32. Surprise

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A.N: Part 2 of a double update, so don't forget to read Ch 31 first :)



I looked stunned at him. "Surprise?"

"Yes. Come along," Callum said as we both stood up. He grabbed my hand and led me back inside.

I was puzzled, to say the least, when we passed everything and headed for the storage room at the end of the corridor. I remembered it from when he gave me a tour around the cabin, but there was nothing special about it—just a small room where various things for his home were stored.

But when he opened the solid wooden door, and we entered the room, I was left speechless! My mate, this amazingly thoughtful man, had enlarged the space and turned it into a home recording studio. The floor had been carpeted, and the walls were now covered in acoustic foam sound absorbers. Pressed against one wall was a desk big enough to accommodate all the necessary equipment- computer, digital audio workstation, digital audio interface, mics, monitors, headphones, keyboard, electric guitar...everything that I could need to record my own music was there.

"What....How on earth...I mean..." I couldn't even form a coherent sentence; I was just so flabbergasted and overwhelmed by emotions.

Above all, I couldn't believe that he remembered my singing hobby. I had only mentioned it to him once when we had our little heart-to-heart over those crazy Venoms after our Go Ape date. And yet, he remembered!

"Well, you told me about your hobby already, and when I heard you sing to the kids this week, I knew I had to do something about it. You are really talented, Flame- the voice of an angel- and you love singing and writing your own music. It might have started as something to help you with your family issues, but I would love it if music is a part of your life here and not just a secret hobby." He paused, his beautiful blue orbs never breaking our eye contact. "I said it before already- I want you to always be yourself around me, mate, and to know that you will never be a disappointment for me. Goddess, I thank my lucky stars every day for having you in my life."

My stupid brain scrambled to say something eloquent in response to his beautiful words and his insanely romantic and touching gesture, but instead, I just stared at him with my mouth wide open, words failing to come out.

If I hadn't already cried out all my tears for Catriona, I would have been bawling by now. Luckily for me, it wasn't the case, or I would have been at risk of serious dehydration. I just hoped that crying was not also on the cards for Riley's mating ceremony later on.

"So......" Callum's voice broke the silence in the room. "Do you like it?"

Did I like it? Was he for real?

Then I realised that I was the stupid idiot who was just standing in the middle of the room, not saying anything since we entered. So I jumped into his arms and peppered his face with kisses, my legs wrapped around his waist while my arms encircled his neck. I never wanted to let him go. My love for him was infinite and yet, it was like it grew stronger every day.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." That was all I kept saying in between my kisses.

"I will take that as a positive answer," Callum chuckled.

"Of course, I love it. But how did you manage to do this without me even realising?"

"That was the easy part. You were so busy getting to know the sleuth and spending time with the kids that the boys and I had plenty of time to work on it every day. It was way more difficult to get all the right equipment because I had no idea what I was looking for. The guy at the shop in Glasgow assured me that this was the best on the market."

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