The Butterfly Field - Octavia Blake

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Season: 1
Spoilers: no
Triggers/Warnings: none

Octavia takes you to the butterfly field for the first time.

Word Count: 1,102

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  Venturing away from camp wasn't your thing. But from the moment you met Octavia, your views became indifferent. Throughout the day, it'd never been uncommon to think about sneaking off with her. Recently, you've found yourself staring more often, and looked a lot longer than a quick glance to see if she'd even been looking at you.

  Most of the time, she was —but you didn't know. Octavia had always managed to look away fast enough to never get caught, then she'd secretly blush behind her curtain of dark hair.

  "Hey, Y/N."

  You looked up from the blades of grass underneath your boots and smiled, "Hey, O."

  She inserted her hands in her back pockets and wiggled her shoulders as a mischievous grin played on her lips, "Wanna go somewhere?"

  You furrowed your brows in slight confusion, "Uh, sure. Where? There's nothing interesting in camp," you nervously chuckled.

  Octavia laughed, "Not camp, silly." She removed her hands from her pockets and grabbed one of your hands, pulling you up. You blushed at the skin-on-skin contact, "I found something I think you'll like."

  "What is it?" you asked, feeling your heart pump incredibly fast.

  "You'll have to come with me and see," Octavia swung y'all's joined hands a couple of times before she started to slowly slip her hand from yours.

  You quickly threaded your fingers through her's, and stopped her, "No, wait." Octavia met your gaze, smirking.

  "I knew you'd cave in."

* * * * * * * *

  Sneaking from camp had been the easiest part, but trying to keep up with Octavia had proved to be the most challenging. You struggled to match her pace, tripping over rocks that jutted out of the ground and sometimes, falling over your own two feet and sticks that you somehow managed to kick between your legs that caught your feet just right.

  You fell to the moist soil with a grunt, and groaned. Octavia stopped and looked down at you, chuckling. "Mean," you childishly stated, and wiped your hands together to rid them of any soil.

  "I'm not the clumsy one." Octavia extended her hand and you grabbed it, allowing her to help you back up.

  You blew stands of your h/c hair from your face while Octavia chuckled. She brushed them back, tucking each strand she could behind your ears, then smiled.

  "Come on." She looked up at the sky that peeked through the treetops, "It's almost dark."

  Your cheeks still burned red hot from Octavia's nonchalant "tuck hair behind ears" action. You finally followed her lead, glancing up at the fading sky that began to dim the forest that swallowed y'all.

  "Doesn't the sun need to be out to see whatever it is you're going to show me?" you asked, walking beside her.

  "Nope," she quickly responded, meeting your e/c eyes, "not with this."

  Your brows furrowed deeply as Octavia jumped into a brisk jog to the top of a slope. Shrugging, you followed after her —and made sure to stay on the path she took to avoid falling and tripping, again— and stopped abruptly when she spun around, facing you.

  "Close your eyes," she told you through a smile she tried suppressing.

  "Not that I don't trust you to guide me over things, but why?"

  Octavia rolled her eyes, that smile of hers still on her lips as she hurriedly met you halfway down the slope, where you stopped. "Just do it," she took your hand. "I won't let you fall, I promise."

  You sighed, "Alright, fine." Then closed your eyes, hoping Octavia doesn't notice how red your cheeks are from her hand that intertwined with yours.

  Guiding you up the slope with ease, Octavia then lead you down. You ft the ground suddenly slope down and instantly stumbled into Octavia, your free hand blindly grabbing the first thing it finds—her jacket.

You balled the fabric in your fists that caused Octavia to laugh. "Relax, Y/N/N," she said, "I got you."

The slope finally flattened, and you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Oh, thank God," you muttered, "is the walk of terror finally over? No more surprise inclines?"

"No more surprise inclines, drama queen," the teasing in Octavia's voice had you internally rolling your eyes. "You can open your eyes now."

You immediately do and gasped. All around you there's a blow glow that lights up the section of forest you and Octavia stood in. Most of it is clear, blue butterflies fluttering around and landing on nearby trees.

"Oh, my God . . ." you breathed, astonished by what you're witnessing. "O . . . this is . . ."

"Pretty cool, huh?" You nodded and laughed. "Hold out your arms."

You looked at her and saw her arms were out at her sides, glowing blue butterflies covering every inch of her pale skin.

"Like this?" you stick your arms out, trying to copy her, but fail.

She chuckles, "No."

Octavia lowers her arms, and the butterflies flutter back up to the trees and around you guys. She comes over to you and stops in front of you, leaving only centimetres of space between you and her.

She lifts each of your arms up, then copies you. Soon, the butterflies come back and land on her, and now you.

You giggle like a small child, a grin as big as the Cheshire Cat's plastering itself on your lips.

You weren't focused on Octavia anymore, only the radioactive butterflies. You didn't notice how close she had gotten nor the way she stared at you.

Finally, you look at her. Your smile widens even more, your cheeks burning, "This is amazing, Octavia," you whispered, too afraid to speak any louder in fear of scaring the tiny insects anyway.

The insects fly away, capturing your attention once again. You slowly lower your arms and watch them retreat to the trees and some that flutter to a near by moss covered log.


You look back at Octavia, a smile still in place on your lips, "Yeah?"

Lips press against yours. For a split second you're frozen with wide eyes, until you feel Octavia pulling away. Your arms wrap around her neck and bring her closer, Octavia's snaking around your waist that pulls you even closer.

Your lips move in perfect sync with hers, her soft lips crashing with your slightly dry lips. Slowly, you pull away, your Cheshire Cat grin appearing again.

Octavia chuckles, grinning too. "I think I like you," she breathed out nervously, yet still sounding confident.

You catch her lips with yours in a short but sweet kiss, muttering against her lips, "I think I like you, too . . ."


Octavia Blake / M. Avgeropoulos ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now