Chapter 19

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Andy's P.O.V

My cellphone rested in between my shoulder and my ear as I tried unlocking the door to my flat. "Well, babe I haven't seen the mail yet." I said into the cell as I opened the door. Hailey heavily sighed into the phone. "I promise the minute I get the letter I will let you know." I told her trying to relax her. "What if it never shows up. What happens to us?" she asked her voice full of hurt. "We will figure it out then. For now just stay hopeful. I have to go so I can get ready for our skype date." "Okay Andy. See you in like 30 minutes." I smiled even though she couldn't see it. "See you then. I love you Hailey." I heard her fumble with something then she replied. "I love you too." I waited then heard the dial tone. I tossed my phone on the bed along with the rest of the stuff I had in my hand. I sighed then through myself next to everything else. This long distance thing was exhausting. The only time I can talk to Hailey is around five or six for her because she is taking care of her nephew. It's almost two in the morning here. I ran out to get some food since I hadn't eaten dinner. I opened my laptop and logged onto skype. I didn't care how I looked I just wanted to talk to my girlfriend. The girl I was trying so hard to stay with, even if it meant losing sleep.

I looked to see if Hailey was online and as always she was. I clicked the call button and waited for her face to pop up on the screen. "Hello handsome. You didn't talk long to get ready." Hailey smile at me. I loved the way her eyes got so small when she smiled. "I couldn't wait to see you." I said yawning a bit. Her smile fell flat. "I forgot it was late there. Damn it! I'm so stupid sometimes." Hailey's hands flew up to her face pushing the hair away. "You're not stupid. Don't worry I have all day to sleep. I don't have all day to talk to you." She sighed loudly. "I'm sorry." she whispered. "I told you, don't worry." Hailey pulled her knees up, hugging them. "I'm still sorry. You don't get enough sleep and I can see that. You have bags under your eyes because of me. You're eating way to late and that's not healthy. I feel like I have just ruined everything for you. When was the last time you have tried to come up with a shirt design? I'm sorry I'm nagging, but I just bring you down." I looked at her shocked. I was doing this long distance thing because I love her. I took in a breath then smoothed my hair out.

"Babe, I'm doing this for us. I don't mind being a little tired and I used to eat like this before we even got together. As for my job I'm always behind because I procrastinate. Don't feel bad because I don't mind doing this if it means I can be with you." I saw a small smile spread across her face. "Okay Andy. I won't feel bad anymore, but you have to get some sleep. At least for tonight if you don't want to sleep any other nights." "I'm not done talking to you. I want to stay here with you." I sighed as I reached for my food. "We will talk tomorrow in my morning." Hailey smiled at me. Her eyes shining. "Okay." I said with a mouth full of food. "Love you talk to you tomorrow." She blew a kiss to me. "Love you too." I said with food still in my mouth. I closed the laptop then finished my food. Once I was done eating I laid down to go to bed.

I woke up to my phone going off. I reached for it and answered tiredly. "Hello?" I mumbled. My eyes were still closed. "Good morning Andy. I just called to see if Hailey's letter from Manchester has shown up yet." My mind wrapped around the voice talking to me. "Good morning Eleanor. No Hailey's letter has come yet, but it could be here today I haven't checked the mail yet." I yawned a little then sat up in bed. "Oh. Well, tell me when the letter arrives okay?" Will do El." I heard her mumbled bye then she hung up. I stretched my arms then rolled out of bed. Everyone wanted that letter to arrive. I don't want to keep them waiting so I walked out to check the mail. I walked out to the post and checked for the letter. Nothing. I walked back inside and through myself on the couch. I turned on the TV looking for something good to watch. Soon my eyelids got heavy and sleep consumed me.

"Hey Andy you awake there man?" I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my arms above my head. "I am now." I said to the person who woke me up. I turned my head and saw Henry standing there. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. I saw the TV on and thought you were awake. The snores should've told me you weren't. So long night with Hailey?" I shook my head as I got up from the couch. "I got an early phone call from someone. Then I went out to check the mail." I said stretching my legs. "Oh speaking of the mail there was a letter for Hailey. It looked formal." My eyes widened. "Where did you put it?" I asked searching the counter with my eyes. I saw Henry open a cabinet and he pulled out an envelope. "Here you go." he said handing me the letter. I looked it over and right there on the top it was written Hailey Bennett.

My fingers traced over the letter multiple times. Finally, I decided to open the tab. I yanked it open and pulled out a crisp, white paper. I unfolded it. "Dear Hailey Bennett," I read to myself. I finished reading and gasped. How was I going to tell Hailey?

Thanks for reading!

The next chapter is the last one.

Hope you enjoyed love you all! :) xx

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