37. Home

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Mahon roared with excitement when we finally pulled up in front of the cabin. Today was meant to be all about spending time with Flame, but it was almost evening when I finished investigating things with the guys.

When Jack called me early in the morning to tell me that there was a problem at one of our timber construction sites, I was almost ready to tell him to fuck off because he didn't need me to supervise every problem that ever occurred. But I trusted his instincts, so I forced myself to leave my mate in bed and to go check out what had happened.

Little did we know that we would spend the whole day investigating to finally conclude that someone had sabotaged the site. The timber had been exposed to excessive water, causing it to rot, while most of our equipment was tampered with, rendering it either useless or dangerous to use. Whoever had done it had gone to great lengths to ensure that we couldn't work on the project any time soon, making it almost impossible for us to complete it within the agreed deadline with the client.

But none of that mattered right now.

I was going to get to the bottom of this and make the saboteur pay for daring to try and harm the sleuth, there was no question there, but all I wanted at this moment was to hold Flame in my arms and forget about the problems for a while. She brought the sunshine back to my soul whenever I was with her, while her scent soothed both Mahon and me, no matter how much on edge we were.

Mate, my bear roared as I parked the bike and headed for the house.

The savoury smell of a home-cooked meal lingered around the cabin, causing my stomach to rumble with hunger the moment I stepped in. The whole place was covered in soft darkness and only the flickering flames of the scattered candles across the rooms provided some light. The whole ambience was cosy and intimate, and I felt myself relax a little bit more.

What was my mate up to though?

As if summoned by my thoughts, Flame appeared from the kitchen with two glasses of red wine in hand; her hair pulled in a high ponytail while she wore one of my large T-shirts that covered her like a minidress, hiding whatever else she was wearing underneath... Or was there anything underneath, actually?

"Hey, stranger," she muttered softly once she got closer, offering me the glass of wine. "I thought that maybe you needed to unwind after the long day."

"You are a goddess, Flame." I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

"What smells so delicious?"

"Other than me?" Her cheeky smile was a beautiful sight in its own right.

I buried my face in her neck, taking in her intoxicating scent one more time—the smell of my very own heaven. "Nothing smells better than you, beautiful," I whispered as I nibbled her neck, making my way up to her ear.

The purr that came from her sent vibrations straight to my cock, commanding it to stand to attention, pressed against her. I could feel the goosebumps on her skin, the quickening heartbeat in her chest. My presence, my touch- they ignited a primal reaction in her body and her soul.

"Maybe we should skip dinner?" I groaned with need when her fingertips skated across the aching bulge in my jeans.

But my sassy little torturer was having none of it. Even as she teased me with her hand, she was unwilling to give in, no matter how much her eyes burnt with lust and desire, something that was evident even in the dimly lit room.

"I didn't cook for the food to get cold, Callum Andrews. So go wash your hands, and let's enjoy a nice meal first." Fuck, it was so sexy and arousing when she tried to be all bossy with me.

Bear with Me (#2, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now