Chapter One

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Sheridan Ramsey was no stranger to trouble. Unfortunately. Though she kept telling herself that one day there would be no need for it. Of course her brother, Payton, never failed to convince her that one last game would be all they needed.

Sheridan was determined to find her brother. She would not allow herself to think about the possibility that he might meet the same end as their father. Just the thought of Payton lying cold and lifeless in a puddle of his own blood caused Sheridan's body to shake. She wouldn't cry. It solved nothing. Or so she had been told all her life.

Sheridan shook her head and inhaled deeply before pushing open the glass-front door of the small two-story brick building.

She had it on semi-good authority that Logan Remington was the man to go to if you were needing a problem solved quickly and had deep enough pockets to pay the hefty bill that was sure to follow. According to her source, who had used Remington in the past, there was no one more efficient or sexy.

Sheridan could care less about the presumed "sexy" bit... she encountered nice looking men all the time in her line of work. If you could call it that.

She was more concerned with the reported skills he had acquired as a Seal and the utmost discretion he was said to have.

Sheridan stopped at the small desk positioned in the corner of the room. She glanced around, always making it a habit to familiarize herself with her surroundings, including all Exit points. Unfortunately, she noted that there was only one door leading in and out of the area she was in. The windows appeared to be your run of the mill brand, but she knew different. No bullet was passing through those babies, which meant her busting out one was almost impossible.

No doubt the one door leading out of the reception area would be locked. But where was the receptionist?

Sheridan took a seat and waited. She glanced out of the corner of her eye, having instantly spotted the security camera when she entered. She picked a magazine from the small side table and began flipping through the pages. Her frustration level grew along with her anxiousness as the seconds on the clock ticked by. The sound echoed in the utter silence of the room.

Sheridan was about to leave when the locked door opened and a man stepped out. If this was Logan Remington, Foster hadn't been lying when he called the man sexy.

It seemed as if they stood staring at one another, assessing one another, for hours, but it couldn't have been more than a matter of seconds based on the ticks of the clock that still echoed in Sheridan's head.

He was tall and lean, but muscular. The loose fitting gray t-shirt did little to disguise what lay beneath. And the tattoos - oh, how she had always had a weakness for a man with tattoos. She wondered if he had more than the ones she saw on his arms. His face wasn't bad either. Quite the opposite, with sharp angles and a strong jaw shaded from a five o'clock shadow. The perfect canvas for his piercing blue eyes and full lips.

She fisted her hand because she was actually itching to run her fingers through the dark hair that was longer and wavy on top than the sides.

Sheridan mentally reminded herself that she had more important things to contemplate. It was just unbalancing for her to have this response after all of her self-training to ignore such things.

By way of introduction she offered her hand as she spoke, "Hello, my name is Sheridan Ramsey. I have an appointment with Mr. Remington."

He took her hand in a firm, but almost caressing, shake.

"Miss Ramsey, I'm the man you're looking for. Please, call me Logan."

Oh, jeez. She was in trouble. The sound of his deep voice stirred something in her. Visions of calling his name as he gave her pleasure popped into her mind. This was a bad idea. Sheridan thought about excusing herself, but had no idea where else to go.

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