Chapter Fifty Eight

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Elora's Pov
It was now kinda set in motion, each one of us brought home friends and close people to Carlisle and Esme as close witnesses, and they learned the truth about Ace and they watched him grow. They watched him run around drinking blood and eating random human food.

They watched the way he learned. But now it just took convincing the Volturi. I gripped my sketch book closely nibbling at my lower lip half listening to what was going around while looking through pictures using my free hand to hold Edward's hands while a few of us were in the backyard using gifts and all.

"Zafrina can manipulate things around her." I glanced up for a moment to see the scenery changing a bit it looked like a exotic juggle.

"If you weren't holding my hand right now babe, I wouldn't think this is real." He cracked a grin glancing at me.

"That's so cool, I wish I had a gift." I huffed out a little watching the scene a little looking back at my sketch book.

"Edward why haven't you explained your wife her gift?" The both of us perked up turning to face Eleazar in confusion.

"I have a gift? No I don't." I shook my head a few times, Eleazar chuckled a little.

"Elora yes you do, how do you think Ace has Astro projection, your drawings?" I once again blinked.

"Can you explain I'm kinda slow?" I gestured getting a few round of laughter.

"You draw like everything from your dreams right?" I once again nodded.

"You can astro project your drawings into real life, and from memory." A very loud gasp left me.

"No way!" I exclaimed a little. He grinned.

"Try it?" I blinked a little but I quickly let Edward's hand go to flip through my sketch books. I quickly touched at a butterfly drawing and watched a little shocked as the butterfly fluttered to life from the page.

I jolted back in shock everyone watching in awe. "I- wow that's cool." I whispered fluttering my eyes.

"You have a powerful gift." He commented. Edward glanced back at me a small laugh leaving him.

"I knew you were special." He laughed at me quietly I then flipped back to a page touching the little mental shield just in time for Kate to grab my hand trying to zap me.

"Huh? You learn fast, that would have knocked you back on your ass." She grinned at me while I sent her a playful smirk.

"So from memory and touching it? That kinda makes sense to why I always drew my dreams out, but what do my dreams connect with it?" I asked interested moving towards Eleazar while Kate and Garrett were flirting.

"Well your dreams could be like a key thing, you could have a side power were your dreams tell a small snippet of the future hence to why you dream them." My mouth formed an o.

"I have about twenty sketch books." I muttered in awe.

"Edward I have a gift!" I exclaimed bouncing he was watching me very amused and reached towards me to cup at my face kissing at my forehead.

"And it's incredible like you." He grinned at me lightly pulling away.

"Now I gotta go test this out."

"You aren't gonna dig in the closet and grab all the books are you-"

"Of course I am."

After some new vampires made their presence known, and explained that the Volturi was also gathering up witness Austin had put Ace to sleep for me before we all gathered back into the living room.

"This is all about Alice, he has no one like her. He might even want Elora if he learns about her gift." Edward spoke holding his arms through the black hoodie he was wearing.

"Which is why she left." I spoke gazing away at the way.

"But why does he need witnesses?" Emmett questioned sounding so confused.

"To spread the word that justice has been served after he slaughters an entire coven." The loud noise grew when everyone spoke with fear.

"Benjamin pack your bags we are leaving. I rubbed at my forehead but Edward then spoke in a harder tone.

"And go where? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with just Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? or Zafrina or Kate, or anyone else with a gift. Anyone they want they're goal isn't punishment. It's about power, it's acquisition Carlisle may not ask you to fight. But me and Elora will. For the sake of my family but also yours and for the way you want to live." I nodded my head deeply my leg and knee bounce roughly looking between everyone.

"You already know the packs will fight me and Jacob already agreed so did Sam." Austin gave me a firm look.

"We will fight with you."

With the new information that I had a gift whenever I wasn't taking care of Ace and worrying about outcome. I would practice being able to make more things appear from memory Kate trained me quite a lot.

The little mental shield I was practicing more to further it out to protect more then just myself with it. It's even gave me an idea about further things I could do with it. Once the finally words of the story was done.

I kissed Ace's forehead seeing him fast asleep I moved his hair before standing up clicking on the night light heading back to the living room, I watched the fireplace closely and I felt Edward presence before he sat by me.

"Its so strange I feel stronger then I ever have been in my entire life but mentally I'm exhausted." I grumbled hearing him chuckle out lightly.

"How about a hot bubble bath?" I started snickering quietly feeling Edward was rubbing at my shoulders kissing at my cheeks.

"Is this your way of saying you want what I think you want." I perked up hearing his soft laughter before he lifted my chin up kissing my lips tenderly.

"Its a hint I'll get it started." He grinned nuzzling me.

"Elora I have the bad habit of not giving you the benefit of the doubt how strong you are, and I'm sorry, but you take on a lot of tolls, so thank you for always being strong." I smiled when he kissed my cheek getting up leaving.

I then noticed something with my vision I stood up rushing over with my speed I grabbed the book opening it seeing the ripped page.

I flipped through to see a note that was meant for me. I bite my lip remembering it I then crumbled up the note turning back.

"You ready?" Edward question to me. I gave him a smile nodding tossing the page into the fire place tugging my sleeves down following after Edward.

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