who is it now?" Ricardo questions.

Tanechka glances at me and replies, "It's kingsley."

I sucked in a sharp breath. I never thought he would die this young, he was only 22. I wanted him to train Catherina when she came into her powers, he would have been the best to help her control her powers.

"Was it Nexus?" I questioned, keeping my emotions in check.

"No, it was the unknown organization." Tanechka replies, "It will take some time but I can use necromancy to gain information from him. And since he is a higher level elemental, and a fire user at that, It will be easier to bring him back, without depleting my life source."

"We have lost a lot of elementals recently, both to Nexus and this unknown organization," Maria starts, " We must be very careful from now on, it seems they are targeting the higher level elementals."

"Which puts those five in danger." Ricardo states, "James you must warn them when you return."

"I plan to do that." I reply.

"James, when Catherina comes of her power she will be the one in the most danger."  Maria says

"I know that, I had planned to bring her to the organization and let Kingsley teach her, since he is the only fire user we had, but now I don't know what to do. 'He' will come for her, she is not safe out there." I sighed.

"Kingsley can still teach her, or have you forgotten of my Necromancy." Tanechka states, "I know how much you wanted her to meet him, this might not be ideal. But she has the right to know who he is."

"I know, thank you Tanechka." I give her a small smile.

"Well then, I can't wait to meet her, she sounds like a handful already." Levi grins, "I heard she's a great fighter, I'd love to train her as well."

"You all will get your chances to meet her when she re-awakens." I say standing, "I cannot leave Emma and Mitchie alone for too long. In posterum tempus, amici. "

I make my way back to the hotel Emma and Mitchie are staying at. I need to break the news to Emma about Kingsley. This will devastate her and the others. I always wanted Catherina to meet him, to get to know who he was. This unknown organization along with Nexus on the other hand will test the limits of our Genesis. I just hope I can get Catherina trained before 'He' comes for her.


Hey Guys, Update!! :D sorry it's so short, but another will be up soon.So it isn't edited, so excuse the errors. @Wolfwriter131, lol i used 'Kitten'. So if you guys like it,





:* muazz 

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