(Twilight) Chapter One

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Elora's Pov
Yet again it was another soft cold filled morning in my quiet house when I had woken up this morning. I slowly raised one of my hands to touch my temple and rub it, to ease any pain from a dull headache that lingered. That was such an odd dream I thought briefly blinking.

I'm gonna have to draw that out as soon as I can so I don't forget. I thought messing around with my messy sleep hair letting a small quiet yawn out. I looked when my cousin Blake entered, he was the same year as me at our school at Forks High school.

He was all dressed and ready car keys in hand twirling them around in place. "Hey. Elora don't forget about any textbooks today alright," He called sending me one of his crooked smiles.

I let a small smile go on my face when I shifted a little bit in bed the aches and groans of my bones crying out roughly. "Don't worry Blake, I won't." I whispered to him knowing he could hear me since it's how we always talked.

He grinned at me a little still moving his keys in a fast like motion. "Is Aunt Tiana home?" I muttered out the question to him meanwhile it left, Blake to nod a couple times messing with his hair deeply.

"Yeah she's heading to work early, but I'm taking you today since your car is in the shop so hurry up slowpoke." He joked leaving my room with a loud slamming of the door hitting the wall as he slam!we it shut on his way out.

I chuckled a tiny bit shaking my head left and right warming my palm across my temple in a slow manner. "Alright." I whispered to myself getting out of bed, popping a few lose aching bones out heading to my wardrobe to grab a sweater, some faded jeans, and some faded black and white converse getting ready for yet another day in Forks.

Like I have been for a good amount of my early life. Stripping out of my sleep clothes. I tossed them in the hamper and then made my way to my bathroom connect to my room.

I had my gaze fixated on my drawing notebook doing a detailed sketch of my dream last night as the second period drowned on. It was History and I had finished the worksheet early. It was either that or fall asleep in a heartbeat while everyone was whining.

I just liked listening to people gossip since nobody had anything better to do most of the time. I let the soft lead pencil glide on the paper my tongue poking out a bit. Strange a meadow? I thought my eyebrows curved in confusion since I remember each detail of the flowers.

I shook my head a small bit. "Dude I'm telling you, we are getting a new girl here." I heard a boy in the front exclaim all the way from back here and I let a small chuckle out.

"I heard its the Chief's daughter." Another smiling girl chimed in with everyone. I flicked my eyes around settling them on the honey blonde male in the room and the black hair pixie hair girl settled in the far right corner while I was on left.

Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale. I thought with a small head nod. Just like the rest of their family, they are quite strange but I don't think that's all the way bad.

There's nothing wrong with being different some people like being themselves and keeping to themselves. I looked at the finished drawing, I nodded to myself touching the sketch a bit. I'll color it later at lunch I thought to myself.

The Cullens I remember they came down here when I was in my freshmen year this is my second to last year.

I know I can handle it but through this whole school year I gained the name quiet I thought slightly bitter.

What a nickname right quiet? I can't help it but be quiet. I don't have the right amount in me to be bold enough to speak to anyone, and to even be able to make new friends so quiet is suitable to me.

I tried though at least I can say I really did try I thought as I scanned my eyes around the room.

The only real main talks were about the new girl that would be here in a week or so maybe sooner. So that means the whole town will have something brand new to speak of.

When I first moved out here with my cousin and aunt we were the talk of the town for a little while I didn't like it actually.

I wanted it out of me. I heard the bell sound and soon the scraps of many chairs were heard. I took my time packing up and shut my sketchbook holding it with my history textbook as well.

I grabbed my backpack putting it on my back and I held my stuff turning in my worksheet. I wasn't the only one in here though Jasper and Alice were too.

Alice sent me a huge grin and I shyly returned it nodding my head when she did the same I then nodded hiding my face leaving.

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