The Commander's Little Sister - Octavia Blake

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Season: none in particular
Spoilers: none

You are Lexa's little sister

Word Count: 1171

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  You walked around TonDC, smiling as some of the children played in the main gathering area, a clear blue sky above. The sun shined, warming up the locals and yourself that mixed with the cool, fall air.

  The children spotted you. They stopped kicking their leather, not-so-rounded ball and came up to you.

Instinctively, your arms lifted as multiple pairs of tiny arms wrapped around your midsection. You looked down, the smile on your face widening, "Heya, strik gonakru (hello, little warriors)."

Each of them looked up with toothy grins, and spoke simultaneously, "Hei, hainofi (hi, princess)."

Your laughter gained Octavia's attention from across the wide, empty area that has little traffic. The whetstone she used to sharpen her sword stopped, merely resting against its edge.

You took turns putting your hands to the sides of their smooth faces that are streaked with dirt and sweat, "Have your trainings improved?"

One of the boys nodded, his front tooth missing. "Yes!"

You tapped his nose, "You will make a fine warrior someday. All of you will. Now, go run along to your mothers, strik gonakru (little warriors)."

Before scampering off, they squeezed your midsection once more, then dispersed to go to their families.

"Is that how you do it?" You looked over your shoulder, brows furrowed. "Get the people to like you more than necessary?"

Green eyes that pierced into your soul. Braided, raven locks that reached the middle of their back, and the parts of hair that's not braided is straight.

"Good morning, Okteivia kom Skaikru," you took in her Grounder appearance; the clothes, sword sheathe around her shoulder and midsection for the blade to be on her back, and said-sword in hand, whetstone in the other. "Grounder fits you," you complimented.

  Octavia clenched her jaw and looked you up and down.

  "That was a compliment. Not an insult," you explained, though you didn't think you had to.

  "I know. I don't want to like you."

  "Ouch," you chuckled, as you came up to her. "If you don't want to like me, then why did you speak to me first?" Octavia was silent. "Cat got your tongue?"

  "I don't understand you."

  "Not many people do. Actually, no one does. Not even Lexa."

  "Where is she?"

  You shrugged as you backtracked to your home in the village. "I don't know. I believe she took Clarke not far from here."

  "Where is that at, exactly?" Octavia was suspicious, and you sensed it.

  "My sister won't hurt your friend, Okteivia kom Skaikru. She likes her," you opened the wooden door to your small quarters.

  In the far back right corner, there was a fireplace and to the left was a bed. By the door on the right, a small table and makeshift counters, with herbs hanging on strings by a window and flowers in an old can filled with water.

  "No doubt Lexa will discuss terms of peace between the clans and your people." You turned around, "You're welcomed to come inside, Octavia."

  Hesitantly, she entered, and closed the door. "This is your house?" It came out ruder than she intended.

  But you smiled, not phased. No one would expect this was yours, the Commander's sister. "Yes. Not what you were expecting?"

  "No. There's no candles or fancy anything."

  You laughed a genuine laugh. "Okteivia kom Skaikru .  .  . I think we will be great friends."

  Two months came in the blink of an eye. Yours and Octavia's friendship forged something that ran deeper than that. You could feel it, and deep down, you hoped Octavia could too —but she never expressed it. Not in their many training sessions, talks, rides .  .  .

"You okay?" Octavia nudged her elbow into your shoulder, the two of you side by side as y'all walked through the woods outside Ton DC.

"Y-Yeah. Yes, why?" You had stuttered, but hoped she hadn't notice.

"You've been acting weird."

Ton DC came into view, and your pace quickened, as did Octavia's. She eyed you oddly.

She grabbed her forearm, "Hey." You stopped and faced her, heart racing. "You sure you're okay?"

You nodded, and reassured, "Yes. I'm alright."

Octavia released her grip on your arm and said an "okay" before the two of you came into the lively village. That evening, you knew Octavia would show up at your door like she did most evenings.

You had left before she could come.

Now, you walked up and down one of the alleys in complete darkness. The torchlight barely lit where you were.

"I had a feeling I would need to track you."

You gasped, and spun around. She came from the torchlight and into the darkness. The moon began to peek from behind the thick cover of clouds it had been behind most of the night, providing more light.


"What the hell is going on with you?" Your lips parted. "Don't lie to me." And your mouth slammed closed. "What is wrong with you?"

"If I tell you, things won't be the same."

"What does that mean?" You looked away; you couldn't tell her. "Y/N/N . . ." Octavia cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look up into her eyes.

This was close. Too close. Your fantasies danced in your head as you felt her breath bounce off your face. "Octavia, trust me." You looked deep into her eyes in the darkness. "Please," you whispered, as you felt your eye-lids slowly close.

And your lips met hers.

She pulled away first, shocked, and your eyes met. You were afraid to see disgust and resentment, but you didn't; list filled those beautiful green eyes. And you recaptured her lips.

This time, Octavia didn't hesitate to kiss back. She backed you up to the nearest surface, which happened to be the side of one of the buildings that's been standing since the bombs a hundred years ago. Your arms found themselves around her neck as you deepened the kiss, her hands on your hips that kept you firmly in place. Her lips detached from yours and moved to your jawline.

  You rocked your head back, melting under Octavia's touch. "We're gonna get caught," you breathed out, through heavy breaths.  All you needed was for Lexa or someone to find you and Octavia, which wasn't uncommon anymore —but this, this is far from public knowledge.

  She removed her lips from your neck, "Then let's go somewhere we won't." In minutes, you were in your small home in TonDC, Octavia hovering above you as your lips moved with hers. Your clothes and weapons mixed with hers on the floor, yours and her hair tousled wildly, but neither of you cared.

  What few candles you had weren't lit. The only thing that lit your home was the moonlight that flooded through your windows. Things will never be the same, you knew, but this —Octavia's hands and lips on your bare body, your hands and lips on hers— was better than before.


Octavia Blake / M. Avgeropoulos OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now