T W E N T Y F O U R : انعقد ذاك القلب بهذا القلب

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• XXIV • That (her) Heart is Knotted by His (his) Heart •


December 26th

Words can't describe how happy, excited and scared i was even though I'm at my parents home, legally and religiously I am now Hamdan's wife, we signed the paper works yesterday and today was the womens, I was currently sitting on the stool facing my mirror while the hair dresser does my hair my gaze turned towards the Dress that was layed in front of me "what do you think?" The woman asked i really liked it she curled it and left it open then placed the headpiece as I was about to reply Taim walked in with a mug in her hand "Here drink this it'll calm you down ." She handed it over "thank you." I took a sip and then took a deep breath, she sat in front of me on the dresser and smiled "you Look amazing." I placed my phone next my mug and i hugged her without saying anything, she's been staying over for the past few days while the rest of the girls come in early and then leave later on.
Taim and Roaa helped me with my dress while Diala held my hair "this dress is giving me Disney princess vibes." She said as the girls zipped me up "her whole look screams princess." Roaa gushed while Taim nodded in agreement.
After we all finished we all headed to the lounge area to take a few pictures before they all head downstairs and I stay behind a few moments later Mum came to me as it was time for my entrance, I wanted it to be an outdoor venue so mum suggested that we have it in our garden, she planned everything meaning that I was going to see the decorations and all for the first time, she hugged and whispered "may Allah protect you, bless you and be with you every step of the way, my he Complete you with happiness." She walked out of the side door because I was entering from the big one in the the middle.

" She walked out of the side door because I was entering from the big one in the the middle

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As the Door Opened, My Zaffa slowly began to play, so  I took a deep breath, tightening my grip on the bouquet and I started walking, my feet struggled a bit but I pulled through, I took my time before reaching my Kosha, my sisters helped me with ...

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As the Door Opened, My Zaffa slowly began to play, so  I took a deep breath, tightening my grip on the bouquet and I started walking, my feet struggled a bit but I pulled through, I took my time before reaching my Kosha, my sisters helped me with my dress and stood near me, I looked up and everyone was looking at me, if this was mums I only invited our family and SOME close friends I wonder what'll be like in our wedding, phones weren't allowed due to privacy, so only my sisters and friends had my mum came and took a few pictures the planners already brought in the boxes containing the Zahba (bride's jewelry Part of my dowry) and placed them near my Kosha.
The music was playing while everyone were enjoying their time while I sat there watching them and I was starting to get board so the girls, my sisters along with Maryam as well as sheikha came to me took some pictures and chatted so I won't feel left out, Maryam was telling me something when I was forced into someone's embrace "my Darling Congratulations Beautiful.. you definitely deserve all the happiness.." Zahra said in a very fake high pitched voice, before turning to Hamdan's Sisters, they simply smiled and awkwardly greeted her.
As the guests were served Coffee, A series of Beepings were heard announcing the arrival of the groom interrupted, the ladies covered up and the music changed  then Khalid and Ahmed walked Hamdan in.
Khalid was the first to reach me he gave a hug and whispered (I'm so happy for you.. may Allah Complete you both with nothing but happiness) Ahmed also hugged me and kissed my cheek before he stepped down, before leaving Khalid Khalid Whispered some in Hamdans Ear to which the latter nodded,  he walked towards his Mother and kissed her forehead then he did the same with mine before reaching the kosha "am i really this lucky?" was the first thing he said when he sat down and for some reason, I felt extremely nervous, my legs were shaking even though I was sitting he held my hand and gave it a squeeze "don't be nervous now, I'm your husband." i looked anywhere but at him and i heard him chuckle.

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