just random character hcs

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Hello there :)

So, it's been a while, but I actually haven't forgotten about this book yet :D

So, since I really don't know what to put in here at the moment, since I feel like I already mentioned everything important, the following chapters are probably going to be less coordinated than the last ones- but I don't want this book to collect any more dust :')

There are two more things I'd like to mention however:

1. I'll probably make a chapter for all my countries' human names, once I've gotten around to finding names for ALL of them. I already have a good few, but I want the chapter to be complete when I post it.

2. There's a good chance that at some point in the future, I'll momentarily unpublish this book to make some changes and update my already outdated hcs. I have no idea when this will happen, but take this as a heads up, so you won't be too confused when it happens.

Anyways, with that all out of the way, let's begin :D

• Austria is the second shortest in his family, beaten in shortness only by Liechtenstein- even Luxembourg is taller than him
And yes he gets bullied for it :(((((((

• Switzerland owns about 40-50 old and new guns, since he constantly enters his country's mandatory military service under a new name. Sometimes he gifts a few of his guns to others on birthdays, so "they'll be safe"
(In Switzerland, the people are allowed to keep their firearms after service in the militia if they choose to)

• everytime one of Germany's states does something stupid, he'll change his dialect to annoy them- if a northern state messed up, he'll scold them in the most southern dialect he can manage and visa versa. It's great :)

• the Soviet Union spoke English with an Irish accent and you can pry this hc from mY COLD DEAD HANDS
(if you get the reference ily /hj)

• England's features switched colours from white to black and red during the First War of Scottish independence, to be more precise, shortly after the Battle of Stirling Bridge

• Scotland and France constantly argue about who is the older one
(both Kingdoms were founded in 843)

• technically Wales is the oldest country on the British Isles officially, when using the foundation dates, but she has the youngest appearance (not by much, but still)
(Wales used to be the Kingdom of Gwynedd and is not their child)

• during the Napoleonic Wars, specifically after the official dissolution of the HRE, France's eyes turned black (her iris' were still purple, it's the sclera I'm talking about). This only changed back slowly when Napoleon was trapped on St. Helena

• France's mood highly depends on the weather- if it's moody outside, she'll be moody too :(

• England has Pyrophobia. Small flames, like candles are alright, but campfires and the like are too much. Also doesn't like fireworks
(He almost demolished the chimney in his house right after the phobia really began kicking in (it wasn't used at all for about a century after that))

• Lower Saxony is the resurrected Kingdom of Hanover. No, I will not explain :)
(Maybe I will at some point idk)

• New Zealand eats grass. It's very tasty :)

• Canada is trans- ftm
He realised this pretty early, but was too afraid to come out for a long time. In the end it he actually confessed to most of his family on accident during the Battle of Gallipoli-
It's a very fun story actually, I might write a oneshot about it one day

my headconons I guess // CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now