E I G H T : قلبين في لندن

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VIII - Two Hearts in London

Sama's P.O.V:

Tuesday/ 06:30 AM

Mornings Are sometimes my Absolute favorite thing in the world and sometimes they are the worst, for today I Woke Smiling hoping that Id remain this happy for the Whole the day Seemingly that today is the a really long day with lots of meeting and Finalizing everything, finishing all my assignments and researches to Finally head back home on Thursday.

I Jumped out of Bed and headed to the bathroom then Took a shower, after I was done I wrapped my head with a towel I exited the bathroom back to the bed I unplugged my phone from the charger the first thing I found was a text

From Faz3:

"You are illuminating my life with your beautiful appearance

Enlightening the depth of my heart with your appearance

I'm not able to say except for OH! Beautiful

May your day be delighted "

Good Morning Beautiful  I'm not going to see you today but know that you're constantly on my mind, have a good day xx

I just sat there a staring at my phone with for a good second Thinking of what am I supposed to answer him!!

To Faz3:

Good Morning H. xx thank you for your beautiful words they were beautiful, you make me smile Effortlessly.
May Your day be as Beautiful as Your Words 💜...

I got an immediate reply

From Faz3:

I'm glad that I can put a smile on your beautiful face.

07:45 AM

I Finished getting ready checked my hair then headed down stairs to the loby as always I greeted the employers at the front desk and the Butler by the door and off I went ..

Outfit *

Outfit *

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"... so I'm thinking of changing this with the other wallpaper  the one we already agreed on and we could maybe choose another colour for the main hall" I suggested running my fingers through my hair as I'm getting frustrated "Jasim i agree with sama it's a beautiful colour and it's what we agreed on" Lucy said as she's becoming frustrated herself her phone rang so she Excuseed herself.
we've been discussing and making decisions concerning the project that I thought was complete Faisal kept on changing and adding in unnecessary things "oh okay so umm mr.. Jasim I'm  sorry but things are going terribly wrong and clearly gone on  a  different lane, you literally changed your mind as well  as the whole project and I'm sorry i cannot work like this" i blew up i couldn't just sit and change a project that i worked hard on for six months and before leaving the meeting room he stood in front of the door "well nothing it's nothing personal but Sama I think you're brilliant, Beautiful and I'm doing all this so i could spend more time with you that's all, i don't care about this project.. i don't care about anything nor anyone i just want to be next to you that's why i asked fayez to send you" he said as he now turned Around to face me "what ? .. wait I'm sorry i don't understand??" I can't take this anymore so i picked my belongings and walked towards the door "Sama i like you .... just hear me out !!" He lowly shouted "mr. Jasim I'm sorry but you're being unprofessional right now Plus this wrong very wrong and you're making feel so uncomfortable.. I'm sorry but i cannot continue working with you this is not what I signed up For .. and if you're want or going change anything in the project or the interior please contact Mr. Faisal he Has an amazing Team of Interior Architects that will help.. now if you'd Excuse me.." i firmly said and exited the meeting closing the door behind me , the moment that i got in the car i pulled out my phone "Hello Ghanim.." at this very moment i realized that i was really done with my job..

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