Let's begin, shall we?

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So... where do I begin-

Let's start with the basics, stuff that is always incorporated in my stories:

• Countries cannot reproduce like humans. They can have sexual intercourse, but they cannot get pregnant. Every parent-child relationship only works through adoption.

• They can however be related to one another, mostly by having a similar culture, or their native languages coming from the same family.

• For Europe, there are 4 major families, originating from the language families of europe:

- Roman / (Latin)
- Germanic
- Slavic (separated into west-, south- and east)
- Celtic

You also have the Greek, Turkish, Finnish and Hungarian.

• Since they cannot reproduce, there aren't real family trees for countries. It's mostly just a weak association with 'directly related', 'somehow related', 'adopted as a child' and 'adopted as a sibling'.

• Every country has personifications for their states / counties / cantons / regions / districts
(Depending on the governmental structure of a country).

- Some of these states (I will use the term states as an example, again, it depends on the country what name these places have)
have already existed before the country, sometimes as independent nations themselves. The relationship between a country and its states can vary, from the states regarding their country as their parent, sibling or caretaker. It's fairly rare that a state will refer to the country as their child.

• I will get more in depth with the topic of states, one of the main problems I had while doing research, was the fact that many countries refer to theirs as counties, where as the states of the US for example have counties themselves. The term county is used quite freely.

Countries represent their people.

• A country will always put the wants and needs of their people to higher importance than their own. Every country has an incredibly strong bond to their people, and they love everyone one of them. Not in a romantic, and not in a platonic way. It's their own way, and countries don't experience and/or show emotions the same way as humans do. That love will not stop when a citizen commits a crime, a murder, or does anything that is not tolerated by the country. A country will judge their citizen, especially those that hold a lot of power, but that love never fades.
They have to. Afterall, their sole purpose in life is to represent them.

• While a countries mind will be focused on helping their people, their actions are mostly controlled by the government, and their decisions. Only when the people actively go against the government (riots, protests, revolutions) the country will be able to join in.
(And they will)

• A country will not always agree with either their people, or their leaders. But mostly the last one. But again, it's their duty, and with that comes responsibility.

• Many countries tend to dislike their leaders, but they will barely voice their opinion on that.

• Despite strained relations between their people, countries (especially neighbouring countries) will try to keep their personal relations with one another on good terms. They have no one else to talk to apart from their states, cities and other countries.

• Countries have been through some serious shit, and while most have gotten over things that happened in the past, many still feel guilty for things they have done, (often under the direct influence of their government) or they don't want to remember what happened. If a country has a certain topic that they're sensitive about, it is very likely that they also have PTSD from that event, and bringing it up will trigger it.

• They all should have to go to therapy.

• I'm being serious here, someone needs to help them.

• They usually hate to talk about their insecurities. Many are still used to being extremely secretive about their weaknesses and fears, because they think that others will use it against them. So basically: they have a lot of secrets.

• There are only few relation- and/or friendships that are very long lasting, despite the considerable age that many countries have. Some of these long lasting relationships include:

- Portugal and England
- France and Scotland
- Baden and Württemberg
- the US and Canada
- Brazil and Argentina (despite mini-wars breaking out because of football)
- Russia and China
- the Cayman Islands and Jamaica
- Finland and Estonia
- the German Empire and Austria-Hungary
- the Spanish Empire and the HRE (that one broke eventually)

There are more, but I can't be bothered to put the rest in here too-

I should add-

I am European. That also means that know considerably more about European history than about any other. I will not try to say that know world history, because that is simply not true, I know not nearly enough about Southern American, Afrikan, and other continents culture and history, to say that I do. Hell, I don't even know everything about European history, especially slavic history. But I still have some decent knowledge. I won't be able to make a deep dive into the background of Indonesia, that is basically what I'm saying here.

There are many stories and other media, especially in this fandom, that show the culture and history of countries that I didn't know much about, and I always enjoy learning more about history, and I wish that there would be more of it in the fandom. The idea of portraying countries as actual living beings is perfect to show history in a different light that might be easier for many people to understand, and I hope that whatever the hell I'm writing, and what I will be writing in the future, will help some people to understand european history better.

Because there is a lot more to it then just World Wars and Colonialism ._.

I am working on an historical oneshot book rn aswell, but I am planning ahead and I will publish it when I have the first 4 chapters finished. (That's why I've been gone btw)

So yeah...
I have no upload schedule for this book, it's probably for me the easiest to write in, so uploads might be frequent but I really don't know-

Anyway, bye for now, the next chapter will be about Unions btw 👋

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