S E V E N : انت و انا

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VII - You and I

Sama's P.O.V :


"So this is the part of the contract that we adjusted as Mr

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"So this is the part of the contract that we adjusted as Mr. Faisal asked for and as for Everything else its perfect right??" Lucy said looking through the contract "Yes and once i'm back in Dubai Mr. Ahmed will be responsible for this Project" i added "well i guess this is it, Sama may i say it was a pleasure working with you, you're incredible The Building is amazingly designed i see Why Faisal Sent you here.. I'm looking forward for working with you in the Future, Jasim ??" she add as she closed the file "mm yeah ... wait why won't sama be the main executive director for our project???" Jasim said after a pause "Because it's Something that sama doesn't want !! I already asked her and she declined the offer" Lucy answered, "But Why ?" He said looking at me "well with all my respect but i can't accept such offer i already have projects that are waiting for me back home and not mention that i the only reason I'm here is because i was the one who worked on this project then the board decided to send me here "I couldn't understand why is he asking all of these questions, i just shrugged my the thoughts off, lucy smiled at me and i followed her back to her office "I'll see you Wednesday night and please don't reject this time please its a worksheet and you're going to Love it ..i'll explain everything to you, we need to do it  before you leave next Tuesday" she said as she hugged me "hmm sure okay"I agreed and hugged her back "Fantastic okay, I'll send the driver to get you" She said as she walked me out "okay" I said I walked out of the building and I hopped in the car

To Hamdan:
I just Finished, Where Should i meet you?

From Hamdan:
Where are you I'll come to you..🤔

To Hamdan:
Oh for the love of Allah will you tell me where are you taking me?? Please Hamdan🙏 plus I'm already in the car..🤨🤨

From Hamdan:
Fine I'm still in the hotel, so come back here 😒

To Hamdan:
Oh okay, Where are you taking me?? 😓

From Hamdan:
Somewhere ...

To Hamdan:

From Hamdan :

I couldn't help but smile at our conversation lately all I could feel is this buzzy feeling inside the kind that makes you feel light and happy, He is making me happy "Miss Sama" the driver said as he opened the door "Thank you David "I smiled and as usual I greeted the Door Guard and I headed straight to my room I sent him a text telling that I'm here so i quickly went to the bathroom I freshened up and changed my Clothes.


"Hey" was the first thing he said when I got into the car "okay whats with this face??" He said as I was fastening my seatbelt "You won't tell me where we're going" I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram feed "hmmm so you...

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"Hey" was the first thing he said when I got into the car "okay whats with this face??" He said as I was fastening my seatbelt "You won't tell me where we're going" I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram feed "hmmm so you're upset" he smiled and kept on driving without saying a single word n until we arrived at this small cottage like restaurant  "come on we here" he unbuckled his seatbelt I still  I stayed put "Hamdan I .. we ." I didn't even get to finish "An old friend of mine runs this place you'll eat the most delicious pasta and the best chocolate cake ever, so come on" he said as he got out of the car I hopped of the car and we entered the cafe, there weren't many people there and it was so quiet the only thing heard was the soft music playing in the background "ohh Hamdan long time no see Mate!! " a tall ginger greeted him "Thomas how are you" he replied "well I'm doing quite well, you know wife, kids and work .. what about you?? hows ...Oh uhm who this beautiful lady?? He asked Hamdan "I'm fine umm this is sama, sama this is my friend Thomas" he nodded at me and showed us to our seats " I have to take this... so please enjoy your dinner... we should catch up Later " his phone rang so he excused himself and the waitress came to take our orders, we talked for a bit until the food shortly arrived "this looks really good" I said looking at the dish "not only does it look good it tastes good too" at first we ate In comfortable silence "so when are you going home?" Hamdan said as he wiped his mouth "Soon" I said at first I was taken aback from the question but I quickly added "on Tuesday, I was supposed to be home 2 days ago but it was postponed" I looked up from my drink at him then I lowered my gaze "I'm Glad" he added then lifted his hand signaling to the waiter to come I couldn't help it but smile as I looked at him, as the waitress placed the desert on the table i noticed that Hamdan was uncomfortable and annoyed as we waited for our dessert  "Come on," he said as he stood up "are we leaving ??" I questioned quite confused "yes Sama Let's go now" he stated more like commanded "okay" I simply replied not wanting to argue him,  he paid and we left the restaurant, as we got in the car and we fastened our seatbelts and he drove off at first neither of us said anything but I took it upon myself to set somethings straight "A. You'll never ever  EVER do this to me again if you feel like leaving, your uncomfortable or your annoyed from something please tell me first, B. I don't like being told what to do we talk and we work things out and if you  dislike something or if you have a different opinion on something you talk to me then we work it out!! I don't like being kept in the dark And lastly, C. What happened you were okay, what abruptly changed your mood ??" I said everything I had in me I wanted things to start off on a good track The funny part in the whole situation is that he didn't reply he just kept on driving until he suddenly stopped " ... Sama" he started I didn't reply *on Purpose*  "I'm Sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he leaned in his seat and turned to look at me "guess i'm going to do it your way ..  A. I'm sorry if it came out as I'm telling what to do, I under no circumstances will tell you what do or try to control anything but I still would want to know about it, I'll answer B and C together  yes I was okay until some jackass kept on staring at you and was saying Rude stuff to his friends and I don't  Like it, he has no rights to call you names like this especially when you're my Girlfriend" I fought the urge to smile at how sweet he actually was "so you decided to go all Macho on me" he just smiled and kept on looking at me that's when it hit me Girlfriend oh my !! I tried not to react but I failed myself i was blushing so hard i wanted to hide so i Turned to face the window.
He let out a chuckle and started to drive back to the hotel once we reached it he stopped by the street near the garden "will I see you tomorrow ??" He asked as he pulled my coat from the back seat "well I'll be at the SquareUP Workshop until 5 pm then I might meet up with tiffany" I replied gathering my belongings "So I will not see you ?? Ms. Sanders is she the investor here??"  he said as he leaned back in his seat "No she's the Deputy CEO of Square Corporation and probably not"I replied this time looking directly at his eyes "Well you have a good night then I'll umm call you later...  I'm assuming that you're still mad so i promise that I'll make it up to you, come on.. off you go it's getting late and you had a very long day you need to rest" he handed me my coat "okay, good night" I said i hopped off the car.

10:10 pm 

I wrapped hair with a towel as I stepped out of the shower I walked towards the washing basin I washed my make-up off and I brushed my teeth after I finished I couldn't help but look at myself at the mirror and i simply smiled because I'm genuinely happy a feeling I haven't felt for a long while..
After I finished Drying and brushing my hair, putting it in a bun and then getting into my Pyjamas, as I climb on my bed I heard a knock on my door "who is it??" No one answered I opened the door no one, I looked down to find a box I picked it up, Finding a note attached to it

*Sorry sorry poem*
Basically, these are my apology!!

After reading the note I opened the box and found Macaroons *they're Sama's favorite*, I unconsciously smiled because he really kept his promise.

From Hamdan:
I hope you enjoy them xx.
Goodnight Beautiful ❤

To Hamdan:
I Will, Thank you!!
FYI I accepted your apology since the Beginning
Good Night H.!!

NEW CHAPTER  YAY!!! Love you guys 🤗🤗🤗💕 Tell me what you think about Sama and Hamdan ..

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