Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Andy's hands cupped my face. His eyes were red and his cheeks were streaked with left over tears. I reached up to wipe away the tear drops. His hand caught mine. He brought it gently to my face. He turned his head and gave my palm a quick peck. "Don't go." he mumbled into my hand. I felt my eyes burn. My throat hurt. "I-I have to." I said as my heart began to shatter. A tear fell onto my cheek. I reached to wipe it, but Andy beat me to it. "Please!" he pleaded still holding my face. I stared into his eyes. I studied his face and all I could see was pain. "I don't want to go, but -" "Then stay with me Hailey! You can live with me. I'll get you anything you need. Just please don't leave me." Andy took a breath. He was making this so hard. I couldn't let him say the three words that mean so much. The three words I had heard him say an endless amount of times, but this time the would change my mind. "I can't Andy. I have to go to University back home. I want this. Please don't make this so hard." His eyes glazed with new tears. I could feel mine doing the same. "Hailey I lo-" I grabbed his face before he could finish his sentence. I kissed him. I broke away this couldn't last any longer. "I know Andy. I love you too." I looked back at the plane that would be leaving in less then 15 minutes. That was my flight. "I have to go now. Andy please stay strong. I love you." I kissed him again and turned to leave. His hand grabbed mine and he spun me towards him. I was in his arms looking at his eyes again. "Please stay!" I shook my head at him. "I'm sorry." His hands fell from my body. I began the walk to the plane. I looked back at Andy. I loved him. I turned back looking at the plane. I let the tears fall as I left the man I loved. I sobbed even more when I realised this was the last time I would see him.

My body flew up. My heart ached. I could feel my face was damp with tears. I had been crying. This dream seemed to real. I knew it would become a reality soon. I would have to leave in a few weeks. I love England and I would love to come back, but by then Andy will have found some one so much better. Some one who won't leave. Was staying with him the right thing to do? It would hurt him less if I left him before I left England then if I left him as I was leaving. At least then he would have time to move on. I couldn't leave him though, I love him. I threw myself back onto the bed. If it wasn't for the fact my grandma was right there I would have screamed. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 6'o clock in the morning. I closed my eyes knowing I wasn't going to sleep anymore tonight.

Finally, after hours of waiting the soon beamed through the curtain. I got up and stretched preparing for a shower. I gathered everything I needed and went to wash away the nights dream. When I finished I checked my phone, but Andy hadn't texted. It was to early for him still. I went down to breakfast around 7:30. The time went so slow when you were alone. I was back in the hotel room just sitting quietly trying not to wake my grandmother. The sound of my phone made me smile.

From Andy: Breakfast? :)

To Andy: Already ate. Been up sense 6. Video chat with my mom maybe?

I knew Andy wanted to talk to my mom. I just wanted to spend a chill day with him and what better way then making everyone happy. Again my phone wake up. My grandma stirred a bit.

From Andy: Sure! Umm be there in a few.

To Andy: How about we go to your place instead. My grandma is still sleeping.

I hadn't even set my phone down when Andy texted.

From Andy: Alright. I'm around the corner be outside please.

I was out the door as soon as I could be. I didn't want to be alone any more. I had my laptop in hand as I sat on the curb as I waited for Andy to drive up. Soon I saw my lion pull up to where I was sitting. I opened the door and sat down. "Around the corner! Haha! Took you long enough." Andy flashed me a smile. "Sorry I was out buying something." I looked at Andy and smiled back. "What did you buy?" "It's nothing special. You can put it on when we get to my house." I looked at him confused. "You're not going to tell me right?" Andy smiled and nodded. "Exactly right!" The drive to Andy's place seemed to take forever, but we finally got there.

Andy opened the door to his home and walked in. "Henry, Guy you here?" He shouted into the apartment that seemed empty. Andy took a second to listen before giving himself conformation. "It's just us babe." I smiled and made my way to the couch. I plopped down and turned on the laptop. "Hold on Hailey you gotta put on my gift for you." I gave Andy a weird look. "I'm I sure I want my mom to see me in this gift." Andy chuckled a bit. "Yes it's nothing revealing, but now that I think of it I should have bought something like that instead!" I giggled and playfully slapped his shoulder as I got up to go change. "Well I need the present so I can wear it." He reached into a bag that I just noticed was in his hands. "Here you go." He tossed me a white shirt. I walked to the bathroom and changed my shirt. I examined myself in the mirror and a girly sound left my mouth.

"Andy I love you! I've always wanted a My Box t-shirt!" I smiled as I gestured to my shirt. "I love it!" I said as I flung myself in his arms. I laid a gentle kiss on his lips. "Thank you so much babe!" Andy smiled as he laid another kiss on my lips. "Glad you like it. Okay now lets have your mom finally meet your boyfriend." He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. "She has met you before you know." I said thinking back to the day when we went to the amusement park. "That doesn't count. Now hurry up and call her up." I logged onto skype and waited for my mom to answer the call. Her face flashed on the screen and her smile slowly turned into a frown. She wasn't happy to see me with Andy. "Hey mom! It's me and I'm with Andy."

Andy lifted his hand to give a small wave. "Hello Mrs. Bennett." he said with a smile. "It's not Mrs. Bennett I remarried. It's Mrs. Smith now, but you can call me Tori." My mom gave Andy a small smile and I let out a small sigh. She liked him I could already tell. "I didn't know you were remarried Mrs. Smi- I mean Tori." My mom nodded. "Yeah. Me and Hailey's father just weren't right for each other, but I think I found Mr. Right with Gage my husband." Andy nodded. "Well that's good. We all have someone that is meant for us you know." Andy put his arm around me and pulled me closer. He gave my cheek a quick peck. I could feel myself blush. "I'm glad you two like each other." They both smiled. "I hope I get to meet you in the real world Andy." "I agree." My heart broke when they said that. My mom knew I would probably never see Andy again after this summer, so why would she lie to him?

The day continued with Andy talking to my mom. They talked about nothing, they talked about everything. I didn't care. I was just glad they liked each other. I kept thinking that if my mom likes Andy she will either let me stay in England or help get me back here after I leave. Finally, lunch time rolled around here in England and I was starving! "Well sorry Tori I would love yo continue chatting, but you daughter wants to go eat." My mom chuckled. "It's okay maybe we can talk later this month." She said with a smile. Andy nodded. "Good bye." he said as he ended the call.

"Wow, you get along better with my mom then I do!" I told him as we walked to the car. Andy drove to Nando's for lunch. "I've always wanted to come here!" I told Andy dragging him into the resteruant. "Good." he said with a chuckle. We both sat down and ordered food. While we ate I kept thinking about my dream today. I had to tell Andy I would eventually have to leave. "Andy" I started. I hope I can do this. "Yeah Hailey?" I looked at him. I wasn't sure how to say this. "I have to tell you something." I could see something new in his expression, fear is what it looked like. "What is it?" He asked. His full attention was me. "I'm going back to America at the end of the summer and there is a possibilty you may never see me again." There it was. Nothing else could be said.

Hope you like this chapter! Chapter 9 will be up soon!

Please check out my new fanfic "How am I him?! A Niall Horan FanFic" and tell me what you think!

Love you all! :) xx

Lion Love in the Jungle of Wolverhampton (An Andy Samuels FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now