I still love you

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"Don't you have ears? I told you to get in the damn car" he said getting out of the car.

Arohi too stood beside him holding his arm, she was scared that her dad is talking in such voice, she had never seen her dad talk like this to anyone except her mom Shrishti.

"Don't shout at me" Prisha yelled as more tears dropped through her eyes.

She felt weak and she was about to fall down when Adwait caught her shoulders, he put her head on his chest checking her, she became unconscious.

Carrying her in his arms he laid her down in the backseat. Arohi got tensed, Adwait consoled her and made her sit on the passenger seat, Arohi started crying seeing this.

Adwait drove the car reaching his house when he took Arohi out, he carried Prisha in bridal style in the house, he placed her on the sofa.

Aayushi came down running seeing him.

"What happened to Prisha Adwait?" Aayushi asked, as she sat on one corner of sofa, she took Prisha's hand in hers rubbing it.

"Don't know di, I saw her standing on the side of road, she became unconscious all of a sudden" he said, he got more worried now seeing her unconscious.

He called the doctor, he changed Arohi's cloths and told her to play in her room.

Adwait and Aayushi were getting more and more tensed with each passing second, Adwait's gaze went on Prisha's leg when he saw a cut there, blood was flowing out of it,  he did her bandage carefully.

Aayushi went in the kitchen to bring water for him when she saw all this and she internally wished to God for their togetherness. She felt happy for both of them.

After a while the doctor came and checked her.

The doctor smiled.

"Congratulations" he said.

"For what?" Aayushi asked.

"She is pregnant" the doctor said with a warm smile.

"Ok, thank you doctor" Adwait said plainly.

He dropped the doctor till the entrance and came back sitting on the chair.

"Adwait" Aayushi asked, her eyes were teary.

"Whose child this must be?" Aayushi asked looking at Prisha.

"Obviously her child di" he said nonchalantly.

She looked at him, "Bhavin?" She asked and he looked downwards not understanding what to say.

"She needs rest, I'll take her to my room" he said and he took her in his arms to his room.

Aayushi didn't understand what to do and she just went in her room, she called Ayush and told him everything, he said he'll come home soon.

Placing her on the bed, Adwait looked at her unconscious figure, she looked adorable.

"You and saree are perfect combination", Adwait remembered the compliment he gave to her once when they were together.

He sat beside her sleeping body, holding her hand in his, he intervened their fingers, seeing how perfectly she fitted with him, he was reliving those moments forgetting all the problems they had.

He kissed their intervened fingers, he was feeling the same feelings which he felt years back.

He felt asleep holding her hand in his.


"What the hell is happening here?" Shrishti snapped at Adwait who was looking down.

"Adwait I have never asked anything from you, we never shared what our relation is, but I didn't expect this from you, you cheated me" she said as tears began flowing out of her eyes.

Adwait was silent.

"I did everything for you Adwait, and you-" she said as she cried more.

"Take her out!" She said getting furious.

"I don't want her in my room, tell her to get lost" she said as she walked towards the bed.

Prisha was sitting on the bed seeing the two, she wasn't saying anything, she was confused how she came here, she felt angry at first seeing Adwait but then she looked at her state, she felt bad.

She felt bad when Shrishti was snapping at Adwait, she didn't want to cause riot in their happy family.

"I said get out" Shrishti said as she stood in front of Prisha about to hold her by her hand.

"Enough Shrishti!" Adwait said as he stood beside Prisha.

Shrishti was furious now, she didn't want to loose Adwait at any point.

"I love her okay, you can't touch her" he said holding Prisha by her shoulders.

Prisha was shocked but she stayed calm, his arms around her felt like a warm magic to her, she leaned more to him.

Shrishti saw that and went out of the room.

And with this Prisha woke up with a jerk. Adwait got up seeing her.

"What happened? Are you okay?" and Prisha nodded her head immediately understanding that it was a nightmare.

"Where is Shristi?" she asked getting up

Adwait stood up sitting in front of Prisha.

"You don't worry, I'll manage everything, you just take rest" he said cupping her face.

"Why are you doing this for me?" She asked holding his hand.

"Because I still love you" he said finally and her jaw dropped.

Adwait joined her lips with his massaging her back, and she reciprocated back with equal intensity.

"I love you too" she said after the kiss.

"Let's get married again" Adwait said and smiled before kissing her again.



Date : 29 January 2022

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Thankyou for being part of their journey of reuniting!!

This book went through so many ups and downs because of your busy author but here we have reached the end, thanks for your support !


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