Chapter Nine

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Logan couldn't believe he was hearing the shit coming out of his own mouth. Hadn't he told her that he would gladly give her pleasure when she offered herself to him and hadn't she just admitted as much to him?

To hell with taking the moral high road. He wanted her; so why not take what he wanted? What she was offering him?

He knew why. Because for some unknown reason he didn't want her to regret it. He didn't want her to regret him.

Logan hadn't dated much since his return home. He'd had plenty of dates and one night stands, occasionally a repeat if there was a clear understanding that the bedroom was as far as they would make it, but there was something different about Sheridan. He had only known her for a few days but he was starting to like her.

Aside from the obvious - her looks, she was smart as hell and loyal. But there was more. She had been wounded and he would be damned if he would add salt to it.

They had both been sitting quietly when Logan stood up. "I'm going to grab another beer - you want anything?"

Sheridan shook her head, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Logan took his time, screwing off the top just before he sat back down. They started to speak at the same time. He stopped and told her to go ahead.

"About what just happened. I really need you to know that I don't do this all the time. Well, really never. I mean I have before, but -" Sheridan blew out a breath. "I'm sure you don't care one way or the other."

With his arms propped on his knees and the beer dangling from two fingers, Logan nodded. "Yeah, I do. I want to hear it if it's something you need to say."


Sheridan couldn't explain it. None of what had happened since she walked into Logan's apartment made sense to her. And for some reason she wanted him to know that she wasn't easy. She never had been.

"Thanks. It's important to me not to mix business and pleasure. I've had sex before, but not with a lot of people. Well, unless you consider two a lot, but anyway that was way too much information and I'm rambling." She paused and looked up from her lap to find Logan watching her while he took a drink from the bottle. "It's just I don't get around and I don't want to leave here tonight with you thinking I do."

"Honestly, I wasn't thinking about how many people you've been with and I would be a liar if I said I didn't care. I can't explain it, but the thought of you not being with a lot of men is a relief."

Sheridan laughed nervously.

"I still don't really know you, but I am starting to like you."

Never losing eye contact, Sheridan responded, "I'm starting to like you too."

Sheridan was unable to control the yawn that escaped, "I'm sorry. I'm exhausted."

Logan nodded and stood without saying anything. He walked over to what appeared to be a closet, slid aside the metal door and removed a pillow and plush throw. Returning, he dropped it on the couch.

"You can have the bed."

Stunned, Sheridan shook her head, "No, I couldn't possibly stay here tonight and definitely not in your bed."

"Sheridan, you're sleepy and you don't need to drive this late. Hell, we were seconds from being in it together. I'm not going to change my mind and ravage you tonight. There may come a day when my will power fails but not tonight."

Sheridan considered and decided he was right, again. She was tired and didn't have anyone to go home to. The thought of being there with Logan made her feel safe.

Nodding, she said, "okay, but I'll take the couch."

"No, you won't. Go to bed already. I'm tired too and you're arguing a losing battle."

Standing, Sheridan paused to look down at Logan who had already begun fluffing the pillow and settling onto the rich leather of the couch. "Thank you - for everything."

He looked up at her with an expression she couldn't read, "You're welcome."

She took a few steps and glanced back at him over her shoulder, "You surprised me."

He seemed amused by her comment. "Yeah? How so?"

"You're a gentleman." Unable to resist, she smiled at his facial expression, "I mean, I knew you were just by your manners - holding the door open, offering me something to drink, but it's not just for show, is it?"

She didn't wait for him to answer before walking over to the bed and practically falling into it once she had her wedges kicked off.


Logan couldn't go to sleep. He stared up at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity. He couldn't stop thinking about Sheridan and how close he had come to taking everything he wanted; giving back what she needed, what she deserved.

He could still taste her on his lips, could almost feel the silk of skin on his fingertips and realized that he wanted Sheridan Ramsey in a way he had never wanted another woman.

Thinking back on it, he was as surprised by his actions as she was. He couldn't explain it.

Logan closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep. He was almost there when he heard her soft moans. Not sounds of pleasure, but distress. He knew all about the nightmares that could haunt a person.

Logan stood and walked toward the bed, seeing that Sheridan had apparently been tossing and turning already by the looks of the covers. He didn't want to wake her if he could avoid it. Logan sat on the edge of the bed and reached over to gently rub her back. Sheridan didn't wake up as he had expected she might, but the connection seemed to sooth her.

She rolled onto her side, snuggling into the pillow. It was then that he saw the tattoo on her shoulder and felt the scar underneath when he ran his fingers across the lettering.

Logan must have dozed off at some point because when he awoke the room was lit from the pale morning glow of the sun. He started to shift, feeling the crick in his neck and stopped once he realized Sheridan had her head in his lap. He rolled his eyes to the heavens to silently ask what he had done to deserve such torture when she stirred.

Luckily, she only groaned and rolled over when he lifted her head and slid off the bed. Logan made his way to the shower, reckoning that cold showers would likely become a daily routine for the foreseeable future.

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