The Date

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Chapter dedicated to @Labdhi6109 thank you for the sweet comment on previous chapter! ❤️


"So, coffee?" He asked looking at her, she nodded her head.

They both went out of the building through the elevator, moving to the nearby coffee shop.


On the other hand ;

A man was pacing back and forth in his office cabin, he loosened his tie letting it hang around his neck. Wave of frustration took over him and he threw all the objects on the table in the room, the pages fluttered in the air.

"This is not how I wanted that to be!" He exclaimed angrily gritting his teeth.

"Adwait calm down" Shrishti said to him, who was sitting on the couch totally unaware of how to handle the situation, she was hell scared of him, he used to get angry anytime, obviously not in front of their daughter, I mean 'his' daughter.

Shrishti played with her fingers untill Adwait had made a complete mess of the cabin.

She wanted to go.

She got up nervously.

"Don't move" he said as he sat on the floor with his head in his palms.

"Adwait, let me go" the women begged.

"Don't show your face to me!" He exclaimed as she went out of the cabin, he let out a breath of frustration. He then went towards the small balcony his cabin had, he lied down on the grass, feeling the cold air brush his skin.

He didn't realise when he felt asleep, and when he realized it was too late, it was 7 in the evening. He looked at his surrounding, it looked new to him, he got up from the grass, the cold breeze had become cold wind by now making his shiver, he sneezed as he went inside the cabin locking the balcony door.

Getting fresh, he saw the time which was 7:15, he bit his tongue when he realized that he broke his promise, he was supposed to go on a date today.

"How can you forget Adwait Nigam? this was the most important date of my whole life!" He muttered to himself as he walked down towards the parking, the watchman greeted him good bye, where Adwait gave him a nod.

He threw his Blazer on the passenger seat when he opened the door of the car.

Starting the engine, he took out the car through the parking lot, he drove to the place where the date was supposed to be. 

"Please God, I can't miss this, I'm already late" he said to himself as he drove through the traffic.

His phone rang when he was stucked in the traffic.

"Where are youuu? Mr.Nigam??" The female voice startled him making him jump in his seat.

"Coming, I'll be there in 5" he replied nervously.

"I'm waiting since so long, you don't have any value of my time! How unprofessional!" She blurted out making Adwait chuckle through the phone.

"Coming" he said as he hung up the call.

Soon he reached the cafe where the date was planned, it was all his plan, but he couldn't make it out on time.

He got some flowers from the nearby shop and tightened his tie before going inside.

"Hello Miss.Beautiful!" He greeted as he bent down holding the flowers in his right hand.

"You are late!" She said as she folded her hands near her chest making a grumpy face which made Adwait's heart flutter.

"I said, I'm sorry" he held his ear doing situps. The people in Cafe were stunned to see Mr. Adwait Nigam The Great Businessman, 3rd Most Hottest Businessman of Asia doing situps. He glared at them making them quiet from the continuous mumbling which he heard.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" he make a pout to which the girl immediately melted but didn't show.

"It's okay, but from next time, I won't tolerate at all" she stated making a serious I-wont-care face.

"Okay dramaqueen!" He laughed pinching her cheeks making her giggle. They walked towards the table where Adwait being a gentleman pulled out the chair for her but she ignored sitting on another nodding her head sitting on it.

"You are just like your mom ; a total drama" he said between his laugh, and he instantly regretted it, his smiled faded away.

"What will you like to eat papa?" The angel from the opposite seat asked her dad bringing him back to the world.

"Um..."he thought.

"Cheese fries" she stated before he could say anything.

"Okay" he said as he passed a smile to her.

"2 cheese fries" Arohi said to the waiter with full confidence without caring that she was just 5 year old.

"Okay ma'am, anything else?" The waiter asked smiling at her cute antics.

"No" she said eyeing at Adwait asking if he wants anything.

"No" Adwait said with a smile.

The waiter went away taking their orders.

"How did you manage to sit on the chair?" Adwait asked Arohi, he knew that she was so short to sit on the heighted table.

"That bhaiya added cushions so I reached this height, yay!"she exclaimed making Adwait chuckle.

Arohi and Adwait started random talks mostly him asking her questions about her gymnastics classes, she too asked him some questions regarding his office, how his day went in the office, what works he had.

These questions were never asked by anyone, he felt happy that how his little daughter cares for him even when she doesn't even have half of the knowledge about things.

"Having daughters is heaven" he said to himself as he ran his hand through her soft hair, she smiled at him.

His phone rang when Arohi was ranting out anything.

"Papa no phone around me" she cutely said.

"It's urgent, momma is calling" he received the call.

She nodded her head.

"Yes, Shrishti...... I have reached here......she is there with me......yes coming......bye" he replied and hung up the call.

"Papa, I don't like momma, she doesn't get me icecweams when I want" she said sadly pouting.

"Okay, I will tell her to get everything you want, okay?" He asked and her face shine bright with smile.

"Yay! You are the best papa in the world!" She said as she gave him a flying kiss. He dramatically catched it putting his hand on his heart, she giggled at him.

The people around awwed at the father daughter duo, some people secretly took their pictures, Adwait didn't mind that, he continued his 'date'.


Date : 7 October 2021

How was the chapter today? Adwait's side finally!

And mummy, papa, bhaiya are so emotional and lovely words so I didn't replace them with English meanings :)

Drop so many votes and comments!

See you in the next chapter!

Till then


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