Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

My hands hovered over the keyboard. Google sat open on the screen. "Andy, what do I look up." Andy walked over to me. His arms filled with snacks. He plopped himself next to me on the couch. "Just find a university." He shoved food into his mouth. "I found this place called Manchester University." I looked at Andy who was still shoveling food down his throat. "Well Manchester is an hour and 40 minutes away." I sighed. "This is difficult. I'm from America. I don't understand how these things work. Back home I would move to wherever the college was, but I can't do that here because I'll be living with you." I turned back to the computer and closed the screen. "Let's just go get some real food." I said to Andy taking the snacks from his hands. "Not yet we have to find you a school." Andy reached for the laptop. I stopped his hands. "Later, let's take a break. Can we hang out with someone? It's been a while since I've been social." Andy stood up and pulled me next to him. "Well, today's Liam's day off. If you want we can see what he is up to." I nodded my head. "Sounds fun." Andy pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey Li, what are you doing?" He listened for a bit. "Well, I don't think Hailey will mind. She has never met Louis, but I'm sure she will love him." My heart stopped in my chest. "Louis Tomlinson?" I asked Andy. He smiled and nodded his head. I tried to maintain my breathing. "Oh well we can have like a triple date then." Andy chuckled into the phone. "10 minutes? Okay meet you there!" He grabbed my hand and made his way to the door. "Where are we going?" "Nandos with Liam, Danielle, Louis and Eleanor." I stopped when he said Eleanor. She was so amazing and beautiful you could say I had a girl crush on her. "Should I change? What if Louis and Eleanor don't like me? What if I'm not good enough for their clique? What if I'm just not good enough?" So many thoughts of why they wouldn't like me ran through my head. I covered my face with my hands. Andy stopped and gently moved my hands away. "You're amazing, beautiful, and Danielle already likes you so Eleanor will too." Andy gave me a quick kiss. I knew my cheeks were flushed. "Now lets get going." He opened the door to my side of the car. Soon he was in the car and we were off to Nandos.

Andy's fingers were locked in mine as we walked up to the restaurant. I had to control my excitement. We walked through the door and I was greeted by two familiar smiles. "Hello Liam. Hi Danielle." I said to the couple in front of me. "Hailey!" Danielle shouted as she got up. She took me in her arms and squeezed me. "I missed you so much. I'm so glad you and Andy worked everything out." Danielle's smile spread from ear to ear. Her curly brown hair framed her face. This made her eyes seem small and her smile bigger. She clapped her hands together. "I almost forgot, met Eleanor. Eleanor this is Hailey." The girl sitting next to one of the members of One Direction gave a small wave. "Hello, nice to meet you." I whispered back. Liam stood up to greet me. He took me in his arms as well. Liam, so far, seemed to give the best hugs. He gestured for me to sit across from Louis. My cheeks were burning. I had been so in love with this boy and now I was meeting him. Andy took a seat next to me and let his hand rest on my thigh. I heard someone clear their throat then a familiar voice spoke.

"Hello I'm Louis and I'm sure these boys would have never gotten around to introducing us. So you're Hailey right? Nice to meet you." He thrusted his hand at my face. I took it and gently shook it. "Danielle introduced you to my girlfriend already, but again this is the beautiful Eleanor." I saw Eleanor's cheeks go red. "Nice to meet you both." I said. Louis smiled. "We already ordered hope you don't mind. We thought we could all share something." I looked at Andy who didn't seem to mind. "It's okay with me." I said with a smile. "So Hailey, how did you and this chump meet?" Louis pointed at Andy. "Umm, at a club. I spilt my drink on him." My cheeks went red. "I'm a klutz." I added. Louis chuckled. "I should have known you met at a club." He placed his hand to his forehead. I giggled then saw a waitress with our food.

Most of the meal was silent. The boys would talk every now and again, but Eleanor didn't say much. Once in a while Danielle would smile at her then at me. She was comforting. I knew this was just as weird for Eleanor as it was for me. "So Hailey, are you going to university." The sound of Eleanor's voice shocked me. "Umm, yes I think. I was excepted to one back home, but I want to transfer here to England. I've looked at Manchester U so far." Eleanor's face lite up. "Manchester U! I go there. It would be amazing to have a friend. I could talk to some people, pull a few strings and you're in. This is amazing." She clapped her hands in excitement. I was shocked. This girl just called me her friend. I just met her and we were friends. "So, what is the education like there?" I asked her. "It's pretty good. You will love it. We can be great friends, you, me and Dani!" I could see how excited she was. "Here let's swap numbers. I can help you get in. Where will you be staying?" "With Andy in Wolverhampton." Eleanor's face fell flat a bit, but then it lite right back up. "No worries. If you can go to Manchester you can stay with me during school then live with him the rest of the time. This is so wonderful!" She smiled big. I couldn't believe this was happening.

The drive back to Andy's flat was awkward. When we got there he walked straight to the his house without me. I trailed behind. "What is wrong?" I asked as I tried to catch up with him up the stairs. "You will be moving with El. This was about us you know!" Andy was mad. "Andy, if moving with Eleanor is the only way I can go to Manchester University then that is what is going to happen." He sat down on the bed and I sat next to him. "You are moving here to be with me not her." I laid a hand on him. "That is true, but I have to go to school as well." "I could take you to school." I looked at him. "You are going to drive an hour and a half everyday to and from Manchester to come get me?" I shook my head at him. "This is the only way we can be together and look Andy the short drive away I will be is better then having me across the freaking ocean. We can see each other whenever you like." Andy sighed. He knew I was right. Everything was going right. My future was going just as I wanted it too. "Everything is perfect now." I whispered to Andy. I laid a kiss on his cheek. I nodded to myself. Everything really was perfect.

I dedicated this to Summer because she has been amazing. She leaves me nice comments and tries to get people to read this and the others. It really means a lot. Thank you so much! I love you wattpad buddy. Hopefully we can become better friends!

Thank you to everyone else who reads this it means a lot!

Love you all!! :) xx

Lion Love in the Jungle of Wolverhampton (An Andy Samuels FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now