Chapter Sixty One

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Elora's Pov
At first I was beyond uneasy, yet it's not like I could just say no and walk off. I sighed grabbing Ace's hand to hold in my own, Austin nodding his head at me, we started walking forward. I paused for a moment to flick my eyes back towards Emmett and Rosalie, he held her tightly in his hold before he looked at her gently, moving away moving to walk with me towards them.

I used my free hand to rub the tension out on Ace's back now face to face with Aro who smirked at me staring at me. One on one.

"Ahh little Elora, Immortality has become you." I gave him a soft head nod, watching him look back down at Ace. I almost jumped back at his sudden loud laughter, holding his fingers near his mouth.

"I can hear his strange heartbeat." He coos out giddy like. Ace looked at me, before he inched closer to Aro who was holding his hand out.

"Hi Aro." He muttered quietly, Ace stared at Aro's hand before he lightly placed his own on top of his showing off his power with a small projection of his memories for him to see.

Like always I found his power gorgeous to look at, like a movie playing backwards. Aro's red eyes were so blown wide like, I'm sure his jaw would have dropped. Once Ace was done I carefully pulled him back towards me.

"Magnifico... Half mortal, half immortal conceived and carried by this new born while she was still human." He spun around to grin at me slightly, I picked up Ace a little even though he was slowly getting too big to, walking back with him.

"Impossible." Caius snapped out loudly.

"Do you think they fooled me brother?" I set Ace back down onto the snow with a small grunt watching Austin come back to stand near him.

"Bring the informant forth." Caius ordered out, looking away for a moment. Irina avoided eye contact for a moment before she was staring right back at Caius.

"Is this the child you saw?"

"I'm not sure."

"Jane." His taunting voice bounced out.

"He's changed this child is bigger!" She exclaimed out in defense, looking panicked like.

"Then your allegations were false?"

"The Cullens are innocent I take full responsibility for my mistake." I stared into her gold eyes seeing her look so apologetic before she was gazing at her sisters and coven. "I'm sorry." She finished off quietly.

Edward shifted near me a little his eyes flashing to horror like he was gonna inch forward. "Caius no!" He shouted, stepping forward, I heard the loudest ear piercings like screams.

I was quick to use my speed to place Ace onto Austin spinning around to go help Tanya and Kate who were rushing forward.

"Blind them." Edward ordered out to Zafrina, "Give me my sight back." Tanya ordered out.

"Tanya listen to me, this is what they want if we attack now will all die now." Edward whispered trying to reassure her, I stared at the scene fully, Edward nodding back towards Zafrina. He sank his shoulders back looking over towards me walking near me.

"Pain." I tensed up hearing Jane's voice making sure Ace was steady I rushed over towards Edward hearing him grunting out, don't panic Elora just visual out a shield like the one you grew it should be just from memory.

I grunted touching Edward's shoulders a little watching his hand release from his stomach seeing him look up at me, just imagine a giant shield around everyone. I could see it, the outlines of a baby blue color aura.

"Its working." Edward whispered to me, I smiled in relief helping him back up making our way over to Ace who was watching closely. Jane looked a little in disbelief staring between everyone. Before she looked straight at me, I smirked a little at her seeing her grow pissed trying to step inch forward being stopped by her brother Alec.

"Aro, you see no law been broken here." Carlisle called out firm like, shifting his eyes around.

"Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger? For the first-time in history, humans pose a threat to our kind their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such times only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty spare ourselves a fight today only to die tomorrow."

Everything in his statement was such bullshit to an intent. They knew nothing of something new that brought no danger making me grow more angry by the minute. Aro then seemed to focus his attention else where, Edward doing the same looking distressed.

"Alice.." He whispered whipping his head around.

"Alice!" Aro gasped out everyone locked their gazes to watch Alice and Jasper making their way towards the Volturi, "My dear, dear Alice We're so glad to see you here after all." He grinned at her.

"I have evidence that the child won't be a threat to our kind... Let me show you."

In all my life of knowing Edward, I never wanted more then right now to be able to read minds, I wonder what he saw that had him smirking that way. "Now you know, that's your future unless you decide on another course." Aro had this pure look of shock staring between everyone looking all around.

Caius stared at Aro before speaking, to him nearing Aro. "We can't alter our course, the child still poses a grave threat." Edward held my hand tightly before calling out.

"But if you were sure he could remained concealed from the human world? Could we live in peace?" Everyone was very much focused on Edward now, even me.

"Of course but that can not be known." His statement back was so sassy.

"It can actually." I stared at Edward in confusion speaking quietly.

"What are you talking about Edward?" I asked him curious like. He just flashed me a smile.

"Just watch." I shrugged my shoulders back gazing at Ace, I kept my gaze on Alice and Jasper.

"I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Tekona tribes in Brazil." Alice smiled gently, at everyone.

"We have enough witnesses-"

"Let him speak brother." Aro snapped out firmly.

"I am half human, half vampire like the child, a vampire seduced my mother. Who died giving birth to me my Aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal." My mouth never dropped open so quick, I stepped forward quickly a little.

"How old are you?" I questioned seeing him glance back at me smiling lightly.

"A hundred and fifty years." I relaxed even more with each given answer.

"And at what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked tilting his head to the side.

"I became full grown seven years after my birth, I've never changed since then." I looked back at Ace smiling having a full open mind that he would have some time to grow and experience things as well.

"And your diet."

"Blood, Human food. I can survive on either." Marcus for the first time since arriving spoke quietly. "These children are much like us..."

Ace reached his hand out to squeeze at my own which I returned happily nuzzling him.

"Dear ones.. There is no danger here.. We will not fight today." Aro ordered out, a lot of Volturi members looked distressed, yet they all turned and speed ran away, Aro included yet he turned around to heavy glance at Edward, then Alice before gazing at me and Ace pondering almost like.

"Such a prize." He muttered before he always speed off into the forest.

"Oh god.. I felt like I was holding In a breath that I didn't even have. " I whined out to Edward feeling him holding my shoulders.

"You are so amazing how did you do that?" He questioned to me quietly.

"You were hurting... I would do it for any of my friends and family." I chuckled quickly catching Ace when he jumped off Austin holding him close with a grin.

"You are all fools! The Volturi may forgive.. But they will never forget."

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