Chapter Forty Six

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Elora's Pov
A low hiss escaped from my lips, but I was shaking with a small bit of anxiety, running a batch of warm water over my face splashing it on me. Okay Elora you got this. I told myself taking a huge breath. I then I shut off the elegant sink and waved my hands around quickly, taking a glance down at my ring.

I slowly slipped it off the little droplets of water on it sitting on the counter for just a minute. I was a little nervous, I had never done anything like this so what if I did it wrong. I started rushing around the bathroom like a mad man, running a small bath.

I shaved my legs for any necessary hair and washed my body shaving all parts just in case. With the loose white towel wrapped around me, I looked through my bag in confusion looking for any normal underwear, which there were a few but I was shocked by everything I found.

"Rosalie what the hell?" I whispered, my eyes slowly wide when I lifted up the see-through black lingerie in shock. They did not.

I groaned quietly yanking all my curly hair from the bun, taking a deep breath I didn't need to be freaking out like this relax Elora.

I placed all the lingerie back into my bag quickly zipping it up shoving it under the bed just in case Edward didn't go looking through it. I stood up still holding the towel close I pushed open the screen door and made my way out looking across the beach in just complete awe.

It was so unreal. The moonlight alone shining down across the water. My feet pressed into the sand and I flicked my eyes over the water, seeing Edward was already in the water taking a deep breath I dropped the towel quickly moving through the water.

The freezing water soaking my skin but most of my body was covered by the waves. I came up behind Edward hugging him slowly and he slowly spun around gazing at me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"It's so beautiful here." I whispered quietly my fingers tracing patterns on his skin slowly. I stared at the moon in a trance.

"Like you." He whispered. Usually, at a time like this, I would hit him for being cheesy but that wasn't my focus.

I slowly snaked my arms around his neck bringing him close our lips pressing onto one another. In a slow wet kiss. My fingers threaded through his hair slowly and his arms snaked around my waist even more bringing me closer to me. Of course, I still needed to breathe but he slowly pulled away gazing at me slowly.

"I did promise we would try.. But if this doesn't work Elora." He whispered. I could see the fear visible in his eyes. I played with his hair more gently.

"Then we tried Edward that's all that matters. I trust you." I told him smiling shyly.  He pressed his lips onto mine again, causally he lifted me up with no problem hooking my legs around his waist.

We exited out the water still kissing deeply entering inside. A loud giggle escape me when he placed me on the bed falling on top of me chuckling back on my lips, locking our lips together even more if possible.

My hands started to trace at his back, to relax myself still kissing Edward fully, my heart pounding away, I braced myself for whatever was to come next. With me and Edward still kissing one another. The light pain the flowed through me was very quick and vivid making me gasp and moan weakly on his lips.

Edward, I knew if he could be breathing it would be fast. His face twisted up very slowly into pleasure and he moved his hands from gripping onto me to gripping the headboard of the bed too tightly making it crumble and crack extremely fast falling apart.

Edward gazed at me almost apologetically but I raised my hand up to stroke his cheeks his hair messy. "It's okay, It's okay." I reassured him gently keeping my legs locked around him his eyes still stated down at me softly.

He leaned his head back down to reconnect our lips moving them slowly before the movement of his hips at a steady slow but deep pace filled my entire body. In a small but euphoric takeover.

The small heavy feeling of my eyelids took over when I slowly but effortlessly cracked open both my eyes the high light of the sun entering the room. My legs felt a little heavy, but with some heavy lifting of my arms, I at myself up taking in the view and mess of the room.

I didn't even realize It was this big of a mess. I threw my arm down for just a minute watching the pure real feathers float around. A low quiet chuckle let me, feeling some of the feathers in my hair before I looked at the bed that was basically destroyed, I was in the bed alone.

I carefully got out of bed not trying to make too much of a bigger mess then there already was. I entered the bathroom picking my ring back up off the sink, before doing my business in the bathroom slipping on the bathrobe hanging on the door tying it around myself.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a couple of short minutes wondering did all that really just happen. I traced my wrist in thought remembering all the little touches, and kisses just the feeling alone was unreal.

I was so lost in thought of myself tracing the ring on my finger. "How badly were you hurt?" I jolted a little on surprise, allowing myself to spin around to see a fully dressed Edward looking very upset.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned looking at him. I placed my hands on his chest but he then spoke again.

"No Elora, baby look." He muttered slowly pulling the robe away to expose my shoulders. I looked in surprise at the deep purple bruises there.

"I.. It's not even that bad. " I tried reassuring him, but he then grabbed my wrist to show me another few bruises there, "Edward I'm fine why are you apologizing." I was looking at him slowly leaning on the counter.

"Don't say you're fine, just don't." He demanded looking at me.

"Edward come on don't ruin this for us, I'm really okay." I kept saying to him.

"I've already ruined it, do you not see the bruises on you?" He snapped out.

"Edward we knew this was gonna be tricky, I didn't die, I think we did amazing. " I whispered slowly grabbing his hands to hold which he slowly hold back.

"That's what you are worried about? That I didn't enjoy myself?" He questioned moving closer to me.

"Seems that way." I gazed at him more retying the robe better over my body.

"Last night was the best night of my existence, don't doubt that." He whispered slowly gazing at me fully.

"You are the best don't forget that." I whispered moving closer I kissed him gently which he returned but you could tell he was a little hesitant.

I broke the kiss gently looking gazing at him "You're not gonna touch me again are you?" I whispered. He was silent before he lifted his hand up to trace my cheek, and I leaned into his palm but muttered more.

"You know that's not what I mean," I whispered with an amused tone to lighten up the mood. He breathed out a quiet chuckle before kissing my forehead slowly avoiding the question.

"Let me make you breakfast."

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