Chapter 20

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Last chapter guys. It was amazing having so many people read this and enjoy it. I sound like a loser because I'm just happy with how my first fan fiction turned out. I'm kind of emotional writing this chapter, but maybe there will be a sequel to this. Who knows? Anyways thank you as always for reading. I hope you enjoy, love you all. :) xx

Chapter 20

Hailey's P.O.V

My grip on my hairbrush tightened. "You were mine for the summer. Now we know it's nearly over!" I sang into my purple brush. My chest tightened. I never realised how much this song reminded me of Andy. I softly chuckled to myself. This whole song was our situation. We met, fell in love, then I had to leave. This was our song. Summer love by One Direction would always be my song with Andy Samuels. It never really dawned on me that I was dating Liam Payne's best friend. Hadn't that been my plan when I was like sixteen. I would go to England, meet Andy Samuels, we would fall madly in love and then our happily ever after would begin. It just didn't seem as much as a fairytale. What Andy and I have isn't some epic story for a romance novel. It's two people who meet in a nightclub, like a jungle, and we both have a lot of hair. Two lions who fell in love in the jungle of Wolverhampton. I shook my head. I was thinking weird, sugar rush from all the ice cream I had eaten. I jumped as I heard the sound of my laptop telling me someone wanted to skype me. I hit enter and turned down my music.

"Helloooooo!" I said to the person who decided to skype me. "Wow, I like this view. I see nothing but ass." I heard a low chuckle and then turned around. "Hey Andy. How are you, babe?" I asked my boyfriend. It was nice calling him that, my boyfriend. "I'm good. You seem a lot more hyper then, well, then I've ever seen you act." he laughed again. His smile spread across his face. He had an amazing smile. "I couldn't let my nephew eat all the ice cream by himself." I said giving Andy a wink. "I like this side of you. Maybe you should eat ice cream more often." Andy laughed and I couldn't help, but do it too. I smiled at him and then remembered about Summer Love."Oh Andy our song is Summer Love by the boys. Don't question it, accept it." I told him before he could protest about it. He chuckled. "I was actually thinking the same thing." I smiled at him again. "Wow, you really are perfect for each other. Now can you stop all this sappy love crap." Out of no where I heard the mopey voice of my little sister. "Shut up Kelly. One day you'll find love too." I said giggling. "Whatever." She groaned as she walked away. I turned back to Andy. "This would be the perfect time for a kiss, but unfortunately there is a huge thing stopping us from doing that. It happens to be the Atlantic ocean." I sighed. "I hate this long distance thing." My eyes looked at Andy for some sort of response, but all I got was silence.

"What's the matter?" I asked. I only wanted to pull his face towards me so he would have to look me in the eyes. I wanted to see his blue eyes shine down at me as he traced me features with them, something I noticed he did often. "I don't know how to tell you." Andy finally spoke up. I saw him rub his palms on his pants. "Well, is it good or bad?" I asked. My arms ached for him. "Depends on how you decide to interpret it." he said. His gaze was fixed on something in front of him. "What will it affect?" I asked trying to find out what it was that was bothering him. "Our relationship. Hold on let me think of a way to say this okay babe." My heart stopped. What was going on that could affect our relationship and why would it be so hard to say. Finally, my mind wrapped around the entire thing. "Oh no." I whispered. Tears threatened my eyes as I pictured him opening my letter from Manchester. I didn't get in. That's why he couldn't say it.

I wiped a small tear from my cheek. "You don't have to say it Andy. Let's just think of what to do now." Andy looked at me. His face was filled with confusion. "Babe, relax. Don't cry. It's okay." I wiped my eyes several times. "What now?" I asked. "Well, we have to buy your plane ticket. Then you can set up your schedule. We will live together for a little bit, then its off to Eleanor's house for you." I looked at Andy knitting my eyebrows together. "What are you talking about?" I said a little irritate that he was messing with me. "Babe," he began his smile growing wider with every passing second. "You got into Manchester."

More tears landed on my cheeks, but this time for a different reason. I stood up and began jumping and screaming. "You're a liar. Why couldn't you tell me that?" I asked Andy as I sat back down on my bed. "Well, I wanted to be dramatic." He said smiling. "Wow, I can't believe I made it. This is amazing! And you're an asshole for making me think I didn't make it." Andy chuckled. I pushed the hair from my eyes and looked at Andy. "This is just, wow." I smiled widely. "I know Hailey this is amazing. I'm so proud of you. I love you babe, so much. Congratulations!" My smile kept growing. I really couldn't believe it. All I ever wanted was being given to me. I couldn't believe that this was the beginning of my life.

"Andy, this is wonderful." I said to him. His smile was as big as mine. Our lives were going perfect. Everything was perfect. Our own little story had a chapter complete and it had a beautiful happy ending.

Thanks for reading for the last time.

Like I said there might be a sequel, but only if you guys want one.

This was the last chapter of Lion love in the Jungle of Wolverhampton.

If you enjoyed this fanfic please read my other ones. Who knows you might like them.

Love you all! :) xx

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