T H I R T E E N : عجزت أوصاف تفصيلك

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XIII - I'm Unable to Describe Your Details


Sama's P.O.V

I stared at the screen knowing exactly who sent it, I placed my phone back on the bedside table, I laid down for a moment, My mind was running in every direction it's official he is getting married to her... I wondered what if Ismail was involved with another girl, I'm sure that my reaction would have been different, and that I would have broken up with him and then I would of move on... but it was Zahra! ... My cousin, yes she and I were never close and we have our conflicts but still she is family.

Many things were going through my mind and my train of thoughts was cut as I heard a soft knock "Good Morning Beautiful, Can I come in?" my mum asked, I simply nodded and gave her a small smile. "You missed breakfast and I got worried so I came to check on you" she said walking towards my bed she sat next to me and started to gently stroke my hair "hmm I lost track of time, good morning mama!" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist "someone is not in the mood today... Well I hate to interrupt you but it's nearly 10:30 and you said that you have some errands to attend to so Come on!" she replied then kissed my forehead, and I headed to the bathroom, then took a quick shower and I walked out , I headed straight to my Wardrobe to get dressed.


"Sweetheart if you need anything I'll be downstairs in the Sitting room..."

"Okay Mama"

i sat on my on the stool Facing my dressing table for a second i looked at myself in the mirror...
[ the past year was so hard her parents from oneside her job from the other and to top it all she was breaking mentally and emotionally all thanks to a relationship she knew was doomed from the beginning but she choose to get through with it, yes she knew that there was a chance that they'd break up but she never thought of or at least what she thought was impossible is Ismail cheating on her with her cousin would be the reason. she felt lost and broken, she hated the thought of giving her heart so easily, especially to someone she barely knew, it took a whole year for her to stand back at her feet and for her wounds to heal, evently she pulled through.]

Then here again i gave my heart away to someone too quickly, hamdan is someone that i never thought that i would meet, let alone be romantically involved with. he came in like a cloud that didn't carry rain or any kind of storms he came in to add something to my sky, my heart felt heavy because i know that it's all going way to fast, my heart is too fragile it really can't take another disappointment .

My phone Beeped And i automatically smiled.

New Message: From Hamdan:

Good Morning Beautiful.

I hope That your day is as Gorgeous and Bright  as Your Smile ❤😉

I'm Now Boarding, i  may not be able to Answer if you call or Text.

i don't want you to worry I'll Call you when I'm back.

oh and Sama ... I Miss You .. A lot💔.

Have Fun and please Take care, I Love You xx.

My heart flatterd as i read the message, and I smiled trying my hardest to pushed my worries and doubts aside at least for now.. i really need to get this off my chest but i know that its too dangerous, i have to think this through.

To Hamdan:

H. Good Morning❤

May your Day be Happy and Bleesed by the Grace Of Allah.

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