F O U R T E E N : T R E A S U R E

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Driving wasn't Something that bothered Sama, in fact it was something she Loved doing, currently they're half an hour away from Abu Dhabi, it was still early so the traffic wasn't as bad. Sama and Sheema were having a moment of peace with soft indie music playing in the backgroun as Taim was sleeping in the backseat.

Sama's P.O.V

"So Tell me does my little bear have a name yet I can't wait"

"Well we have a few names but Talal and I we're kinda of leaning towards Noah (نوح) but my Mother in Law isn't a Fan"

"Noah... I Love it, it has a ring to"

"Do you hear That baby Auntie mimi Loves it too"

"You still have 2 months to go maybe she'll come around.."

"Maybe and maybe not, Anyways Tell me how's the office construction going?"

"Well we might be able wrap everything up In a week or two right before Roaa and Ghanim's wedding"

"That's good, at least you don't have stay at home for long"

"Yeah Alhamdulillah... mum is already making plans for me... she keeps saying things like Sama you're next ... when will I see you in a white dress etc....
I'm losing it"

"Have you ever thought about it"

"Call me a liar but I swear that I never thought about it"

"You should Start Now" Taim said I looked up at the rearview mirror to see a wide awake Taim, she always did this thing where she falls in and out of sleep yet she still contributes in any conversation. Sheema looked at me and we started giggling..


"Give me few minutes I'll be back" I climbed out of the car, to see Sadiq waiting for me at the entrance.

"Hello Ms. Sama"

"Hello Mr. Sadiq how are you? I hope you're well."

"I'm good Alhamdulillah.. Mr. Mohammed has already finished the yacht arrangements, so if you don't mind bringing everyone, you guys Can Board and we'll load the luggage then we're off" I nodded and headed back to my car only to see Another One parked next to it.
"Diala I thought your going to be late?" I said as I greeted Gala "It got cancelled so I picked Gala up and here we are" she winked then gave me a hug, she never had plans, the two of us secretly arranged it, I put her on flowers and Decorations Duty and we didn't want Sheema to know that's why we came in separate Cars.
"Come then lets go the boat is here and they'll get the luggage"

"Wow this is exactly what I needed" Diala Excitedly exclaimed as she pulled off her scrunchie letting her hair out she then took a deep breath and settled in her seat "yes we all needed this" I added.
Sheema, Diala and I we sat next to each other while Taim and Gala were taking Pictures...
"Ladies.. we're Ready to Go, please remain seated until we reach the villa"

*Beach House Video is in media*


*the GANG* 😎
Sheema and Gala are Twins!!

*the GANG* 😎Sheema and Gala are Twins!!

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