Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Andy's P.O.V

"At the end of the summer I'm going back to America........ You may never see me again."

Those words rung in my head. Three days ago I heard them. Three days ago I wanted to beg Hailey to say it wasn't true. I wanted to say so much that day, but all I could force out of my throat was "Oh." That was it. I remember the way Hailey looked when I didn't say anything else. I knew her heart had broke. She must of thought I didn't care, but the problem was I cared to much. Hailey wouldn't believe me if I told her that. It must seem like I don't love her, but I do.

I just want to fix this. We haven't talked since then and I can't take it anymore. Being away from her is killing me. This had to change. I gripped my phone in my hands. Should I text her or call her? I missed Hailey's voice.I dialed her number, my breathing speeding up. I was nervous. The ringing ended and I heard a sad voice through the phone. "Hello?" I drew in a breathe. I had to tell her how I felt.

"I miss you so much, Hailey. I'm sorry I didn't say anything at lunch. I just didn't know what to say. When you told me that I couldn't breath and I felt my heart break in my chest. I'm sorry I understand if you won't forgive me. I wouldn't." I let another breath fill my lungs. I waited for her reply. Was she still on the phone with me or had she hung up? Finally, I heard a tiny breath from the other end of the reciever. "Andy, I understand how you feel. It was a lot to take in. I miss you too and we have to talk. Will you come too my hotel. My grandma went out with some one she met so it will just be me and you." I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Of course I would go to see her. I missed her so much. "Sure I'll be there when ever you would like me too." "As soon as possible please." A smile spread on my face when I know she wanted to see me that badly. "How does ten minutes sound." She sighed. "Sounds great see you soon." "I love you Hailey." It sounded as if I surprised her by the way her breathing was. "Okay." She mumbled into the phone. I waited for her to say it back, but all that came was the dialing tone. I had a feeling that this talk wouldn't be too good.


I stepped right outside room 208. I lifted my hand, which was already fisted, and knocked on the door. I heard a shuffle inside the room and the door in front of me opened. Hailey stood in front of me. Her eyes were puffy and red as if she had been crying. I smiled a pained smile at her. Why had she been crying after we talked on the mobile? "Hello beautiful." I said to her. "Come in." She said gesturing inside. I did as she told me. I saw her bed hadn't been made and her laptop sat there open with skype on the screen. Hailey made her way to the bed and sat down. "Sit please." She said patting the spot next to her. Again I did as she wanted. I smiled at her. She looked down at her hands. I saw a small tear fall onto her cheek. "What's wrong?" I said lifting her chin. "I've been thinking," She pulled her face away and looked back at her hands.

"You've been thinking about what?" I said finding her hand with mine. I went to intertwine our fingers, but she pulled away quickly. "I've been thinking about us." She wiped her cheek. "What about us?" I questioned. I could only hope this was good, but the way things were going it didn't seem like it. Hailey tucked a lose strand of her brown hair behind her ear. She lifted her face up. Her brown eyes glistened with tears. "I'm sorry." She whispered. I looked at her confused. I took her face in my hands. "Sorry for what, love. We can find away to let you stay. Or I could visit you in America. This is going to work." I felt Hailey shake her head. She put her hand on mine. She kissed the inside of palm. "No Andy, this won't work."

I dropped my hands from her face and picked up her hands. "Yes it will. We can make it work. I know we can!" She shook her head again. Tears were streaming down her face. I felt myself come close to tears as well. "It won't work. You shouldn't have to wait for me. You could have some one better." I shook my head furiously. "I don't want anyone else! I want you. The beautiful girl that is sitting in front of me. I don't want some one else. I have everything right here. You're my everything now!" I felt my eyes burn with tears. Hailey shook her head. "It's easier if I say it now then when I'm leaving." "Say what?" I looked up at her. I felt the tear drops fall on my cheek. She reached her hand to my face. She wiped the water from my cheek. I grabbed her hand. "Please" I begged. I kissed her palm. "I'm sorry." Tears covered her face as well. "Andy," she said. My breathing sped up this couldn't happen. I didn't this to happen. "No Hailey." I pleaded now. Giving all I could to have her not say anything. My heart was breaking. "I love you Hailey. I love you so much." I was crying now. I didn't care. I wanted Hailey. I needed her.

"Andy, I think we should end this." That was it. My heart broke. I fell to my knees. I brought my hands to my face. I tried to compose myself as I got up, but I couldn't. Hailey's face was covered by her hands. I heard soft sobs escaping from her sheltered face. I reached for her, but her words rang in my ears. I walked to the door. "I-I will miss you. I love you Hailey. I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm not giving up. We will be together again." I heard louder sobs leave her mouth. "Please Andy, just- just go! I'm sorry I had to hurt you, but this is for the best." I shook my head. "No it's not. I love you. But I'm going as you want me to. I'm sorry it had to be this way." Hailey's hands moved from her face. I looked up at her. "I'm going to find away for us to work out! I swear." I then shut the door. My heart broke. I dropped in front of the door. My hands flew up to my face. I let myself cry. I wanted to get Hailey back. I just didn't know how. More tears covered my face. For now I would be without her. Without the girl I love.

Thanks for reading. I know its sad, but it gets better I promise!

Chapter 10 soon.

Check out my Niall fanfic. Love you all! :) xx

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