48. Epilogue

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Six weeks later


My mind was still reeling from Fergus' text message.

I've got news. See you both in 30mins.

Could it be that he actually managed? Our plan seemed like a great idea when we came up with it three weeks earlier but now, I was no longer sure about it. My belly went tight with knots from the million scenarios that played out in my head.

What if it was a giant mistake? What if the answers we were looking for were worse than not knowing?

A quick No jerked my head- I couldn't think like that! Not when so much was at stake here. Still, easier said than done.

I was so carried away by my thoughts that I didn't even realise when someone entered the kitchen. The hairs at the nape of my neck stood to attention before I heard him, and I knew he was close by because he was the only person who could make my body come to life with his presence alone.

"What is the most beautiful woman in the world thinking about right now?" Callum's low voice sent shivers down my spine as he appeared behind me but not as much as the slow, sensual kisses he placed on my back.

My teeth sunk into my lower lip as I tried to hold back the moans he was eliciting while he traced my neck with his hot mouth, his hand wrapped in my ponytail.

"It's difficult to remember anything-," I breathed in sharply when he teasingly nibbled that sweet spot between my neck and my shoulder-, "when you distract me like that, Alpha."

The growl in my ear that followed told me that my words had the right effect on him. Good! After all, two could play that game.

"Fuck, you make me lose my mind when you say Alpha, Flame, and you know it." His tone emanated lust and desire, and I could see the fire burning in his eyes when he spun me around to face him. "I have to use every bit of self-restraint I have not to rip the dress you are wearing and have my wicked ways with you, right here in the kitchen."

"As if you didn't do enough of that already over the past few weeks," I smirked at him, but the reality was that the thought of him inside me almost sent me over the edge.

Ever since the Luna ceremony, life had been pretty amazing. I adored working with the kids, plus spending time with the rest of the sleuth's bears energised me more than I could have imagined. And then, when the night came, and it was just my mate and me again, we were like two horny teenagers, unable to keep our hands away from each other. It was like we wanted to make up for every minute we ever lost, our mate bond growing stronger with every moment we spent together.

"You are in luck, mate, because Fergus should get here any moment now." He let out a resigned sigh before he narrowed his eyes at me with a cocky smile. "But don't worry- I'll make sure I show you exactly what I had in mind later on."

Christ, this man made it impossible for my mind to not live permanently in the gutter whenever he was around. Not to mention that the thrill of daring him at times was way too much fun.

"I'm counting on it." My lips curled up into a mischievous grin, but that didn't last long because he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me in for a kiss, making me melt into his embrace.

"I love you, my cheeky little devil." My brain had turned into such a puddle of mush that it didn't cross my mind what he was going to notice when he kissed the insides of my palms. "Hey, what happened to your mark?"

Oh, crap.

How was I to explain to him what had happened when I wasn't entirely sure myself. On top of that, I couldn't just drop the whole thing on him like that, right before Fergus was about to arrive. It was too big of news, even just the revelation from Riley that the flaming sun mark was most likely a sign from the Sun Goddess.

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