23. Mine Pt. 1 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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"MINE." I heard him roar again while I slipped my panties off and threw them with my dress. That one word was his claim on me but also his demand for my submission. And if that was not clear enough, he grabbed my hands and pulled them above my head, holding my wrists together in his grip.

My pussy clenched from the way he looked at me, ready to devour me with his eyes. The insatiable lust was back in full force after I shifted my gaze to his massive cock. A pearly drop on the tip was practically screaming my name, begging me to wrap my lips around his length and swallow it whole.

I pressed my thighs together, eager for some friction, but my efforts were in vain- they were too slippery from the wetness that was trickling out of my core.

My frustrated sigh drew Callum's attention. I barely even had time to blink before his free hand slid between my legs and found my pussy. Slowly, he ran the length of his fingers between my folds, causing me to rock my hips and angle myself so that I could rub my clit against them. A picture of needy desperation- that's what I was right now but I didn't give a fuck. If I had to, I was ready to beg on my knees for this man.

"No!" I protested when he pulled his hand away and all I got in return was one of his infuriating smirks.

Callum brought his glistening fingers between us, and my mouth salivated as I watched him lick them dry, his eyes never leaving mine as he did it. My body was burning, hungry for his touch again. Only he could satisfy the aching need inside me.

I didn't expect it when he spun me around, even less so when he bent me over and pushed me flat against the table. My fevered skin was soothed by the coolness of the wood that my chest was pressed against. I had no idea what he was about to do next, yet the excitement that came with the unknown drove me wild. My senses were going into overdrive from the intensifying arousal. Every smell, every noise, every sensation- everything felt sharper, clearer.

His musky scent invaded my lungs as I took in as much of it as I could when he leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Do you have a safe word, Flame?"

"Red." My breath came in tiny pants while my mind conjured images of all the hot, dirty things that his question could lead to.

"Red it is then. Now be a good girl- spread your legs and push that tempting little arse of yours up in the air." His tone was the perfect mix of gentleness and dominance, enticing me to let go and give him all the control while still making me feel safe and protected.

I followed his instructions down to a T, although I was not happy when he moved away and nothing followed.

"Callum!" I pouted impatiently after what felt like several endless minutes but, in reality, it was no longer than a few seconds.

"Shhhh, patience, mate." He brushed his fingers along my back- sending shivers down my spine- until they reached my butt.

The sound of his hand connecting with the soft flesh on my cheek sunk in at the same time as I felt the sting of his spank. I yelped in response, but more out of surprise than anything else because the burn that remained was quickly replaced by the sweetness of the pain, and I relished it. It made me feel alive and even more needy for him.

"You will not run out on me like that, mate."

I moaned loudly with contentment when he slapped my other cheek.

"I am here to protect you, Flame, so don't you ever dare disappear again like that. If something is bothering you, you come to me and we work it out."

"Yes, Alpha," I muttered with a raspy voice. But as lust-drunk as I was, it was impossible not to detect the note of desperation in his voice every time he spoke. It was like tiny cracks were emerging, threatening to shatter his calm, composed demeanour.

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