S I X: مجنون أنا

893 17 8

Crazy Me

Hamdan's P.O.V :

"Sama I'm going to ask you one Question, do you have Feelings for me?? Yes, or No" I said in a serious tone, she looked surprised "I don't" she stutters "YES OR NO Sama answer me ... Please" our eyes met but she looked away "Hamdan I I... I " she started then she broke down "What do you want me to say huh?? I ... my heart is too broken I don't think it would mend and I like you I do but I'm lost, scared and I don't know any more I keep thinking that what we'll have is too good be true my heart won't handle another heartbreak" she kept on crying seeing her like this reminded me of a wounded bird, without thinking twice I took her hand in mine and I tightly held it "the last couple of days were pretty crazy I still can't understand what's happening but all I know is what's between you and me isn't just anything it's Something I know that what I'm saying is crazy but believe me I haven't felt like this before usually I wouldn't trust people this fast nor let them in this quickly but you Sama " I said while still holding her hand she turned her face to look at me "I can't promise to fix everything nor can I make you forget what you've been through... we're both wounded but I promise you that from now till Allah knows when I'll be by your side" I continued she kept on looking at me without saying anything "so what do you say will you give us a chance" I gave her hand a squeeze she nodded her head "I would be so mean if I said no" I smiled and wiped her tears with my thumb "here" I said giving her a bottle of water "so what now?" she asked playing with her sleeves I checked my phone "mmm lets go on a ride then we'll head back and have lunch" I tucked my phone back in my pocket, we walked back to the horses.

06:30 pm

Sama's P.O.V:

I looked at my watch and it read seven thirty I kept on looking at the window hearing the soft Pitter-patter of the rain as the car was slowly moving on the wet roads I pulled sleeve and leaned in my seat and all I can think of is am I ready to start a new relationship after Him, Ismail broke my heart into tiny pieces, its already been 2 years my mind says I'm ready but my heart still has some unhealed wounds. I let out a sigh cause thinking about all of this is stressful "are you okay you hardly ate nor said a word since lunch" he looked at me than back at the road "hmm I'm okay don't worry; would you mind if I turned on the radio?" I asked "no, it's okay" I turned it on and All i Want by Kodaline was on as it was playing I focused on him but I was interrupted by Call from Roaa

R: Hello Samsumiii
S: Hello
R: can I call you right now??
S: I am on my way back to the hotel right now so I'll call when I get there...
R: oh you're out??
S: yeah xx.
R:never mind, take care..
S: what's wrong? Did something happen..

What could possibly happen?? All possible bad scenarios flew through my mind!!
Hamdan looked at me then back at the road "hey are you okay" he asked "yeah yeah I'm fine Don't Worry " i answered but it sounded as if i'm comforting myself.
After about two hours we arrived to the hotel for a moment i forgot about everything and gathered all the Courage in me "so about what you said earlier i want to... I." I started but he cut me off " don't worry about it right now, Come on go take a warm shower, eat something and go to sleep it's been a long day, No matter what going on in that mind yours I'm sure everything will be okay, I'll call tomorrow and we'll talk about it" i looked at him and i nodded my head "Good Night Hamdan" i said as i slowly opened the door "Good Night Sama" he replied back.



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09:22 PM

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09:22 PM

Once I was in my room I did exactly what he told me to do and it indeed made me feel better, I finished my shower and I sat on the sofa drying my hair I pulled up my phone and called Roaa even though it's about 1am in Dubai

R: Sama it's 1am

S: What's wrong??? You're phone call worried me!!

R: Couldn't you wait until tomorrow Morning??

S: Roaa ...

R: Okay Fine. But hey sama listen please relax okay

S: Roaa Okay... just tell me what happened?? Please

R: it's About .. Al-Reem She is Pregnant 🎉 lol see I got you

S: Screw you Roaa you worried me I thought something bad happened, Ahh I really hate it when you act like this ..

R: Hahaha Aw baby I'm Sorry 😇

we talked for a bit the she hung up, I finished drying my hair I added some hair serum and pulled it up into a bun I climbed into bed and closed my eyes trying to sleep when I felt my phone buzz it was a message so I sat up and opened it

From faz3🐴:

How to get to you and where to start loving you?

Tell me how to start telling you about my love?

I send you my greetings , but you never answer,

Don't I at least deserve an answer.

What should I do to get your attention

And start open up and confess.

To smile at you?

Or interrupt you while talking?

Or to say a respectful word?

Since I am in front of you, I cannot go away,

And I couldn't remember the love words.

I got confused since you didn't care about who love's you.

Can't you feel it?

I am falling in love with you!

Good Night Beautiful xx

UnKnowingly i found myself Smiling, and at this very moment i realised that I'm indeed falling for him after Ismail i never thought that I'd think of having someone else in my life seemingly that he deeply hurt me, i picked up my phone a sent him a quick message, plugged in the charger and i fell asleep..

To Faz3 🐴:
Hamdan This was really beautiful
Good night xx


Chapter 6 💕 I Hope That You Guys Like It...

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