Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Hailey's P.O.V (point of view)

"Andy today was great!" I smiled at the man before me. My eyes beamed at him. He had planned such an amazing day it was unreal. First we had breakfast at his favorite place. They had a rose on the table and two omeletes made for us. It was just the two of us, exactly what I had been wanting. Then we went out to the zoo. Back in America I didn't like the zoo. The animals always looked so sad and sick, but here in England the animals seemed alive and well. Andy held my hand the entire time. His touch made my hand feel like it was being ingulfed in flames. It felt good though, not how you would think fire would feel. "The nights not over." Andy whispered as he pulled my arm. He was walking faster now. I giggled a bit. "What do you have planned Andrew?" He looked back when I said his name. He smiled. "It's a surprise Hailey!" I couldn't argue with that. I had learned he was stubborn. So instead I just let him pull me along. Finally, Andy and I walked up to a roof top. I heard the faint sound of music. "Close your eyes please." Andy whispered I did as told and felt my arm being pulled again. "Okay!" he whispered. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I gasped.

"Andy this is..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. My eyes widened as I looked before me. The table was quite simple. A red cloth covered the table, two candle's pefectly placed, two chairs facing each other and plates for our food. The table itself didn't take my breathe away, but where the table was did. We were on a rooftop in London. The sun was setting and the sky was painted with blues, pinks, and purples. The table was surrond by candles. The candles were shaped like a heart. I looked up to Andy and saw him blushing. "To much?" he asked as he looked down. He let his hand fly up to run through his hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then I pulled him close. "It's perfect!" I whispered back to him. Andy let his hands lands on my waist. He pulled me closer to him. I looked up into his eyes. Andy pulled me even closer. Our noses where touching. His breath tickled my lips. Andy brought his lips to mine. He cocked his head to the side a bit. The kiss deepened. Our lips dancing together. Everything was perfect until we both needed to breathe. "I guess we should eat." Andy said with a smile helping me to my seat.

As we sat down a man in a tux walked up. Andy smiled at me. "Here you are madame." the man in a tux handed me a menu. Then he gave Andy one. I looked over the menu. "See anything good?" Andy asked. "The entire menu! What about you?" Andy chuckled a bit. "Nothing looks as good as the girl in front of me." I blushed even though it was one of the corniest things I had ever heard. Soon we ordered and our food made its way to us. We ate and listened to the music playing in the background. Dinner was over and the bill showed up. "How much do I owe?" I asked. Andy looked up at me so fast. He had a look where you would think he was sick. "You're not paying." He replied simple as that. "Umm, yes I am! You have paid for me these last two days. I have money too and it's not fair for you to have to spend yours on me while I haven't spent a dime on you!" Andy smiled at me. "Look if you pay for the movie rental tonight we while be even. Okay?" I looked at him confused. "The movie rental?" "We are going back to my house to watch a movie and we have to rent a good movie." We were going back to his place? "I know I'm moving really fast with you, but I don't want too... I don't want to aaah..." "You don't want to what Andy?" Andy looked up at me almost embarressed. "I don't want to lose you. You're too amazing. And I know I have only known you for a few days, but I can't get over how much I like you!" "Ohh Andy I-I uuh I like you a lot too." I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. His eyes shining bright. Andy got up and grabbed my hand. We then walked to his car.

We drove to his house. We had already rented a movie. It didn't make up for how much money Andy spent on me, but I didn't feel so pathetic now. We pulled up to a nice building. Andy parked his car and did his usaully thing. He got out and opened my door. His hand found mine as we walked up to his flat. We walked up to the a door that said The Rossini 48. "This is it babe." He said as he opened the door. I walked in and again gasped. The place was huge and so nice. "I share it with two other people. Guy and Henry, but I told them to not be here tonight." I looked at Andy. He wanted us to be alone? Andy walked over to the couch and called me over. I sat right next to him, but then he was up again to put the movie in. He came back as fast as he got up. Andy made himself comfortable and put his arm around me. I finally gave in and put my legs on the couch and rested my head on his chest. I was starting to fall asleep. Andy stroked my waist with his hand. My eye lids got heavy. I was falling asleep. Andy's voice eased me. "I think I love you Hailey." I wasn't sure if I was awake or asleep, but I whispered back to the beautiful voice. "I think I love you too Andy." Then unconcious took over.

Hope you like this chapter!

Sorry it was so long for the update.

Chapter 5 hopefully soon, feedback always accepted.

Love all you readers! :) xx

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