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The past day has been a terrific one for Adwait, everything was back as it was before, he started behaving the same as he was behaving with Shrishti, she was so overwhelmed with the little love she was recieving from his side, and the sudden change in his behaviour made her feel neglected.

Ayush and Aayushi had gone to a business trip, only Shrishti was there at home with the workers of the house.

As soon as the doorbell rang, she curiously ran towards the door, she was pretty sure that it must be Adwait because this was usually his return time from the office.

She opened the main gate to welcome a very tired Adwait standing before her, his hair were messy and his tie crooked, his sleeves were folded up till his elbow showing off his veins which were enough to blow Shrishti's mind.

She averted her gaze to his face which was all pale, he walked inside the house.

Walking up the stairs he went inside the bedroom removing his tie, Shrishti followed him till the room.

Adwait looked at her through her reflection in the mirror, he stared at her for good 10 seconds when he turned around, Shrishti was not understanding anything, his state was different today, he didn't look like The Adwait Nigam, he looked like a worker in a mill who is sleep deprived.

Walking towards him with a slow pace, she stood right in front of him when she asked him

"Are you okay?"

And he came forward wrapping his arms around her placing his head on her shoulder, he hugged her tightly as if he wanted to say something through his mouth but couldn't.

Shrishti was stunned to do anything, they were coming closer in the past days but it was never when he hugged her without any specific reason.

After a battle with her brain, she too wrapped her arms around him, resting them on his back, she could feel his abs, and she gasped at it.

Adwait broke the hug looking down, he sat on the bed, Shrishti sat beside him after she understood that he had already taken a seat, putting a hand on his shoulder she raised her brow.

He heaved a sigh and told her everything that happened that night, his encounter with Prisha and how he behaved with her.

Shrishti covered her mouth with her hands when reality struck her.

"You still love her?" She asked as tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

"I never stopped loving her" Adwait said as he looked down at the floor, Shrishti turned to her left to wipe the tears which escaped her eyes automatically. She was shocked to listen to this, her heart broke listening that her husband loved someone and that someone was not her.

She knew, he didn't like her but she always had a tiny hope that someday he will like her, love her and appreciate her. And when their story was about to start, this thing happened, why did he give her false expectations then, she felt heartbroken, she actually was!

Getting up from the bed, she rushed to the washroom, trying her best to hide her tears.

But Adwait noticed it and he started feeling guilty, it would have been easy to hate Shrishti if she was evil minded or would have done something really worse or maybe harmed him or his family, but the case was opposite here, she was too good to handle.

He layed on his back as he eyed at the ceiling, looking at the fan which rotated round and round and round, he drifted off to sleep.

It was 7 in the morning when he woke up, looking at the fan, he sat straight, finding only him in the bed.

"Where is Shrishti?" He thought.

He was late, he could guess the time looking outside the window, placing his hands on his face, he sighed.

"Did I do a mistake telling her everything about Prisha and me?" He thought as he gazed at the window.

He stood up walking towards the chirpy voice of his daughter.

"Daddddaaa" Arohi ran towards Adwait hugging his legs, she was really tiny in front of him.

"Aww, my princess is ready for school" Adwait said as he took her in his arms kissing her chubby cheek.

She giggled at him.

"You are sick dad" Arohi said as she pretended to check his temperature.

"Oh, how?" He asked curiously.

"Your getup" she said with a worried face.

"Oh, but I'm fine, I was just tired yesterday so I slept in office cloths" he said pinching her nose.

"So you are fit and fine" she said patting and punching his bicep.

"Yes" he laughed at her cute antics.

"Come on Arohi, we will get late"  Shrishti called for Arohi as she came from the kitchen with her lunchbox in her hands.

"Come on, the bus has arrived", she said as she took Arohi from Adwait and dropped her till the gate of the house.

Arohi bid her bye and Shrishti smiled at her waving her hand back.

Adwait was watching all this standing in the balcony from the hall, Shrishti' behaviour was same, he never observed her before, he thought.


"Why are you doing all this?" Adwait finally asked Shrishti when she was arranging his cloths for laundry, he was doing his tie.

"Huh?" She asked unaware of what he was actually speaking of.


Date : 7 January 2022

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See you in the next one, untill then
Bye bye!!


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