Chapter Fifty Seven

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Elora's Pov
"Hey mommy where are we going?" For just a small moment I focused on Ace helping him tying his shoes up, while he sat on the couch listening to Esme and Carlisle talking in the kitchen from their positions in there. Everyone was dressed and ready to head out to different destinations. Jacob was gonna hold down the fort with Seth and Leah. Bella was busy with college right now, but she sent her support.

"Well we are gonna be meeting some new people that's all honey." I smiled at him gently poking his cheeks making grin at me softly. He kissed my cheek.

"You look worried mommy." I chuckled gently ruffling up his curly hair.

"I'm always worried that's unavoidable." I chuckled picking him up with ease placing him on my hip, I made my way near where Jacob and Austin were talking.

"Alright let's get this show on the road." Austin grinned but Jacob then looked over.

"Is that Sam? What is he doing?" Jacob muttered a little moving around everyone he headed to go downstairs to meet him. I looked at Austin who just shrugged.

"I'm not the alpha, Jacob is." He chuckled grabbing all his hair to lock into a tight bun on his head.

"Austin your hair looks so pretty." Ace giggled making Austin smile at him looking at me, I just chuckled letting him hold him I made my way to the living room with everyone.

"Carlisle what is it?" I asked confused.

"Alice and Jasper left us." He called looking up at us.

"Why?" Rosalie snapped out deeply.

"It doesn't say." I moved closer a little.

"Can I see that?" I asked. He nodded spinning around to face me. I took the piece of paper looking at the writing.

Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground that's when they'll come.

Leave it to Alice to do strange riddles. I sighed but I needed to keep the note. Maybe it needed to be decoded and I could do that later.

I was use to Forks's cold weather from how long I had lived here, but Alaska was another set of coldness that well it wasn't bad. If I was still human. Edward kissed my hand while he slipped out of the car, I turned around a little to watch Ace and Austin.

"Alright Ace, we are gonna meet some new people remember I said that?" I asked him gently. He had a small pout on his cheeks a little his eyes shifting around.

"What If they don't like me? I just can't kick them in the legs like with uncle Emmett." I snorted watching Austin holding in his laughter.

"They will once they understand you." I smiled pinching his cheeks a little.

"They just haven't met someone like you." Austin joined in grinning at him. I looked back to see Edward nodding towards me to join, I took in a fake deep breath that I didn't even need just old human habits it.

I got out first unlocking the back door I helped Ace out Austin following I heard loud gasps from the rest watching them step back.

"The Volturi will come for us." Kate spoke out fast.

"He isn't what he looks like." Edward warned out.

"You get that thing out of here."

"Don't you know this is a crime!" I saw Kate and Tanya rush at Edward but he pushed Tanya away just for Kate to grab Edward's hand using her gift in him.

It was sort of instant but I used my speed using over. It was like a strange thought but I remembered a drawing I did of like an invisible shield a long while ago when Kate grabbed at me nothing happened I flipped her over the both of them landed and got up.

"Back up." I warned out shooting her a small glare, "Just listen to us we came all the way out to speak with you guys." I spoke coming up Austin handed me Ace which I took holding him close on my hip.

"He's not an immortal child." I spoke quietly.

"I'm his biological father, Elora is his mother." Edward spoke calmly.

"That's impossible." Eleazar joined in.

"Its true he was born while I was still human." I moved him closer to me holding him more on my hip.

"I've never heard of such a thing."

"He'll show you if you let him." I whispered
I looked at Tanya letting Ace hold his hold out by her his palm stretched in front of her face, but she slowly flinched away until Edward spoke.

"Tanya we are all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain." I moved a little closer.

"Don't be afraid its just how he communicates." I muttered, Ace focused but he slowly projected the memory of the birth slowly for everyone for watch.

"Holy shit..." Someone whispered staring in awe. I smiled a little watching the memory slowly fade.

"He can do astro projection with his memories, that's so interesting that means you Elora your gift...?" I stared at Eleazar confused for a quick moment because he didn't get to finish.

"It is true he's not am immortal child, so what is he?" Tanya asked me looking at me still in awe.

"Well a hybrid really, he's half human and half vampire." I stated Austin kept his eyes trained on everyone just to be sure.

"Hi.. My name is Ace." He smiled greeting at everyone. I ruffled up his curly hair with a grin making him smile even smiling at everyone.

"He's so freaking cute." Kate muttered with a soft smile. I looked more relieved turning back to Austin who sent me a grin nodding.

"Good job loser." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah thanks Austin." I laughed while Edward was explaining the situation even more.

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