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So, this is gonna be a bit complicated...

I will mostly cut this in 3 parts:

• Unions that act as unions
• Unions that act as separate countries
• Countries that act as unions // and countries

I'll put examples for that in each section and explain more what I mean by that, so bear with me-


Examples: UN, EU, ASEAN, NATO, BRICS, etc...

I think this one's the most self explanatory, atleast I don't really know how to describe this one myself. All of these Unions are made up of completely separate and sovereign countries. They don't act as a single entity, they are aware that they are merely the representative of a group.

Like I said, it's kinda self explanatory...

All countries, Unions and everything else have unnatural aspects to them (which are not limited to animal-parts-hybrid-whatever ._.), and all of them are able to hide those features and can put on a human disguise. Unions like these neither have a human form, nor can they hide their features.

Non of them are seen as family by the countries that make them up, if anything, they see the most important countries of their Union as their caretakers.
(For example, UN sees the Veto Powers as their caretakers (US, UK, France, Russia, China))


Examples: Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, etc...

Aight, it's time to elaborate :)

So, with this I mean Unions, that, like the ones mentioned before, consist of full fledged countries, most of them with their own parliaments, etc, but on an international scale, they don't act as such. They declare wars, can be apart of a bigger Unions themselves, and just overall are not different from normal countries in terms of foreign policy. But they're still a Union themselves.

Since they act as countries, they will rather tend to have a family-like relationships with other countries, and they will most likely have a bond like that with the countries that they're made up of.

Countries that are part of a Union like this, will temporarily cease to exist in the normal realm and cannot be seen by anyone, apart from the other parts of the Union, and the Union themselves.

A Union like this will not exist before the exact time the Union gets formed.
(no country actually knows when they're born since they just pop into existence at some point, so they'll just put their date of gaining independence, or date of foundation as their birthday instead)

They can 'switch places' with their countries, but since the countries of these Unions tend to dislike eachother, or don't agree on certain subjects, the Union will try to keep these times as rare and short as possible. (Some didn't do it at all, despite giving the countries some freedom makes them more willing to stay)

Many of these Unions keep them being a Union secret, partly because they have been regarded as weak in the past
(Like, 'oh, so your countries are not strong enough to play a big part on their own' (it's kinda regarded as cheating))
And just don't have a good reputation after many incidents.

I am not a 100% sure on this one, but I'm pretty sure that only Union like this that still exists is the UK. I don't see the US falling in this category, since it's made up of states, not actual countries. Only some of the US states actually used to be independent, the countries of the Unions listed above, almost all used to be independent countries before entering the Union.

my headconons I guess // CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now