Chapter Forty Eight

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Elora's Pov
The whole entire time it was silent during the car ride back to the airport, Edward didn't say much and neither did I there wasn't much to say. I didn't really know what I could say to him that would make him not be so angry, he was really consistent with when we got back home that Carlisle would take the baby out of me.

And for some odd reason I didn't want that. It felt wrong in my heart and mind for that. And I knew Edward could hear my thoughts loud and very clear. I glanced out the slightly foggy window hearing Edward tell me something.

"I'm gonna help them load everything." He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek slipping out from the car and I didn't get much time to say anything. I watch him walk away to go speak with the others loading our bags onto the jet and I noticed my phone just resting in the cup holder.

Scooping it up a heavy sigh left my lips bouncing my knee boiling with anxiety, I then clicked on her contact holding my phone close to my ear hearing the loud ringing I then heard her quiet voice speaking.

"Hello Elora? What's wrong?" I shut my eyes more before quietly speaking to Rosalie the best I can.

"Hey Rose... I umm need your help I'm pregnant, Edward wants Carlisle to get rid of it. I don't want that..."

It felt like it had only been two weeks of being back and everyone was staring at my stomach in either confusion, or disgust and I would admit my stomach did get super huge in such a short amount of time.

A lot of the time I was being babied by a very concerned Rosalie and even Esme. Carlisle was always poking at the large bump with needles but they wouldn't puncture at all. Most of the time the baby was kicking the hell of me with painful kicks leaving these nasty blue and purple marks on my skin.

I was so weak and exhausted all I mainly did was sleep on the couch, and draw dreams sometimes I could get up and take a walk in Esme's garden but food looked good but wouldn't stay down. I was sitting on the couch drawing out a dream focused, still feeling everyone's eyes on me.

I glanced up in confusion bringing the large hoodie back over my bulging stomach hearing three voices I hadn't heard in a while. Wait is that who I think it is? Rosalie seemed to noticed right away and moved to block me from anyone's view but I heard his voice a mile away.

It was Austin, Jacob and Bella. I stretched a bit calling out. "Austin? Jake? Bella? Is that you." I questioned seeing the distressed look grow on Edward's face. I sat up a little better placing the sketch book next to me I heard the footsteps trying to peek around her.

"Too close." Rosalie snapped out shooting a glare.

"What is your problem?" Austin growled out roughly clearly he was confused staring at her.

"Rosalie it's okay." I reassured her, she glanced at me gently before nodding her head slowly. She moved away allowing me to see a very concerned and worried Austin who was studying me, while Bella and Jacob were talking to Carlisle.

"Hey." I greeted him smiling when he chuckled slowly sitting on the edge of the arm rest gazing at me.

"Hey you look so bad." He joked making me also breath out a laugh his hair was pulled back in a ponytail out his face, everyday he looked more older, but I haven't seen him in a while.

"Thanks you look amazing like always." I chuckled playing with the blanket in my lap a bit.

"You gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" He questioned gently. I held my breath for just a moment but glanced at Rosalie, she was at my side in a instant helping me up.

I panicked just a little when my stomach was exposed and tugged the hoodie down seeing Austin's eyes flash over to Edward who looked even more in pain.

"Edward! What the hell did you do!" Austin shouted standing up fast. He rushed forward but Jacob yanked him back, just when Emmett was gonna.

"We didn't know this could happen." Carlisle stated fast.

"What the hell is it?" Austin snapped out again. Bella had moved around Jacob and everyone to sit down next to me grabbing my hand staring at me once I had sat back down staring at me gently.

"Is this what you want?" She whispered her free hand moving my curls from my face,"You look so sick." She whispered glancing at Edward again.

"We don't know needles won't puncture the sack," I blinked my eyes, looking down at my lap.

"I can't see it either, and I can't see Elora's future anymore." I held Bella's hand more gazing at her nodding my head fast at her.

"I want this Bella." I whispered.

"Why haven't any of you done anything take it out of her!" I snapped my eyes back up to see Austin was growing more pissed.

"This is none of your business you wet dog!"

"This has much to do with me when it's involved with Elora, Blondie."


"All this fighting isn't good for Elora."

"The fetus isn't good for her."

"Alice why aren't you looking, say the little word baby, it's just a little baby."


All I could do was just listen as most of them argued back and forth over this occasional even Jacob joining in. "Carlisle you have to do something." Austin pleaded not I then quickly spoke up growing frustrated with all of them.

"No stop it, it isn't up for any of you to decide." I snapped out flicking my tired eyes between everyone.

"Austin can I speak to you outside." Edward demanded pushing him off the wall, he stormed away outside not close behind Austin followed.

I sighed quietly to myself and glanced at Bella when she helped me up a bit looking at everyone who just nodded she brought me to the kitchen area helping me sit on the stools "Tell me everything that happened."

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