Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Laughs and giggles filled the air around me. I stepped out of the bathroom and wrapped my hair up in a towel so it would dry. "How was the baby?" I asked Kelly, my little sister. "He was fine." I nodded to myself before walking into my room. After a second or two in ran my nephew. "Auntie, I'm not a baby!" he shouted at me. "No, you're not." I said scooping him up in my arms. "How old are you now, Nicky?" He held up four fingers to my face. "Oh, that's right your four." I said sitting him on the bed. "I'm a big boy." He replied defensively. "Yes, you're a big boy, but that doesn't mean I can't do this." I extended my fingers and began tickling him. I didn't notice that on my laptop screen a skype call from Andy was still going on. "Well, I come back to the computer and you're tickling random children." My nephew stopped laughing and looked up at the screen. "Who's that?" he asking pointing a finger at my laptop. "It's your auntie's boyfriend. Now, go play with you aunt Kelly." I helped my nephew down from the bed. "I don't want to play with aunt Kelly! She's a butt head." Nicky crossed his arms over his chest. "I heard that little boy, so guess what, no ice cream for you." My nephew's eyes widened. "Wait, you have ice cream? Auntie Kelly I love you!" he ran out of my room with his arms out wide. I chuckled to myself then turned my attention back to the screen.

"So, that was Nicky, your nephew." I nodded my head. Andy chuckled. "He's cute. You look really adorable when you're laughing. I never got to tell you that when you were here." I felt the pink shading creep onto my cheeks. "Thank you." I whispered back. "What were you doing waiting here on skype anyways. I told you I would call you when I got out of the shower. You didn't have to wait." I began to unwrap the towel from my head, so I could brush my hair out. "I waited because it wasn't going to kill me to sit here and wait for you. I also talked to your sister a bit." "What?" I asked shocked. "Yeah, she walked in here and we talked for a little bit." My face got red as I thought of everything she could have told him. "What did you guys talk about?" I asked running my fingers through my hair. "Nothing, just how she was about to start high school. Stuff like that." I sighed in relief. "What time is it there?" I asked. "It's around 11 at night. What about over there?" I reached down for my phone. "4 in the after noon. You should go to sleep, Andy. Text me in the morning." "My morning or your morning?" he asked. "Your morning." I said to him. He didn't argue even though he knew I would still be sleeping when it was around morning in England. I waved good bye to him and blew him a kiss. It was sad how our relationship now was just time zones.

I finished brushing my hair then threw it up into a bun. My nephew came running into my room again. "Done with your boyfriend?" he asked. I nodded my head and helped him onto the bed. I sat him down and he handed me my phone. "Nicky what have I told you about playing with my phone." I said to him. "I felt it ring." He said handing it to me. "Oh." I said to him. I unlocked it and checked my messages. There was just one from Andy.

From Andy: I forgot to say I love you. So I love you, babe.

I smiled at my phone before replying quickly.

To Andy: I love you too :) xx

I set my phone back down on the bed. I looked over at Nicky, who had curled up and fell asleep. "Doesn't seem like a bad idea." I said to the sleeping boy. I lied down next to him and put my arm around him. He snuggled closer to me and before I knew it I was asleep.

Andy's strong arms wrapped around my waist. He stood behind, my back to his chest. His chin rested on my shoulder. I placed my hands over his. "I love you, so much." he whispered into my ear. I felt his lips meet my neck. "I love you too." I said back to him. I turned so I was facing him. I took his face in my hands. I let my arms then find their way around his neck. Our lips came in contact. I forgot what it felt like to kiss him. Andy pulled away catching his breath. "Promise me you'll never leave me again." He whispered resting his forehead on mine. I pulled him closer tightening my arms around him. His hands pulled my hips closer to him. I placed my lips on his again. I pulled away this time. I sat my head on his chest. "I promise." I whispered.

I felt tiny hands on my shoulders shaking me. My eyes flew open automatically searching for Nicky. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked my nephew taking him in my arms. "Are you okay auntie. Why are you crying?" I reached up for my face and felt small tears on my cheeks. My nephew reached his hand to my face an wiped them away. "Don't cry." he whispered to me. He sat himself on my lap and placed his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. "I didn't mean to scare you, Nicky. It was just a dream." I felt him nod his little head. "A bad one?" he asked. I tightened my arms around the little boy. "No a good one." "Then why cry if it was good?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe it was too good. Maybe I just miss the stuff that happened in the dream. Maybe I just really miss him." I nephew's hand found mine. "Don't cry no more. You have me." I smiled to my self. "You're right." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. I felt a little better thanks to Nicky, but a piece of me felt missing. A big piece. And I know I won't get that piece back until I am wrapped in Andy's arms. The question was, would I ever get to go back to England to be with Andy? My heart ached at the thought. I would go back. I had too.

Thanks for reading!

Sorry it was so short and sorry for taking so long to update.

Love you all! :) xx

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