Chapter Fourteen

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Sheridan knew Logan was right; now that he had been extended an invitation, Delgado would be keeping close tabs on him. It would raise suspicions if he dropped her by home before heading to the hotel.

"Logan, you don't think Delgado will piece together who you actually are, do you?"

He finished chewing and swallowed the bite of steak then answered, "I seriously doubt it. It's not like I have a billboard with my picture on it anywhere. Most of my clients come through referrals. Others happen by chance - I'm not listed on any sites or anything."

She nodded, but at the same time she worried her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Are you not hungry?"

Sheridan glanced at her barely touched tray and shook her head. "I think I'll turn in." She started to stand and excuse herself when he called her name.

"The scar on your shoulder, the one under the tattoo - how did you get it?"

"A scar for a scar, huh?" She wanted to play it off as no big deal, but it was a constant reminder of what her life had been like before and the guilt she still felt for resenting her brother and mother.

Sheridan eased back into her chair and stared at him for a second that felt more like an eternity. She had never told anyone how she had gotten that scar. The only person who knew was Payton and he assumed it was their father she had forgiven.

"My father was a man filled with disappointment, anger and hate. I was the perfect punching bag."

"I'm sorry, Sheridan."

"Don't you dare apologize for him."

Logan shook his head. "I'm not apologizing for him. I'm sorry you had to live with a man like that."

"My father hated me or at least it felt that way. I looked just like my mother, the whore that broke his heart and left him with two children to care for. He constantly reminded us of that. We weren't his obligations or responsibility. He could care less if we ate or were dressed for the weather. He only cared that we played our part in whatever scheme would get us through until the next one. When I started fighting back, he threatened Payton or to sell me to the man with the fattest wallet. Payton is my older brother, but I'm his protector."

"So what happened?"

"Well, now you're just being greedy. I already told you more than you told me."

"Sheridan, I don't like to think about the things I've done. I was labeled a hero when honestly I was a murderer. A glorified hit man. I took a bullet for one of the best men I have ever known, but it didn't change his fate. He was marked for death. I just prolonged it a few months."

"I shouldn't have pushed you to say anything. Although I know that's how you feel, I find it hard to believe. Foster speaks of you as if you are a knight in shining armour and already you have treated me more like a lady than any man I have ever known. You are kind and considerate, brave and I can't help but to like you more and more every time I'm with you."

"Don't disillusion yourself. Rhys and I aren't that different. We're just on different sides of the law."

"I have known bad men. I have also known good men that have done bad things and there is a difference." She paused, sat there a few seconds, remembering that night and then looked at him with a far away look. "Payton often had nightmares and he would be so lost in his mind that even his own screams wouldn't wake him up. But if my father woke up he would be furious. I tried to wake him up that night; to comfort him so he would quieten down, but I was too late. My father was fueled with alcohol and who knows what else. He knew why I was in Payton's room, but I guess it cleared his conscience to blame me. It must have made it easier to excuse the punishment as just."

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