Chapter Forty Nine

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Elora's Pov
After the slightly really long conversation with Bella, she was more than surprised to learn more about the details of basically everything. I had to catch her up on a lot of things, It had been a while since me and her had a one on one talk since we both were just so focused on our own lives.

She had gone off to speak with Alice and Jasper leaving me to head back on the couch my new favorite spot, leaning on my hand chatting quietly with Rosalie who once again wasn't gonna leave my side anytime soon.

The living room once again was filled with footsteps making their way towards me. I glanced up briefly to stare at Austin, who had just came back in from speaking about whatever with Edward, giving Rosalie a look.

"Rose it's okay I'll be alright," I reassured her gently touching her arm. She glanced her golden eyes back towards me and gave me a firm head nod before she shot Austin a glare before she walked away down the hall.

Austin gave one small brief eye roll before he was sitting down in the chair across from me his eyes studying me, leaning back.

"Since when are you and Blondie close?" He let the little small joke slip out, making me chuckle a bit glancing down at my lap.

"She's been really supportive through this, she's really sweet when she isn't glaring." I giggled quietly and placed my hand over my belly to smooth the ache, and once again Austin's eyes were watching me.

"Elora... I don't think you are seeing what's happening to you, your skin is slightly losing its pretty brown glow, even your curls look lifeless it's killing you." He started out I quickly shook my head fast.

"No you guys are wrong, you guys are looking at the bad side effects Austin I'm bringing a life into the world, why can't you guys see, she isn't doing any harm." I spoke and Austin perked up and sighed rubbing at his temple.

"So it's a bouncing baby girl? Sorry I would have brought some pink balloons and streamers." He said sarcastically, I winced just a little at his tone.

"It's just a guess it feels like a girl, Austin I can do this I know I can," I told him. I reached out to grab his hand and just for a minute he held it, but he looked back at my stomach and retracted his hand away standing up, violently shaking his head.

"Elora I know you, and I know you are pretending, you can suck it up to your bloodsucker all you want but I know you and that's a killer, and I don't wanna watch it kill you." He spoke pulling away from me I gazed at him, this slightly strange urge.

I didn't want him to go away. I sat up a little better watching him. "Austin wait don't go." I tried to reassure him, but the loud sound of the front door slamming sounded out.

I breathed out a quiet sigh and held my temple in my palm when a small short-range of pain shot through me. I hissed quietly shifting at yet another hard kick that rang throughout me.

When nighttime had finally fallen over I was able to finally get a little bit of sleep from the discomforts and pains in my body, but I had woken when I had heard Jacob, Austin, and Bella were still here.

Which wasn't a bad thing, it was a small worrying thing, but I sat up listening to Austin speaking with Edward deeply.

"They aren't gonna touch her," Edward spoke sternly while Austin was nodding his head deeply.

"Agreed but Sam has lost the element of surprise, and the treaty is void in his mind, they all plan on coming after Elora, but Jacob is alpha so with me, Seth and Leah pulling out from the pack we can form our own." I was in even more shock from just the small amount I had missed.

Jacob and Austin didn't have a pack anymore? Oh God, I thought, the shifting of me on the couch caused Austin to look up and force a smile coming back over to me, kneeling down near me.

"Hey, how's the little monster doing?" He joked. I breathed out some silent laughter rolling my eyes amused.

"She's doing fine Austin.. But you guys don't have a pack anymore... And it's my fault I'm sorry." I apologized straight to him, but he then quickly shook his head all his locks brushed back over his shoulders.

"No Elora I don't want you to worry about that, I need you to be worrying about getting better, Edward says you can't keep anything down?" He questioned. I nodded my head weakly.

"Yeah normal food just is yucky." I made a face that made him cough out a small bit of laughter before he was playing with my hair.

"Will figure something out alright?" He reassured me, and when I glanced back up Edward had moved away to head somewhere making me sigh a bit.

"He'll come around, all though I hate him- I know he loves you, and seeing you like this is killing him." He whispered with a small shake to his head he then slowly helped me up off the couch.

"But Blondie said it's time for you to take a bath so come on." He chuckled sliding his warm arm around my waist.

"I don't really like Blondie either." He spoke.

"I heard that you mutt!" Austin cracked a grin gazing at me some more.

"But don't worry your head about Sam, or anything, you have all these people here who was making sure you'll be okay." He pressed a small kiss to my head, and I felt this small kind relief over my shoulders.

Just a little bit that not everyone hates me for this choice I decided and even with Edward keeping a small distance I knew I had to keep being strong with more time.

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