4. Dinner?

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I was dumbstruck by the beautiful sight in front of me. It was like my recent dreams had turned into reality but this time she was here for real. 

The smell of rose oil permeated my lungs as she opened the door- I could practically taste her scent and my bear was not indifferent to it either. She stood there looking glorious in her mismatched underwear. This was probably my favourite sight because it just underlined her natural beauty and sexiness. My cock stirred in my jeans but, luckily, not enough to draw her attention. But the throbbing under my clothes was a true testament to how little effort this magnificent woman had to make to blow a man's mind. She didn't need fancy lingerie or even make-up. Her true sex appeal was just being herself- genuine, warm, beautiful. My mind wanted nothing more than to rip the little fabric covering her and show her exactly how wild she was driving me.

Still, my fantasies aside, I was shocked to see her there. I came to Aiden's place to ask questions about the shifters we rescued from Markolf's mansion, especially the she-bears that could potentially be my mate. Instead, I had this ravishing human greet me.

Her charming smile quickly turned into confusion before she coyly hid her scantily-clad body behind the massive wooden door.

"I definitely did not expect to see you here, Scarlett, but it's always a pleasure to be in your company," I said politely but I could feel my eyes burn with desire.

"I....I thought you were Riley." The subtle tremble in her voice amused me because it was so different from her confident, flirty attitude that I came across during our first encounter. My bear growled inside my mind, appreciating that we made her feel a little nervous- she was clearly not indifferent to us, just like we were not indifferent to her.

I didn't know what drew me to this girl but I sure as hell planned to find out.

"If this is how you greet all of your friends, I certainly think we should become even closer." My teasing made her blush slightly and, yet, she still stood there, looking confidently at me as if she was trying to defy the response of her own body.

Like a magician, she blinked and the mood in the air changed at an instant as she chuckled, regain her confidence.  Yet, I was surprised at how accomplished I felt for amusing her.

"You'll need to try harder than that, Callum. Has that line actually ever worked on anyone?"

"I wouldn't know." I focused on her, feeling her squirm gently under the intensity of my look. "I've only ever used it with you, Scarlett." My admission made her cheeks redden once again, a much deeper shade this time.

"A smooth talker, I see." She rolled her eyes as we continued our subtle fight for dominance. "Well, this girl can't be won over with words."

"How about a dinner then?" The question rolled off my tongue before I could stop myself and wonder if it was a bit too much. But even as the realisation of what I was doing hit me, nothing really mattered- I wanted to spend time with the captivating human in front of me. "Tonight?"

She pondered my questions until her luscious lips turned up into a gorgeous smile that she tried to hide. "I guess I don't have any plans, and Riley seems to be busy."

"Great. So it's a date."


I didn't mean to put it like that. I had a mate out there, so I was not planning to seduce Scarlett, and we were definitely not going to be seeing each other...not in that way, at least. 

What the hell was I thinking? Maybe I needed to cancel the whole thing....

And yet, I couldn't bring myself to do it. If anything, I felt the need, the urge to go ahead. She is a nice girl, and I am just trying to welcome her, that's all.

Bear with Me (#2, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now