A cute Brother

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Chapter dedicated to _Nehna_ ❣️

Hello everyone, on a very serious note, please comment!
Everytime the same people comment, as a writer I only expect your views on what I write, so please take it seriously and comment, it will make my day.

Thank you and if you ignore this then what can I do! Just asking for one comment not much, hope you understand my feelings too :)


Siddharth Nigam as Adwait Nigam
Avneet Kaur as Prisha Kaur
Abhishek Nigam as Ayush Nigam
Vaishnavi Rao as Aayushi Rao Nigam
Vibha Nigam as Prapti Nigam

I'll add this to every chapter till we become habitual to the naming system!


It was 7 in the morning when Adwait's eyes opened. He looked at the ceiling, his body was feeling light and warm today.

He smiled to himself remembering that last night scenarios that how he saved his mother, his gaze shifted to the side of his bed, he saw Shrishti sleeping peacefully beside him. He felt pity on her, brushing a hand on her cheek he got up. He had never done this to her, he thought maybe she deserved a chance. He himself was confused about her.

He got up from his bed rushing to the washroom, he had no office today, because it was Sunday.

After getting ready into a blue t shirt and black shorts, he dried his hair. He kept his hair messy because he knew what was coming.

He glanced at the clock, it was 7:30 by now.

He walked towards Arohi's room, as soon as he entered inside, he saw an angel yawning extending her arms.

He almost jumped on her bed making her bounce in air. She laughed at him. He tickled her and she laughed her heart out.

Afterwards Adwait pushed his head in Arohi's lap, she massaged his head with her little fingers while telling him all random things, he cuddled up with her for an hour.

After they were done with their talks and cuddles, he lifted her up in his arms taking her to the washroom.

He blew air in her rainbow coloured baby pool. After adjusting the temperature of water, he filled water inside it. Arohi brushed her teeth till that time.

After the pool was filled till it's brim, he put Arohi in it. She giggled slapping her hands on the surface of water. He laughed with her.

He splashed water on her and she giggled crossing her arms to defend herself. Her two teeth shining bright in the sunlight coming from the ventilation window making her look extremely adorable.

Adwait went into the kitchen as Arohi got busy playing in the water. He made lots of sandwiches because it was Arohi's favourite.

The workers were used to the friendly behaviour of Adwait with them, though he was a rich billionaire, he was so good at winning people's hearts, he was exception to the billionaire mindset of people, the workers had seen him angry only in office and with Shrishti, otherwise he was a cheerful person.

After the sandwiches were ready he served them on a plate when he saw Shrishti standing in front of him with a blank face.

She lifted her head and he smiled at her walking away to take the orange juice from the fridge.

Shrishti's widened at the sight, her mouth flung open, she couldn't believe, he smiled at her. She slapped herself to check whether she was fully awake or still dreaming.
And to her surprise, she wasn't dreaming, it was true, he smiled at her, she was on cloud 7th, jumping from inside. Her lips curled into a huge smile.

She was lost in her thoughts when

"Good morning Mom" Arohi spoke from behind bringing Shrishti out of her trance.

"Morning" she replied.

"Arohi, you are not dressed baby, let me make you ready" Adwait said upon seeing Arohi wrapped in a towel, he wiped his hands with a towel.

He lifted her in his arms and took her to her bedroom to get her ready.

Shrishti saw the sandwiches, they looked tasty, but she knew Adwait won't give her so she assembled the things she would need for a pasta.

"I have made sandwiches for you too" Adwait said as he approached the dining table.

"What?" Shrishti stood their astonished.

"Hmm" He replied making Arohi sit on the chair, he sat beside her and they both started having their breakfast, Shrishti too sat with them silently eating and fangirling over Adwait.

"Papa, mom is not giving me the thing I want" Arohi said as she licked the sauce at corner of her lips finishing the last sandwich.
Adwait was sitting beside her.

"Shrishti I told you to give her everything she wants" Adwait scolded while Shrishti's expressions turned upside down, she didn't meet his gaze.

"I asked you something" he added putting his hand on the table when he didn't get any reply.

"I can't.... I mean.. I can't give her that" she said as she put a strand of her shoulder length hair behind her ear.

"What did she ask for that you can't give?" He asked looking at her, this time he was curious.

"A cute brother" Arohi blurted out grinning ear to ear towards Adwait while Shrishti knew that the volcano inside Adwait will erupt now, she looked at him.

His expressions turned into a cold one, his lips pressed into a thin line, his jaw clenched but he chewed his inner cheeks to not say out anything because Arohi was still there, plus it wasn't Shrishti's fault to burst on her.

He looked at Shrishti who was looking down, not shyly but she was afraid of him.

He walked into his room taking Arohi in his arms without saying a word.

Shrishti released the breath she was holding from so long. She didn't know that this matter will reach till Adwait, she thought she can suppress Arohi from saying such things but she couldn't help now.

Shrishti had told so many times that Abhinav was there as a brother to her but she kept complaining and now, the good mood of Adwait turned into previous one again, she sighed looking down.

Today was being a great day to her, this was the first time that Adwait had smiled at her, and then Arohi came to ruin it, she felt like crying, getting her husband's attention was like an amazing feeling for her. She felt that she did a huge mistake marrying Adwait.

She went into her room, she decided to think deeply about this topic, she can't just stay with Adwait for his daughter, she also had her individual life.

She took a deep breath chucking the topic away and changed into some cozy cloths taking out her tab and sketching some designs which came into her mind.


A five to six letters or words would be enough for the 1000+ words I write in every chapter!


Date : 20 October 2021

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See you in the next chapter

Till then


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