Chapter Seven

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Sheridan paced back and forth in front of the wall of windows overlooking the bright lights of the cityscape.

"Darlin, sit down and have a drink - you're making me nervous." Sheridan stopped and stared at Foster. At some point he had changed out of his drag and she hadn't even noticed.

"What time is it?" she asked instead.

"Quarter till twelve. Why are you so antsy?"

She turned to watch the world going on outside and spoke as she wrapped her arms around herself, "Logan was planning to meet with Rhys Murphy tonight. You don't think something happened to him, do you?"

She turned to find Foster lounged on the vintage chaise, smiling at her. "What?"

"Oh, I don't know. Just wondering if you are worried because of Payton or because of Logan."

"Is there a difference? I mean, I'm paying him to find Payton. I don't want him getting hurt because of us."

Foster wrinkled his nose as if he smelled shit and started fanning himself with a Japanese fan. "I don't think you have to worry about that, honey. Did I ever tell you how I met Logan Remington?"

"No, you didn't."

He sat up, crossing his legs and patted the seat next to him. Sheridan sat down without protest and listened. "There was a man that kept coming into the club. He started off being sweet enough, sending flowers, then lingerie but then he started getting pushy if you know what I mean. I kicked his ass out one night and thought that would be it, but then I started receiving pictures he was taking of me without me knowing he was nearby. His way of letting me know I couldn't keep him away. So, I hired this young PI - new to the business and within a couple of weeks I didn't have to worry anymore."

"What happened?"

"Well, I was closing up one night when the guy grabbed me from behind. I started to fight but then I felt the cool tip of his knife against my throat. I just knew something terrible was about to happen. And it did, but not for me. Logan went Chuck Norris on his ass - I thought for sure he was dead, but Logan left just enough of him for the cops to scrape up and take to jail after his pitstop at the ER."

"And you kept working with him?"

"Oh yes, at first just because I had a bit of a hero crush on him, but then we became friends. Plus it was pretty clear he wasn't swinging my way. He helped us put some better security measures in place and has taken on a few other jobs for me here and there."

Foster patted her hand, "If anyone can find your brother, it's Logan. I truly believe that."

Sheridan smiled, about to say something when the ringing of her phone interrupted her. She jumped up, looking for it when Foster cleared his throat and waved it at her. "Here it is, darlin."

"Thanks," she mumbled as she took the phone from him and recognized Logan's number. "Did you find him?" she asked by way of greeting.

"Sort of."

"What do you mean, 'sort of'?" Sheridan asked, impatient for all the details.

"Rhys is involved, but there are some stipulations if you want to see your brother again."

Her heart sank, but she willed herself to look on the bright side. He was alive.

"Okay. What do I need to do? I'll do anything - just tell me."

Logan cut her off, "Meet me at the office in the morning; we'll discuss everything then."

"No," she all but shouted, "no," she said quieter this time, "I would rather meet you tonight. I can meet you at your office."

"Sheridan, it has been a long day. I will meet you in the morning."

She wasn't above begging, "Please, Logan."

"Fine," he answered in a huff. She could picture the frustrated look she has already seen more than once on his handsome face.

"Thank you! I'll be there shortly."

She hung up as she was rushing toward the door, turning back she said to Foster, "I have to go, but I'll call you later."

"You know, darlin, now that you know that brother of yours is okay you could always relax a little with Logan, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, waving goodbye, but the thought was more than a tad appealing.


Logan was tired as hell. And seriously in need of a cold shower. He hadn't been able to get Sheridan out of his mind since he had met her. Seeing Candy on display had made him realize just how much he wanted her. Maybe he should have accepted Candy's bold invitation, maybe he wouldn't be so twisted up right now. It wouldn't have been the first time he screwed a woman with no intention of ever seeing her again.

Logan let himself into his apartment above the office and stripped on the way to the shower. He cursed Sheridan for begging, for walking through his damn door, for getting him tangled up with Rhys again, and especially for making him want her so much without even trying.

Logan closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the cold tile while the even colder water ran down his back. Images of him sitting behind his desk with Sheridan walking in popped into his mind. Visions of her with her long, dark hair falling around her shoulders, unable to cover her full breasts taunted him. He imagined her in a get up similar to what Candy had on - those long legs in a pair of sheer thigh highs, heels putting her almost eye level with him and those panties made to make a man beg, but granting him easy access.


He needed a woman, but thought it unlikely any other than Sheridan would do now.

He heard the bell then. Logan cursed her again as he quickly turned the shower off and toweled off the best he could. He threw on a pair of baggy gray sweats before walking down the stairs.

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